Canada 1920`s Arts and Culture Research and Sketch

1920’s Canada: Arts and Culture - Research and Sketch
Create a Works Cited page for the sources you used while researching your
Canadian 1920’s Arts and Media topic. This should include two reliable web sources
and your textbook. Refer to the Guide to Referencing resource for correct MLA
/6 T/I
Work with the students who share your Arts and Media topic. Using your research
and the handout 1920’s Slang create a sketch to present to the class that includes the
following things:
10 pieces of important information about your topic
/10 K/U
6 pieces of 1920’s slang
/6 C
Curriculum Connections
A1.2 Historical Inquiry – select and organize relevant evidence and information on
aspects of Canadian history since 1914 from a variety of primary and secondary
A1.3 Historical Inquiry – assess the credibility of sources and information relevant to
their investigations
B3.2 Identity, Citizenship, and Heritage – describe some significant changes in the arts
and popular culture in Canada during this period
Oral Communication 2.3 Speaking to Communicate – Clarity and Coherence –
communicate in a clear, coherent manner appropriate to the purpose, subject matter
and intended audience
Reading and Literature Studies 1.3 Demonstrating Understanding of Content – identify
the important ideas and supporting details in both simple and complex texts