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UU Perlindungan Anak
Article 28
All children need to
have a proper
Every children must
be educated.
Every children have
the right to a good
quality of school.
Pasal 9
At the category education UUPA has
more declaration and it is more clearer.
UUPA has mentioned what is needed to
be done by the goverment and
organizations. UUPA has given the
standard years of education while my
declaration just mention children need
education and an acceptable quality of
school. Ot of all the declaration I think
UUPA is very complete and it is good if
CRC make UUPA’s declaration into a
world decaration.
Children have a right to an education.
Discipline in schools should respect
children’s human dignity. Primary
education should be free. Wealthy countries
should help poorer countries achieve this.
Article 29
Education should develop each child's
personality and talents to the full. It should
encourage children to respect their parents,
and their own and other cultures.
(1) Setiap anak berhak memperoleh pendidikan dan
pengajaran dalam rangka pengembangan pribadinya
dan tingkat kecerdasannya sesuai dengan minat dan
(2) Selain hak anak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
ayat (1), khusus bagi anak yang menyandang cacat
juga berhak memperoleh pendidikan luar biasa,
sedangkan bagi anak yang memiliki keunggulan juga
berhak mendapatkan pendidikan khusus.
Pasal 48
Pemerintah wajib menyelenggarakan
pendidikan dasar minimal 9 (sembilan) tahun
untuk semua anak.
Pasal 49
Negara, pemerintah, keluarga, dan orang tua
wajib memberikan kesempatan yang seluasluasnyakepada anak untuk memperoleh
Pasal 51
Anak yang menyandang cacat fisik dan/atau
mental diberikan kesempatan yang sama dan
aksesibilitas untuk memperoleh pendidikan
biasa dan pendidikan luar biasa.
Pasal 52
Anak yang memiliki keunggulan diberikan
kesempatan dan aksesibilitas untuk
pendidikan khusus.
Article 20
Every children must
have a family who
care, respect and help
Children who cannot be looked after by
their own family must be looked after
properly, by people who respect their
religion, culture and language.
Article 10
Families who live in different countries
should be allowed to move between those
countries so that parents and children can
stay in contact, or get back together as a
Article 9
Children should not be separated from their
parents unless it is for their own good. For
example, if a parent is mistreating or
neglecting a child. Children whose parents
have separated have the right to stay in
contact with both parents, unless this might
hurt the child.
Article 18
Both parents share responsibility for
bringing up their children, and should
always consider what is best for each child.
Governments should help parents by
providing services to support them,
especially if both parents work.
Article 21
When children are adopted the first concern
must be what is best for them. The same
rules should apply whether the children are
adopted in the country where they were
born, or if they are taken to live in another
Pasal 14
Setiap anak berhak untuk diasuh oleh orang
tuanya sendiri, kecuali jika ada alasan dan/atau
aturan hukum yang sah menunjukkan bahwa
pemisahan itu adalah demi kepentingan terbaik
bagi anak dan
merupakan pertimbangan terakhir.
Pasal 29
(1) Jika terjadi perkawinan campuran antara
warga negara Republik Indonesia dan warga
asing, anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan
tersebut berhak memperoleh kewarganegaraan
ayah atau ibunya sesuai dengan ketentuan
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
(2) Dalam hal terjadi perceraian dari
perkawinan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat
Pasal 31
(1) Salah satu orang tua, saudara kandung, atau
keluarga sampai derajat ketiga, dapat
permohonan ke pengadilan untuk mendapatkan
penetapan pengadilan tentang pencabutan
asuh orang tua atau melakukan tindakan
pengawasan apabila terdapat alasan yang kuat
untuk itu.
(2) Apabila salah satu orang tua, saudara
kandung, atau keluarga sampai dengan derajat
ketiga, tidak
dapat melaksanakan fungsinya, maka
In this category UUPA also has more
declaration and is more complete. I think
CRC has more clearer and easier
declarations to understand. But I also
think it is good for UUPA to keep the
declaration. I think that my declaration
needs more detail and it needs more
about what should organizations do and
how to do it properly.
Article 25
Children who are looked after by their local
authority, rather than their parents, should
have their situation reviewed regularly.
Article 26
The Government should provide extra
money for the children of families in need.
pencabutan kuasa asuh orang tua sebagaimana
dalam ayat (1) dapat juga diajukan oleh pejabat
yang berwenang atau lembaga lain yang
mempunyai kewenangan untuk itu.
Pasal 33
(1) Dalam hal orang tua anak tidak cakap
melakukan perbuatan hukum, atau tidak
diketahui tempat
tinggal atau keberadaannya, maka seseorang
atau badan hukum yang memenuhi persyaratan
ditunjuk sebagai wali dari anak yang
Pasal 36
(1) Dalam hal wali yang ditunjuk ternyata di
kemudian hari tidak cakap melakukan
perbuatan hukum
atau menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya sebagai
wali, maka status perwaliannya dicabut dan
orang lain sebagai wali melalui penetapan
Pasal 37
(1) Pengasuhan anak ditujukan kepada anak
yang orang tuanya tidak dapat menjamin
tumbuh kembang anaknya secara wajar,
baik fisik, mental, spiritual, maupun sosial.
Pasal 38
(1) Pengasuhan anak sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 37, dilaksanakan tanpa
membedakan suku,
agama, ras, golongan, jenis kelamin, etnik,
budaya dan bahasa, status hukum anak, urutan
kelahiran anak, dan kondisi fisik dan/atau
Pasal 39
(1) Pengangkatan anak hanya dapat dilakukan
untuk kepentingan yang terbaik bagi anak dan
dilakukan berdasarkan adat kebiasaan setempat
dan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan
yang berlaku.
Article 6
Every children need
proper medication.
Every child has the
right to live a healthy
Pasal 44
(1) Pemerintah wajib menyediakan fasilitas dan
menyeleng-garakan upaya kesehatan yang
komprehensif bagi anak, agar setiap anak
memperoleh derajat kesehatan yang optimal
sejak dalam kandungan.
In this category UUPA has more
declaration than CRC and my
declaration. I think UUPA has a very
good declaration , but I think it is a little
complicated. I think that CRC’s
declaration is enough and it is clearer. I
think that all the declaration should add
a little about the standard of the
All children have the right to life.
Governments should ensure that children
survive and develop healthily.
Article 24
Children have the right to good quality
health care, to clean water, nutritious food,
and a clean environment, so that they will
stay healthy. Rich countries should help
poorer countries achieve this.
Pasal 45
(1) Orang tua dan keluarga bertanggung jawab
menjaga kesehatan anak dan merawat anak
sejak dalam kandungan.
Pasal 46
Negara, pemerintah, keluarga, dan orang tua
wajib mengusahakan agar anak yang lahir
terhindar dari penyakit yang mengancam
kelangsungan hidup dan/atau menimbulkan
Pasal 47
(1) Negara, pemerintah, keluarga, dan orang tua
wajib melindungi anak dari upaya transplantasi
organ tubuhnya untuk pihak lain.
Article 7
Every child needs to
have a name.
Every child needs to
Pasal 5
Setiap anak berhak atas suatu nama sebagai
identitas diri dan status kewarganegaraan.
I think in this category almost every
content of the declaration is the same. In
the content most of them mentioned
All children have the right to a legally
registered name, and nationality. Also the
right to know and, as far as possible, to be
cared for by their parents.
have an identity that
is respected.
Article 8
Governments should respect children's right
to a name, a nationality and family ties.
Pasal 27
(1) Identitas diri setiap anak harus diberikan
sejak kelahirannya.
about names and nationality. I think
that UUPA has also declared things that
the government must do. I think that
CRC and UUPA needs to add a
declaration about respecting the identity
of children.
Pasal 28
(1) Pembuatan akta kelahiran menjadi tanggung
jawab pemerintah yang dalam pelaksanaannya
diselenggarakan serendah-rendahnya pada
tingkat kelurahan/desa.
Pasal 29
(1) Jika terjadi perkawinan campuran antara
warga negara Republik Indonesia dan warga
negara asing, anak yang dilahirkan dari
perkawinan tersebut berhak memperoleh
kewarganegaraan dari ayah atau ibunya sesuai
dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku.
Breaking The Law
Breaking The Law
Breaking The Law
Article 37
Children who break the law should not be
treated cruelly. They should not be put in
prison with adults and should be able to
keep in contact with their families.
Pasal 18
Setiap anak yang menjadi korban atau pelaku
tindak pidana berhak mendapatkan bantuan
hukum dan bantuan lainnya.
Article 40
Pasal 64
(1) Perlindungan khusus bagi anak yang
berhadapan dengan hukum sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 59 meliputi anak yang
berkonflik dengan hukum dan anak korban
tindak pidana, merupakan kewajiban dan
tanggung jawab pemerintah dan masyarakat.
Children who are accused of breaking the
law should receive legal help. Prison
sentences for children should only be used
for the most serious offences.
Protection From Harm
Article 19
Protection From Harm
Protection From Harm
Pasal 16
In this category I did not have a
declaration while CRC and UUPA has 2.
But I think that the contents are almost
the same. They both declare that if
children break the laws they should not
be treated as cruel and the adults. I think
that CRC has made the declaration very
clear and has many details.
Governments should ensure that children
are properly cared for, and protect them
from violence, abuse and neglect by their
parents, or anyone else who looks after
Article 32
The Government should protect children
from work that is dangerous, or might harm
their health or their education.
Article 33
The Government should provide ways of
protecting children from dangerous drugs.
Article 34
The Government should protect children
from sexual abuse.
Article 35
The Government should make sure that
children are not abducted or sold.
Article 38
Governments should not allow children
under 16 to join the army. Children in war
zones should receive special protection.
Every child has the
rights to be protected
from harm.
Every child must feel
safe and comfortable.
(1) Setiap anak berhak memperoleh
perlindungan dari sasaran penganiayaan,
penyiksaan, atau penjatuhan hukuman yang
tidak manusiawi.
Pasal 17
(1) Setiap anak yang dirampas kebebasannya
berhak untuk :
a. mendapatkan perlakuan secara manusiawi
dan penempatannya dipisahkan dari orang
b. memperoleh bantuan hukum atau bantuan
lainnya secara efektif dalam setiap tahapan
upayahukum yang berlaku; dan
c. membela diri dan memperoleh keadilan di
depan pengadilan anak yang objektif dan tidak
memihak dalam sidang tertutup untuk umum.
(2) Setiap anak yang menjadi korban atau
pelaku kekerasan seksual atau yang berhadapan
denganhukum berhak dirahasiakan.
Pasal 54
Anak di dalam dan di lingkungan sekolah wajib
dilindungi dari tindakan kekerasan yang
dilakukan oleh guru, pengelola sekolah atau
teman-temannya di dalam sekolah yang
bersangkutan, atau lembaga pendidikan
Article 36
Children should be protected from any
activities that could harm their
Article 41
If the laws of a particular country protect
children better than the articles of the
Convention, then those laws should stay.
Pasal 59
Pemerintah dan lembaga negara lainnya
berkewajiban dan bertanggung jawab untuk
memberikan perlindungan khusus kepada anak
dalam situasi darurat, anak yang berhadapan
dengan hukum, anak dari kelompok minoritas
dan terisolasi, anak tereksploitasi secara
ekonomi dan/atau seksual, anak yang
diperdagangkan, anak yang menjadi korban
In this category CRC has more
declaration but less details. UUPA has
very many details and there are some
declaration that are combined together.
My declaration was very simple and I
think it is to general. I think that CRC
should combine some of the declarations
penyalahgunaan narkotika, alkohol,
psikotropika, dan zat adiktif lainnya (napza),
anak korban penculikan, penjualan dan
perdagangan, anak korban kekerasan baik fisik
dan/atau mental, anak yang menyandang cacat,
dan anak korban perlakuan salah dan
Pasal 63
Setiap orang dilarang merekrut atau
memperalat anak untuk kepentingan militer
dan/atau lainnya dan membiarkan anak tanpa
perlindungan jiwa.
Article 16
Every children must
have the right to have
Children have a right to privacy. The law
should protect them from attacks against
their way of life, their good name, their
families and their homes.
Article 13
Children have the right to get and to share
information, as long as the information is
not damaging to them or to others.
Article 17
Children have the right to reliable
information from the mass media.
Television, radio, and newspapers should
provide information that children can
understand, and should not promote
materials that could harm children.
Article 42
The Government should make the
Convention known to parents and children.
In this category UUPA does not have any
declaration. I think my declaration is
very general. CRC’ s declaration is clear
and understandable. CRC also gave the
examples laws that are recommended for
the contries.
In this category only CRC has
declarations. CRC mentioned that
children need information that is true
and that is heard from a reliable source. I
think this is important because the
technology is developing and there are
many ways to get information. But
unfortunately some are not true and had
been seen by children which will make
them confused. It also mentioned that
the government should make all the
declaration known so that they can ask
for their rights if they are not getting it.
Article 1
In this category only CRC has a
declaration. It mentioned the age that
this convention include a person as
children. I think this is important and it
should be recommended to UUPA. I
think that CRC should include more
details about this declaration.
Everyone under 18 years of age has all the
rights in this Convention.
Make mistakes
Make mistakes
Make mistakes
Only my declaration has this declaration.
I think that it is important because some
children have not known that something
is wrong. When they make mistakes that
they do not know it they should be told
about what is right. I think that CRC
and UUPA should add this as their
Every children have
the opportunity to
make mistakes.
Share Opinion
Share Opinion
Share Opinion
Article 12
Every children must
have the opportunity
to share opinion.
Pasal 10
Setiap anak berhak menyatakan dan didengar
pendapatnya, menerima, mencari, dan
memberikan informasi sesuai dengan tingkat
kecerdasan dan usianya demi pengembangan
dirinya sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kesusilaan dan
What adults need to do
What adults need to do
Pasal 53
(1) Pemerintah bertanggung jawab untuk
memberikan biaya pendidikan dan/atau bantuan
atau pelayanan khusus bagi anak dari keluarga
kurang mampu, anak terlantar, dan anak yang
bertempat tinggal di daerah terpencil.
In this category UUPA has more
declarations. I think that CRC has had
many declarations that is very clear but
it needs more details. UUPA had very
many declarations and it was a little
complicated. I had no declaration and I
think I should add some.
Children have the right to say what they
think should happen, when adults are
making decisions that affect them, and to
have their opinions taken into account.
What adults need to do
Article 3
All organisations concerned with children
should work towards what is best for each
Article 4
Governments should make these rights
available to children.
Article 5
Governments should respect the rights and
Pasal 13
(1) Setiap anak selama dalam pengasuhan
orang tua, wali, atau pihak lain mana pun yang
In this category CRC, UUPA and my
declaration has it. All of them almost
have the same content. It is about
letting kids share what they think it
is right. I think that my declaration
is to general.
responsibilities of families to direct and
guide their children so that, as they grow,
they learn to use their rights properly.
Article 6
All children have the right to life.
Governments should ensure that children
survive and develop healthily.
Article 8
Governments should respect children's right
to a name, a nationality and family ties.
Article 11
Governments should take steps to stop
children being taken out of their own
country illegally.
Article 18
Both parents share responsibility for
bringing up their children, and should
always consider what is best for each child.
Governments should help parents by
providing services to support them,
especially if both parents work.
Article 19
Governments should ensure that children
are properly cared for, and protect them
from violence, abuse and neglect by their
parents, or anyone else who looks after
Article 26
The Government should provide extra
money for the children of families in need.
Article 27
Children have a right to a standard of living
that is good enough to meet their physical
jawab atas pengasuhan, berhak mendapat
perlindungan dari perlakuan:
a. diskriminasi;
b. eksploitasi, baik ekonomi maupun seksual;
c. penelantaran;
d. kekejaman, kekerasan, dan penganiayaan;
e. ketidakadilan; dan
f. perlakuan salah lainnya.
Pasal 20
Negara, pemerintah, masyarakat, keluarga, dan
orang tua berkewajiban dan bertanggung jawab
terhadap penyelenggaraan perlindungan anak.
Pasal 21
Negara dan pemerintah berkewajiban dan
bertanggung jawab menghormati dan menjamin
hak asasi setiap anak tanpa membedakan suku,
agama, ras, golongan, jenis kelamin, etnik,
budaya dan bahasa, status hukum anak, urutan
kelahiran anak, dan kondisi fisik dan/atau
Pasal 22
Negara dan pemerintah berkewajiban dan
bertanggung jawab memberikan dukungan
sarana dan
prasarana dalam penyelenggaraan perlindungan
Pasal 23
(1) Negara dan pemerintah menjamin
perlindungan, pemeliharaan, dan kesejahteraan
anak dengan memperhatikan hak dan
kewajiban orang tua, wali, atau orang lain yang
secara hukum bertanggung jawab terhadap
and mental needs. The Government should
help families who cannot afford to provide
(2) Negara dan pemerintah mengawasi
penyelenggaraan perlindungan anak.
Pasal 25
Kewajiban dan tanggung jawab masyarakat
terhadap perlindungan anak dilaksanakan
melalui kegiatan peran masyarakat dalam
penyelenggaraan perlindungan anak.
Pasal 26
(1) Orang tua berkewajiban dan bertanggung
jawab untuk :
a. mengasuh, memelihara, mendidik, dan
melindungi anak;
b. menumbuhkembangkan anak sesuai dengan
kemampuan, bakat, dan minatnya; dan
c. mencegah terjadinya perkawinan pada usia
Article 31
Every child have the
rights to play and rest.
All children have a right to relax and play,
and to join in a wide range of activities.
Religion, Culture and language(differences)
In this category I had more declaration. I
think that playing has now become a
need because people these days get
stressed easily. Children must have
freedom to have fun, play and rest. I
think all of the declarations should add
that the children has to play fairly and
let others play.
Religion, Culture and
Religion, Culture and language(differences)
In this category CRC and my declaration
both have 4 declarations. I think it is
very important to choose your own
culture and religions. I think I should
add that other people should respect your
culture and religions. I think that UUPA
needs to add about treating other people
who are different from us fairly.
The Convention applies to everyone,
whatever their race, religion, abilities;
whatever they think or say, whatever type
of family they come from.
Every children must
have the freedom to
choose their own
Pasal 6
Setiap anak berhak untuk beribadah menurut
agamanya, berpikir, dan berekspresi sesuai
dengan tingkat kecerdasan dan usianya, dalam
bimbingan orang tua.
Article 14
Every children must
have the freedom to
express their culture.
Pasal 42
(1) Setiap anak mendapat perlindungan untuk
beribadah menurut agamanya.
Article 2
Children have the right to think and believe
what they want, and to practise their
Pasal 11
Setiap anak berhak untuk beristirahat dan
memanfaatkan waktu luang, bergaul dengan
anak yang sebaya, bermain, berekreasi, dan
Every child have the
berkreasi sesuai dengan minat, bakat, dan
rights to have fun with tingkat kecerdasannya demi pengembangan
religion, as long as they are not stopping
other people from enjoying their rights.
Parents should guide their children on these
Article 22
Every children must
be treated fairly.
Every children must
be treated fairly.
(2) Sebelum anak dapat menentukan
pilihannya, agama yang dipeluk anak
mengikuti agama orang
Pasal 43
(1) Negara, pemerintah, masyarakat, keluarga,
orang tua, wali, dan lembaga sosial menjamin
perlindungan anak dalam memeluk agamanya.
Children who come into a country as
refugees should have the same rights as
children born in that country.
Article 30
Children have a right to learn and use the
language and customs of their families,
whether these are shared by the majority of
people in the country or not.
Article 15
In this category only CRC has a
declaration. I think that this declaration
is important and I think that CRC
should Recommend this declaration to
UUPA. I think that children should be
trained and included in organizations so
that they can be responsible and ready
for their adult life. I think CRC should
make this declaration a little clearer.
Children have the right to meet together
and to join groups and organisations, as
long as this does not stop other people from
enjoying their rights.
Special needs
Special needs
Special needs
Children who have any kind of disability
should have special care and support, so
that they can lead full and independent
Pasal 12
Setiap anak yang menyandang cacat berhak
memperoleh rehabilitasi, bantuan sosial, dan
pemeliharaan taraf kesejahteraan sosial.
In this category UUPA has more
declarations. I had no declarations about
special needs. I think that UUPA has
more clearer and detailed declarations. I
think UUPA should recommend the
declaration to CRC
Article 39
Pasal 50
Pendidikan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal
48 diarahkan pada :
a. pengembangan sikap dan kemampuan
kepribadian anak, bakat, kemampuan mental
dan fisik
Article 23
Children who have been neglected or
abused should receive special help to restore
their self−respect.
sampai mencapai potensi mereka yang optimal;
b. pengembangan penghormatan atas hak asasi
manusia dan kebebasan asasi;
c. pengembangan rasa hormat terhadap orang
tua, identitas budaya, bahasa dan nilai-nilainya
sendiri, nilai-nilai nasional di mana anak
bertempat tinggal, dari mana anak berasal, dan
peradaban-peradaban yang berbeda-beda dari
peradaban sendiri;
d. persiapan anak untuk kehidupan yang
bertanggung jawab; dan
e. pengembangan rasa hormat dan cinta
terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Pasal 51
Anak yang menyandang cacat fisik dan/atau
mental diberikan kesempatan yang sama dan
aksesibilitas untuk memperoleh pendidikan
biasa dan pendidikan luar biasa.
Pasal 52
Anak yang memiliki keunggulan diberikan
kesempatan dan aksesibilitas untuk
memperoleh pendidikan khusus.
Pasal 60
Anak dalam situasi darurat sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Pasal 59 terdiri atas :
a. anak yang menjadi pengungsi;
b. anak korban kerusuhan;
c. anak korban bencana alam; dan
d. anak dalam situasi konflik bersenjata.
Pasal 61
Perlindungan khusus bagi anak yang menjadi
pengungsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal
60 huruf a dilaksanakan sesuai dengan
ketentuan hukum humaniter.
Pasal 62
Perlindungan khusus bagi anak korban
kerusuhan, korban bencana, dan anak dalam
situasi konflik
bersenjata sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal
60 huruf b, huruf c, dan huruf d, dilaksanakan
a. pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar yang terdiri atas
pangan, sandang, pemukiman, pendidikan,
kesehatan, belajar dan berekreasi, jaminan
keamanan, dan persamaan perlakuan; dan
b. pemenuhan kebutuhan khusus bagi anak
yang menyandang cacat dan anak yang
mengalami gangguan psikososial.
Only my declaration have these
declarations. I think that children should
be free to make friends and not judged by
differences and appearance. I think that
people around us is very important and it
is very important to make relationship
with them. I think UUPA and CRC
should add this declaration.
Every child has the
rights to have friends.
Every child must have
a teacher.
Every children have
the right for care and
Food and Water
Food and Water
Food and Water
Every child have the
rights to consume
consumable food and
Only my declaration have these
declarations. I think that food and water
is the essentials of living. Many children
in the streets who are trying to get food
and water. I think that government
should fund them. I think that CRC and
UUPA should add this declaration.
Every child needs food
and water.
Every child must have
a clean shelter.
Every child need a
shelter that they are
comfortable with.
Only my declaration have these
declarations. Every child needs a shelter
to live comfortably. Some families are not
able to afford this. I think that
government should help people in need
CRC and UUPA was created due to the problems and issues that are very severe about children that are treated unfairly by adults who do not care about other human
beings. CRC was made to help children survive and have a very pleasent and acceptable standard of living. UUPA is one of Indonesia’s laws that protect the children and
help them and prepare them for their uture as adults. UUPA and CRC will continue to develop and add declarations from the issues that happen to children around the
world.The declaration increase is usually caused by the increasigng issues of violation of children’s rights.
If all children get their rights it can effect to a very peaceful world and it will help the next generation get better. When all children have their rights it is a big chance that
there will be less criminals and terrorist. If all children have their rights there will be no bad feeling that they have and they will not give any revenge to the world which will
lead to less world war. If children are treated with care and love they will also treat others with love and care. When adults act nicely and give them all their rights it will be
an example to their kids, so that the next generation will have a better future.
Article 1
Everyone under 18 years of age has all the rights in this Convention.
Article 2
The Convention applies to everyone, whatever their race, religion, abilities; whatever they think or say, whatever type of family they come from.
Article 3
All organisations concerned with children should work towards what is best for each child.
Article 4
Governments should make these rights available to children.
Article 5
Governments should respect the rights and responsibilities of families to direct and guide their children so that, as they grow, they learn to use their rights properly.
Article 6
All children have the right to life. Governments should ensure that children survive and develop healthily.
Article 7
All children have the right to a legally registered name, and nationality. Also the right to know and, as far as possible, to be cared for by their parents.
Article 8
Governments should respect children's right to a name, a nationality and family ties.
Article 9
Children should not be separated from their parents unless it is for their own good. For example, if a parent is mistreating or neglecting a child. Children whose parents have
separated have the right to stay in contact with both parents, unless this might hurt the child.
Article 10
Families who live in different countries should be allowed to move between those countries so that parents and children can stay in contact, or get back together as a family.
Article 11
Governments should take steps to stop children being taken out of their own country illegally.
Article 12
Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.
Article 13
Children have the right to get and to share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or to others.
Article 14
Children have the right to think and believe what they want, and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Parents
should guide their children on these matters.
Article 15
Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.
Article 16
Children have a right to privacy. The law should protect them from attacks against their way of life, their good name, their families and their homes.
Article 17
Children have the right to reliable information from the mass media. Television, radio, and newspapers should provide information that children can understand, and should
not promote materials that could harm children.
Article 18
Both parents share responsibility for bringing up their children, and should always consider what is best for each child. Governments should help parents by providing
services to support them, especially if both parents work.
Article 19
Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.
Article 20
Children who cannot be looked after by their own family must be looked after properly, by people who respect their religion, culture and language.
Article 21
When children are adopted the first concern must be what is best for them. The same rules should apply whether the children are adopted in the country where they were
born, or if they are taken to live in another country.
Article 22
Children who come into a country as refugees should have the same rights as children born in that country.
Article 23
Children who have any kind of disability should have special care and support, so that they can lead full and independent lives.
Article 24
Children have the right to good quality health care, to clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment, so that they will stay healthy. Rich countries should help poorer
countries achieve this.
Article 25
Children who are looked after by their local authority, rather than their parents, should have their situation reviewed regularly.
Article 26
The Government should provide extra money for the children of families in need.
Article 27
Children have a right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and mental needs. The Government should help families who cannot afford to provide
Article 28
Children have a right to an education. Discipline in schools should respect children’s human dignity. Primary education should be free. Wealthy countries should help poorer
countries achieve this.
Article 29
Education should develop each child's personality and talents to the full. It should encourage children to respect their parents, and their own and other cultures.
Article 30
Children have a right to learn and use the language and customs of their families, whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country or not.
Article 32
The Government should protect children from work that is dangerous, or might harm their health or their education.
Article 33
The Government should provide ways of protecting children from dangerous drugs.
Article 34
The Government should protect children from sexual abuse.
Article 35
The Government should make sure that children are not abducted or sold.
Article 36
Children should be protected from any activities that could harm their development.
Article 37
Children who break the law should not be treated cruelly. They should not be put in prison with adults and should be able to keep in contact with their families.
Article 38
Governments should not allow children under 16 to join the army. Children in war zones should receive special protection.
Article 39
Children who have been neglected or abused should receive special help to restore their self−respect.
Article 40
Children who are accused of breaking the law should receive legal help. Prison sentences for children should only be used for the most serious offences.
Article 41
If the laws of a particular country protect children better than the articles of the Convention, then those laws should stay.
Article 42
The Government should make the Convention known to parents and children.