Julius Caesar Children's Book

ABC Book Research Project
Create an ABC Book for the play Julius Caesar. This book should accurately depict the
events that occur in the play as well as the characters, symbols, and theme(s) that are
presented. See the following guidelines.
Cover: Your book should have a cover, which contains a title, the name of the book's
author, and an illustration.
Title Page: The title page needs to include the title of the book, an explanation of the
project, and your name.
Table of Contents: List of words or phrases you have selected to represent each letter of
the alphabet and the pages on which they start.
Book Pages: You are to have a page for every letter of the alphabet. Each page should
have a letter prominently displayed as well as a word, phrase, or idea that relates to
Julius Caesar that starts with that letter. Each word should be accompanied with a
picture. There must be at least two sentences per page, which should be research-based
information. The informational statements must be tied to the word, phrase, or idea that
goes with the letter. You are welcome to include more than two sentences per page!
Writing & Conventions: The sentences included in your book need to be written
correctly following the rules of grammar, mechanics, and punctuation.
Creativity: You are to use creativity as you complete this project!
Work Cited Page: Citation of research in MLA format
Project Format: you have the choice of creating a hard copy book or PowerPoint
Ides of March
Before the historical assassination of Julius Caesar, the Ides of March was referred to
as “a division of the calendar based on the phases of the moon” (Beware). The Ides is
supposed to be on the fifteen of March; however, sometimes it is considered the 13th
because “[it is] supposed to be on the day of the full moon” (Beware). In the play, Julius
Caesar, a soothsayer warns Caesar to beware the Ides of March, warning of his death.
Citation Example:
"Beware the Ides of March! The Ides and Julius Caesar's Fate." Ancient History.
Web. 17 Feb. 2015. <http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/caesar1/g/ides
Newspaper Research Project
Create a newspaper for the play Julius Caesar. This newspaper should be accurate to the
events that took place in the play. See the following guidelines.
Your newspaper must include a title that reflects the time period of when Julius Caesar
takes place.
Headline Story:
Write an article about the one of the following topics that occur during the play: Ides of
March, Battle at Philippi, or the assignation of Julius Caesar. You must research one of these
topics from a credible source. You may not use Wikipedia as a source to reference.
Write an interview on ONE of the IMPORTANT characters. You MUST do it in interview
format (like Q and A or Interviewer and character’s name). The character you choose can be
a protagonist or an antagonist.
Write one obituary for a character who died in the play or for William Shakespeare. In an
obituary, you can find out about people who passed on recently and why they were
important to the community. When you would go to this section in a newspaper, you can
most likely find a picture about someone and a short biography. Use facts or other evidence
from research you have conducted.
Include 2 advertisements, which would be relevant to the story. The ads should be
culturally relevant. Research products or other items that would be useful to the people of
Rome during this time period. Each ad should include some type of image. Images may be
drawn or printed. There should NOT be ads for things such as iPods and Apple TV’s
because these were not invented during this time period.
Write an editorial that gives your opinion of the play, Julius Caesar.
Project Format: This project should look like a newspaper. See the picture below as a
*You may also include a comic section, local weather reports, horoscopes, or a crossword
Playbill Research Assignment
Create a playbill for Julius Caesar. See the guidelines below:
Cover: The cover of this assignment should have a
picture as well as the name of the theater where the
play is performed. ( See picture.)
Introductory Page: listing the director, musical
director, and the “stars” (pick actors to play roles).
Table of Contents: listing contents and the page
Who’s Who: a short character analysis and
sketch/picture of Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Antony,
Calpurnia, and Portia. You must explain who they are
and their character traits as well as what type of
character they are.
Biographical Information: Research William
Shakespeare from credible sources. You should
include various pieces of information regarding
Shakespeare’s life and works of literature.
Scenes: List each act and scenes. Give a brief synopsis of what occurs within each act/scene.
Review: Research at least three different critiques of the play. These critiques can be from
online databases regarding the play or critiques from people who have actually seen the
play, Julius Caesar, in theater(s).
Advertisements: Include 2 advertisements, which would be relevant to the story. The ads
should be culturally relevant. Research products or other items that would be useful to the
people of Rome during this time period. Each ad should include some type of image.
Images may be drawn or printed. There should NOT be ads for things such as iPods and
Apple TV’s because these were not invented during this time period.
Julius Caesar Children’s Book
Make a children’s book version of Julius Caesar.
Format: Your book will follow proper book format: (Cover, end pages, contents etc.)
Length of Book: Your book should be ten pages of actual story text, which does not include
a cover or end pages.
Character/Plot Development: Your book must have at least one developed character. Your
book must also have a basic plot line or a developed idea. Additionally, all children’s books
have a moral, which you are required to convey to the reader.
Illustrations: This book must have colorful illustrations or pictures that accurately depict
the events occurring in the play.
Sentences Per Page: There should be a minimum of two sentences per page. You should
also include dialogue between characters.
Vocabulary: Use child friendly words however you must be sure that words you have
selected still convey the meaning of the plot.
Biographical Information: Research William Shakespeare from credible sources. You should
include various pieces of information regarding Shakespeare’s life and works of literature.