Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Statement

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium Funding Statement 2014-2015
The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7
pupils who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).
The total amount of funding received by William Brookes for 2014-2015 is £11,500.
How we will spend this allocation
Additional Teaching staff time in English to allow for small group work in literacy
Additional teaching staff time in Maths to allow for small group work in numeracy
Provision for a ‘Golden Group’ of eligible students, this includes: - Additional English group of 9 students with significant areas of weakness in reading,
spelling and/or writing. The group is supported by a HLTA
- Literacy routine was established
- Assessment 1: Pen Portrait - WRITING ASSESSMENT - composition and effect, structure
and organisation, and grammar and technical accuracy
- Assessment 2: Writing poetry - WRITING ASSESSMENT - three different forms of poetry creativity, language choice and structure/form.
- Assessment 3: Prose Study - READING ASSESSMENT respond to a text following the PEE
paragraph structure (Point, Evidence, Explore effect).
- Assessment 4: Drama study - READING – drawing on their learning of PEE, a vital skill for
- Each student of the GG on entry was tested for reading and spelling – retesting after 10
A further ‘expanded’ GG group created in Humanities from January 2015.
Encompassing Geography, History, RS and PSHE – using Year 7 baseline assessments. All
students below Level 4 were selected.
Level 3 TA as well as a subject specialist TA was deployed to support the Humanities
Same literacy routines used in English are reflected in these lessons– ie SPAG and same
forms of written communication (PEE)
9 hours, additional Teaching Assistant with English and Humanities groups
Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium Allocation 2013-2014
The total amount of funding received last year was £15,500.
How we spent this allocation
Use of HLTAs to lead withdrawal groups in English to improve Literacy
Use of HLTAs to lead withdrawal groups in Maths to improve Numeracy
How the spending made a difference to the students
31 students were eligible for funding support.
For literacy, 15 students had a reading level of 3B on starting with William Brookes. Of these, 66.7%
made 1 full levels progress, 6.25% made 2 levels progress and 20% made one half levels progress. In
writing, 15 students started at Level 3B, 60% made 1 levels progress, 13.3% made 2 levels progress
and 26.7% made half a levels progress.
For numeracy, 16 students started with us at level 3B. 68.75% made 1 full levels progress and 25%
made half a levels progress.