Julius Caesar Scrapbook Obituary Imagine you are a journalist/historian from Ancient Rome. You have been selected to create a scrapbook obituary of Julius Caesar using Google Docs. In Ancient Rome obituaries were handwritten and posted on public buildings. The obituary should contain the following elements: Headline announcing his death (5 points) Introduction to the story: announcement of the death and its cause; statement about whether the death was expected or not at this time (10 points) Indication of who is expected to succeed the dead leader – and why ( 5 points) General statements about the leaders accomplishments and contributions – and prediction if how history will treat the leader (40 points) Information about the personal life of the leader: family, friends, interests (10 points) Direct or indirect quotations about the leader from other people. (10 points) Pictures representing Caesar and Ancient Rome. (10 points) Bibliography page in MLA format (10 points)