2013 - 2014 School Plan - Macquarie Fields High School

Macquarie Fields High School
Whole School Plan - 2013
School Context
Macquarie Fields High School is a unique multicultural blended school that is committed to extending its selective and comprehensive students within a culture that values high achievement, strong relationships and excellence in
teaching and learning. The school is committed to creating an optimal learning environment based on our vision and goals for our students through shifts in our thinking and a focus on innovative pedagogy. This is underpinned by
targeted professional learning. The school’s distinctive nature and outstanding achievements in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits mark it as a learning community that offers its students and teachers rich opportunities for
leadership and quality learning. This demonstrated commitment to excellence is supported by a broad, differentiated curriculum and progressive welfare practices.
School Priority Areas : 2012 – 2014
Literacy & Numeracy
Student Engagement & Attainment
Leadership & Management
Curriculum & Assessment
Cross KLA Teams
Identification/Communication of students’
learning needs
Building staff capacity in Literacy/Numeracy
Embedding best practice in Literacy & Numeracy
Student Welfare
Aboriginal Education
Engagement and Attainment
School Culture
Community Partnerships
Professional Learning
Technology for Teaching, Learning &
Performance management
Enhancing our Culture of Excellence in Teaching
Curriculum Framework
Australian Curriculum
Assessment & reporting
Student Credentialing
Students at risk of not achieving at or above minimum standard in NAPLAN literacy (historically 1 -2%) & Numeracy ( historically 0 -2%) identified and targeted to achieve minimum standard by 2014.
Increased proportion of students achieving or exceeding state average growth in NAPLAN.
Underachieving high performing students identified and targeted to achieve minimum expected growth. ( with a focus on independent writing in particular).
5% increase in the overall attendance rate.
96% retention from Yr10 – Yr11 with 98% of students completing the HSC, moving to alternative educational settings or gainful employment.
50% of the HSC scores are Band 5 or 6.
100% of New Scheme Teachers achieve accreditation at the level of Professional Competence and maintain accreditation.
Teachers’ leadership capacity development is enhanced by 2014.
5% ( increasing to 10% by 2014) of teachers engaged in accreditation to Professional Accomplishment or Leadership under the Institute of Teachers.
This plan has been approved by:
School Education Director:
Macquarie Fields High School
Organisational Platform
Quality Learning Outcomes for
Literacy &
Curriculum &
Student Engagement
& Attainment
Professional Learning
Leadership &
Strategic Resourcing
Executive Team
Macquarie Fields High School
Key Priority Areas
Establishing Cross KLA Teams
Aboriginal Support Team
Identifying & Communicating Learning Needs
Building Staff Capacity
Embedding Literacy & Numeracy
Literacy &
& Attainment
Leadership &
Engaging Curriculum
Cutting Edge Technology
Supportive Welfare Practices
Inclusive Transition Practices
Building Community
Professional Learning
Performance Management
Succession Planning
Technology for Learning & Management
Curriculum &
 Curriculum Framework
 Assessment & Reporting
 Student Credentialing
Macquarie Fields High School Plan - 2013
Priority Area:
Literacy & Numeracy
Intended Outcomes:
Increased levels of literacy achievement for every student, with a diminished gap between Aboriginal students and all other students
Increased levels of numeracy achievement for every student, with a diminished gap between Aboriginal students and all other students
A more unified and consistent approach to the development of literacy & numeracy skills for all students
Improved staff capacity to embed literacy & numeracy into classroom practice and address the improvement in skills for all students.
Cross KLA teams
 Maintain whole school Literacy / Numeracy
Team/s with representation across all KLAs.
 Ensure established teams have a clear link to the
whole school Data Team and that there is an
implementation plan for each year.
 Team/s analyse available data to identify both
literacy & numeracy needs and determine a
whole school approach to skill improvement.
 Team/s develop key focus areas for 2013 and
work to devise regular, appropriate professional
learning and support for all staff to ensure
successful, consistent implementation of
strategies across all KLAs.
Identification / Communication of Students’
Literacy / Numeracy needs
 Continue annual analysis of NAPLAN and
provide appropriate data packages to all staff.
 Target all levels of achievement with a particular
focus on low achievers and underachievers.
 Continue concept of ‘class profiles’ in core
subject areas to track the development of literacy
& numeracy skills and provide communication
from year to year.
 Investigate other available data ( ie: school
reports and anecdotal observations from
previous teachers) and determine how it can be
best used to inform and enhance whole school
Time Frame
Led by
 Active literacy/ numeracy team/s representative
of all KL’s.
 Literacy / numeracy team/s meet regularly and
communicate a clear whole school approach to
all KLAs.
 All staff supported by appropriate professional
learning to support implementation of whole
school focus on literacy /numeracy skill
Lit/Num Pillar Team to
Literacy/Numeracy Teams
 All staff / faculties have access to relevant data
in a form that easily accessible.
 All staff involved in tracking student skill
development and become more informed about
the needs of individual students they teach.
Data Team
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Data Team
 Provide parents with information highlighting the
school’s focus on literacy / numeracy and
opportunities to gain skills to support their
children’s learning at home.
Building Staff capacity
 Complete initial Stepping Out training and train
new staff
 Investigate additional appropriate resources and
professional learning for all staff
 Provide professional learning opportunities for all
KLAs including ongoing PL in terms of SMART 2
DATA use.
 Develop and implement appropriate school
based professional learning utilising the
expertise of staff at MFHS and partner schools.
 Create a bank of e-learning modules to
demonstrate strategies that are central to our
whole school focus.
 Engage with partner primary schools re
scope/sequence for reading and spelling.
Embedding Literacy & Numeracy
 Investigate best practice within other schools
 Support faculties to develop and embed
strategies appropriate to their KLA.
 Revisit the QTF – in particular in terms of Explicit
Quality Criteria
 Support the purchase and development of
resource banks in all KLAs
 Investigate options within the school day to
utilise for the teaching of literacy/numeracy skills.
 Introduce Peer Reading program
 Establish a collection of work samples to support
teachers’ professional judgement
 Increased parental involvement in student
Literacy / Numeracy Teams
 All staff are trained and confident in the use of
the SMART 2 package.
 Individual teaching programs in all KLAs
informed by appropriate data.
 Improved NAPLAN results
 All staff trained in Stepping Out - Writing
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Exec Team
C4E (Tied)
$ 2,000 (for relief)
$3,000 (Relief)
TPL (Tied)
C4E (Tied)
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Data team
Literacy / Numeracy Team
 Faculty plans explicitly identify strategies to meet
literacy needs of targeted student groups.
 Faculties have banks of literacy and numeracy
strategies appropriate to their KLA and embed
these strategies confidently into learning
 Peer Reading Program operational
 Improved reading results
Literacy / Numeracy
Curriculum Head Teachers
Literacy / Numeracy Team/s
Macquarie Fields High School Plan - 2013
Priority Area:
Student Engagement & Attainment
Intended Outcomes:
Increased levels of student engagement in all aspects of their schooling in Years 7-12 including feeling safe and secure in the school environment.
Students clearly understand what is expected of them and work to attain the best possible educational outcomes they are capable of.
Improved staff capacity to engage students in a calm, exciting and technologically enhanced learning environment.
Students feel supported as they transition from primary school to high school and then, work collaboratively with staff and parents, to successfully transition to further education and/or the workforce.
Effective implementation of the Aboriginal Education Policy
Aboriginal students are well supported, with improved learning outcomes
Enhanced, authentic Community Partnerships
Engagement and Retention
 Faculties explore/embed explicit differentiation
strategies for the Senior School. (Including
ESL strategies.) TELL training.
 Teams develop more Integrated Learning
Units focusing on Year 10-11
 Implement revised Study Skills program to
better meet the needs of students staying on
because of Raised Leaving Age.
 Investigate early commencement Stage 5
VET/Pre Vet-taster courses in Stage 4.
 Apply Round 5 Trade Training Centres in
Schools – Hospitality.
 Expand School to Work program to
incorporate Year 7 and strengthen Transition
Planning for all students.
 Reinvigorate Year 10 curriculum and
assessment & reporting in light of
Aboriginal Education
 Aboriginal Education Support Team continues
to support students
Time Frame
Led by
All students experience success and attain at a
level commensurate with ability.
Exec Team/Pillar team
Common skills and values are reflected across
the curriculum in the context of engaging, relevant
and authentic learning tasks.
All students empowered to take control of their
own learning
All faculties/HT
Expanded curriculum options provide alternate
and engaging pathways for all students.
Industry standard training and assessment facility
accessible to all students.
Links between curriculum and the world of work
explicit; students able to explain the relevance of
what they do to the world of work
Year 10 engaged in academically rigorous
program of study for the whole year.
Increase in Year 10 attendance
VET Coord/Careers/Exec
 All Aboriginal students have a quality, detailed
and accessible learning plan
TPL (Tied)
HT Welfare /YAs
VET Coord/Careers/Exec
VET Co-ordinator & team
Careers Adviser
Jnr. Assessment C’ttee
 Identify Aboriginal students requiring
additional support in literacy/numeracy
 Support all staff to ensure provision of quality,
evidence – based teaching and learning and
reporting programs
Student Welfare
 Continued implementation of Anti-bullying
 Launch and implementation of PBL, including
revision of Merit Scheme
 Encourage effective & positive use of RISC
 Early intervention on attendance & truancy
 Diet and student performance
 Student Leadership (SRC, Social Justice,
Peer Support, Peer Tutors etc)
 Identify and re-engage selective students
HT T&L/Support Team
 Reduced literacy/numeracy achievement gap
 Staff utilising IEPs of all students to inform
programming and practice
 Improved student attendance, retention and
achievement rates
 Enhanced post school options for Aboriginal
Welfare/Transition team
Transition (Tied)
Welfare team / Careers
Helping Hand
Faculties/HT T&L
 Students, staff and parents aware of
responsibilities and processes to be employed in
minimising bullying in and beyond the school.
 A more consistent, positive behaviour approach
emphasising self regulation and promoting
 Merit scheme used widely by staff to recognise
achievement and effort
 Increase in positive RISC entries
 Improved rates of attendance to 96%+ average
for each year.
 Students better informed about healthy habits;
healthy minds.
 Students seek a diverse range of leadership
 Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training for all
staff to support integration into mainstream for
students with challenging behaviours.
 Improved attainment of gifted and talented
 Reduction of Bands 1 – 3 amongst selective &
comprehensive cohorts
 %75 of staff trained in NCI at any given time,
allowing for turnover.
 Review 6 – 7 transition strategies to
rationalise activities
 Further develop the Peer Support Program to
involve Yr 10 students working with Yr 6
 Information skills course for Year 7 linked to
class work and assessment tasks terminology
as used in the classroom. (Helping Hand Project)
 Transition strategies more coherent and better
 Students more comfortable with the world of high
 Increased self esteem of new students; enhanced
resilience and a reduction in anxiety for new
DP/HT,W/ Welfare Pillar
PBL team
All staff
HT Admin & HT Welfare,
Year Advisers/Canteen
HT Welfare
HT T&L/ Exec Team
HT T&L/ Exec Team
 Continue partnership with cluster primary
schools to embed Helping Hand for
 Reintroduce visits to feeder schools of new
Year 7 selective students.
 Year 7 students better equipped to meet the
demands of a high school curriculum including a
clear understanding of language as used to
describe processes; information skills and
assessment requirements.
 Review strategies to better prepare Year 10
students for the senior school.
 Yr 11 students more quickly settled and display a
more mature work ethic.
Student Eng. & Att. Pillar
 The Fast Forward Mentoring Program
 Talented students re-engaged with university
pathway , supported by university mentors (Fast
 Students better prepared for university & TAFE
Fast Forward Co-ord.
 Continue to enhance partnerships with
universities & TAFE
School Culture and Community Partnerships
 Establish Community Partnerships team.
 Embed community projects into specific
curriculum areas.
 Support Tech Team re content and currency
of information on new website.
 Enhanced image within the local community; staff,
students and parents aware of promotions;
focuses and achievements of all.
 Staff and students community awareness raised
and the profile of the school as an integral part of
the local community enhanced.
 Data obtained to inform student welfare and
school culture initiatives
 School culture surveys of staff, students and
 Review and enhance strategies such as
Celebration Day that allow the staff, students
and community to interact.
 Maintain and extend opportunities for the
recognition of student achievement.
HT T&L / Careers Adv
Community Partnerships
Macquarie Fields High School Plan - 2013
Priority Area:
Leadership & Management
Intended Outcomes:
 Enhanced program of co-ordinated, differentiated professional learning with clear links to school and faculty plans and the professional learning needs of all staff
 Whole school improvements gained as a result of C4E programs are consolidated and enhanced
 Increased staff capacity to effectively embed technology into teaching & learning programs
Professional Learning
 Whole School Professional Learning
(MyPL@MFHS), underpinned by the
Leadership Capability Framework, the Quality
Teaching Framework and the Institute of
Teachers/National Standards.
 Enhancement of the Collegial Support program
to ensure needs of staff, especially NST, are
met including;
- the requirements of the Institute of
Teachers accreditation
- supporting teachers maintaining
- Support for staff seeking accreditation at
PL or PA
- Mentoring opportunities for staff at different
career stages.
 Continue to provide quality supervision,
mentoring and support to pre service teachers
in conjunction with university partners U Syd/
 Establish a Professional Learning Hub as a
professional work space within the school.
Time Frame
Led by
Staff have access to, and are supported by a
differentiated model of collegial support.
All staff have professional learning plans which
align with school, faculty and personal
professional learning needs.
All staff take responsibility for planning and
developing their skills and professional capacity.
All staff are aware of and are engaged in the
whole school professional learning framework
underpinned by the QTF, LCF and the Institute of
Teachers Standards and whole school planning
DP Curriculum & PL
Teacher Mentor
Beg Teach
Mentor (tied)
L&M Pillar Team
HT T&L/Teacher Mentor,
Curriculum HT’s
TPL QT (Tied)
TPL (Tied)
Professional resources centrally located and
accessible to all staff
Staff utilise the PL Hub as a place for
professional dialogue both formal & informal
 Professional learning in Gifted and Talented
Education to meet the ongoing needs of all
 KLA based professional learning opportunities
for all staff to build capacity in both current
curriculum delivery requirements and the
forthcoming Australian Curriculum.
 Facilitating positive cultures through:
- Targeting staff for appropriate leadership
- Collaborative sharing of ideas via cross
KLA unit planning and delivery, team
teaching opportunities and teacher
 Participation in online training & learning
modules offered by DEC
Technology for learning and management
 Investigate the concept of a team of student &
staff ‘Experts’ to support technology in T&L
 Encourage access to regular training for staff &
students – ie: inschool Breakie with a Techie
 Implement whole school technology plan
 Revisit the structure of the data filing system
To ensure it is ‘user friendly’ for all staff
 Re-establish a team to evaluate the school
moodle and further encourage and develop its
use by both staff and students.
 New school website via Schools website
Performance management
 Maintain and monitor TARS/EARS processes
to enrich our culture of professional
accountability and growth.
 Provide ongoing accountability and support to
ensure basic programming, differentiation,
teaching skills and consistency are applied
across all faculties.
 Align PLPs with school and faculty plans
 Coordinate succession plans and incorporate
retirement plans where relevant and provide
opportunities for capacity building.
 Maintain the ongoing faculty evaluation
All staff have access to, and are engaged in
updated and accredited training in gifted and
talented education (GERRIC, UNSW)
Staff are more confident in their use of
technology as a tool for teaching & learning
Student laptops are more efficiently & effectively
used in T&L
Technology plan is published and embedded in
Staff and students regularly use the school
intranet and moodle as part of the T&L process.
New website operational and usage monitored
All staff engaged and supported by TARS /
EARS processes
Increased staff leadership capacity as a result of
TARS / EARS processes and personal
professional development planning.
Succession plans in place in all areas of the
school ensure the ongoing delivery of quality
Teaching & Learning
Retirement plans support staff transition where
Faculties reflect regularly on practice and
continue to develop as high functioning
educational units.
C4E (Tied)
TPL (tied)
Technology Team
DP Curriculum & PL
DP Welfare &
Increased participation of staff as leaders of
professional learning within their school
Greater cross KLA interaction between staff.
Increased participation in online PL modules
offered by the DEC.
DP Curriculum & PL
Exec Team
Snr Exec
Exec Team
Executive Team
Macquarie Fields High School Plan - 2013
Priority Area:
Curriculum & Assessment
Intended Outcomes:
Consolidation of a curriculum that meets the needs of all learners while providing a platform of sustained excellence in learning.
Developing a curriculum in line with BOS and ACARA guidelines that is both engaging and challenging for all learners.
Ensuring that our assessment practices clearly differentiate student performance and provide quality feedback that guides student learning.
Ensuring that our reporting practices provide students, parents and employers with clear evidence of student learning.
Curriculum Framework
 Form a team for the purpose of conducting a
full curriculum audit in response to the New
School Leaving Age, Australian Curriculum
and sustaining a culture of excellence &
 Investigate and evaluate the framework and
administration of our curriculum including the
management and administration of the whole
school timetable.
 Investigate the nature of our curriculum and its
success in meeting the needs of all learners.
 Develop a best model and phase in changes
from 2014.
 Support faculties in the implementation in new
Australian Curriculum
 Implement a whole school approach to
awareness raising, development &
implementation of the Australian Curriculum in
line with BOS directions.
 Support a faculty focussed approach to
professional development for developing the
understanding of syllabus and BOS
requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
 Provide feedback on the History pilot of the
Time Frame
 Curriculum reflects the needs of all students,
particularly those staying on as a result of the raised
leaving age.
Led by
DP Curric/C&A Pillar
Team/Curriculum Audit
 Curriculum framework and delivery meets the needs
of the diverse clientele
 Curriculum is delivered and managed successfully
and equitably across all KLA areas.
 Curriculum delivered has options to challenge and
engage all learners.
 All staff are involved in the development of a fresh
and purposeful approach to the whole school
As above
 Staff are aware of the Australian Curriculum and are
confident in meeting the challenges in terms of
implementation and student credentialing.
Exec Team/Pillar
Team/KLA HTs
 Faculties work together to keep current and abreast
of development and implementation of the Australian
As above plus timetable
As above plus KLA HTs
Executive Team
HT History/Exec
Team/DP Curric.
Australian Curriculum and support to English,
Mathematics and Science in their planning for
 Provide time and resources for programming
and resource development in English,
Mathematics, Science and other KLAs as
syllabus and timeline for implementation
becomes available.
Assessment and Reporting
 Implement practices that build an
understanding of student performance
standards that match BOS criteria. These
practices may include;
Establishment and continual update of a
set of student work samples that reflect
the full range of performance standards
for each student group.
Planned professional learning to build
teacher capacity for consistency in
assessment and grading A-E
 Develop school wide consistent practices for
the ongoing assessment of student learning in
Yrs 7 – 10. These practices will include;
Investigation and implementation of
consistent practices for the development
and presentation of student assessment
Investigation and implementation of a
school wide approach to the
development of junior assessment
schedules and policy.
 Establish a team to evaluate the current
reporting system and examine the possible
purchase and introduction of a new system.
Student Credentialling
 Provide appropriate professional learning for
staff re implications of changes to Year 10
assessment, reporting & accreditation.
 Faculties ready to deliver quality learning
experiences for all students in line with the Australian
Curriculum as required by the BOS.
 All staff confident in their assessment of student
learning against BOS state performance standards
 Students have a clear understanding of their
learning and achievements against a state wide
 Faculties present a consistent approach to the
assessment of student learning that is reflected in
feedback on assessment tasks and in the whole
school report.
 Consistent practices adopted on a school wide
basis for the development and presentation of
student assessment tasks
 Consistent practices adopted on a school wide
basis for providing regular feedback to students.
 Junior assessment policy is clear and consistently
implemented across the school.
 Junior Assessment Schedule Yrs 7 – 10
 High quality whole school formal reporting practices
are evident across all faculties.
Snr Exec/DP Curric
TPL (Tied)
TPL (Tied)
DP Curric/C&A Pillar
Team/Curriculum HT’s
DP Curric/C&A Pillar
Team/Curriculum HT’s
As above
DP Curric/C&A Pillar
Jnr /Snr Assess Teams
DP Curric/C&A Pillar
Team/Curriculum HT’s
DP Curric/A&R Pillar
Jnr/Snr Assess Teams
 Staff have sound understanding of the
administration of ROSA/HSC credentialing,
including application of grades in Year 11.