1920`s Group Project

1920’s Project: Social and Cultural Conflict
Objective: Prove the 1920’s was a decade of tension and conflict
between traditional values and new and changing attitudes.
1. Select a trend, movement or event from the list below and cover it in depth through
a skit, in a power point or on video etc.
2. You should provide a description of the movement, trends or events.
3. You must explain the role they/it played during the 1920’s.
4. You must illustrate how your topic illustrates a break with “traditional values” of
the pre-1920’s or how it tries to hold on to traditional values-Did your subject
cause tension, if so how?
5. You also must include video and/or audio clips and photographs or props.
6. Projects will be presented to the class (30 minute presentation). You will work
in groups of four or five. Be creative!!
7. Groups will be graded as a whole; each group member must produce “their
contribution” notes, research, etc.…in order to receive credit. Anyone NOT producing such
materials will not earn the group grade!!!!!!
Topics will be assigned randomly; you may trade with willing classmates.
Research Sections:
1. Flappers, changing role of women in American, gender equity, double standard, 19th
2. Prohibition Era-18th and 21st Amendment, Rise of Organized Crime,
3. Jazz Age, Lost Generation, Art of the 1920s
4. Science vs. Religion- Clash of political and religious views during the 20s. Topics to include
Red Scare, Scopes Trial, Palmer Raids,
5. Rise of spectator sports in America. First Generation of sports “heroes”. Address popular
trends of the 1920s as well.
6. Harlem Renaissance and civil rights of the 1920s.
Sources: The Americans textbook, or any other accredited history text and you will have access to the chrome
books in class.
Presentation Teacher assessed- 100 points
Presentation – student assessed- 40 points
Each prep day-20 points
Daily Exit ticket or 3-2-1 activity- 10 points each day
Note: your classmates will be responsible for 1/2 of the grade you earn…impress them!!!