File - the Wedding Planning Institute

Bridal Planner Contract
Princess Double Diamonds
Wedding & Event Planning Inc
Full Wedding Planning Contract
This agreement, made this ____day of _________, 2012 by and between Princess Double Diamonds hereinafter
______________________________and_______________________________ hereinafter referred to as the Couple.
WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement herein contained, The Wedding Planner and The
Couple hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. The Wedding Planner shall provide wedding day services for the Couple on the ________day of________,
2012 at the approximate time of:________ located at:_____________________________________________________________________.
2. If applicable, The Wedding Planner shall provide wedding rehearsal services for the Couple on
the_________day of________________, 2012 at the approximate time of:__________located
3. The Wedding Planner will provide the following services under the terms of this Agreement:
E-mail confirmation reserving the date, time and location of the wedding day and rehearsal services
if applicable.
Review of all vendor contracts and confirmation of vendor services 1 - 2 weeks prior to the wedding
Assistance in development of a wedding day itinerary.
Directing services on the wedding day for a maximum of four to six hours.
Provision of complete wedding emergency kit.
Personal management of the wedding day itinerary, vendors, and the wedding party.
1. The Couple understands that they are responsible for paying for vendor products and services in full.
2. The Couple shall not change the date, time or location of the wedding ceremony as listed in paragraph 1 of this
agreement without first contacting and advising The Wedding Planner of said change so as to determine if The
Wedding Planner is still available to provide services.
3. If The Couple does change the date, time or location of the scheduled wedding ceremony, and The Wedding
Planner is unavailable to provide services, then The Wedding Planner is released from all contract obligations,
and shall in no way be held responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for non-performance. The Couple
also forfeits The Wedding Planner fee for non-compliance with this agreement.
4. A retainer fee of 50% of entire ceremony cost MUST be paid in advance and is required, along with a signed
contract, to book a date and time for a wedding. Retainer fees are not refundable should the wedding be
cancelled for any reason.
5. The Couple agrees to pay to the Wedding Planner a service fee of $2750.00 for the Princess Diamonds package
plus any mutually agreed upon additional services or unusual travel expense that the Wedding Planner may
incur. To reserve the above date, a NON-REFUNDABLE retainer fee in the amount of $375 shall be remitted with
this agreement (made payable by check, cashier’s check or money order to Princess Double Diamond:
The remaining balance of $375 is due two weeks prior to the ceremony date. A $50 discount is provided for the
Couple choosing to pay in full up front of which $375 is non-refundable. If balance is not received two weeks
before the wedding date then time and date of reservations are cancelled and may be booked by other parties,
without exception and without notice. Reservations made with less than 21 days remaining until the wedding
require a 100% non-refundable payment. Should reservations be cancelled with 21 days or less remaining
before rehearsal/wedding date, payment in full is required to avoid legal action. Payments made in full at
time of retaining Wedding Planner services is forfeited in full if reservation is cancelled inside of 21 days of
the rehearsal/wedding date. There is a $45 return check fee on all returned checks.
6. For weddings that are over 40 miles round trip from Brooklyn NY ,there will be an additional travel fee to be
determined by the Wedding Planner depending on location. The travel fee is to be paid two weeks prior to the
Wedding date. If applicable, The Couple agrees to pay the Wedding Planner a travel fee of
The Couple accepts responsibility for purchasing items needed for the wedding and reception. If The Couple
requests any special provisions or services from the Wedding Planner, these details shall be submitted in
writing no later than three weeks prior to the wedding date. The details and fee structure will then be noted in
an addendum to this contract.
1. The Wedding Planner shall arrive at the wedding location at an agreed upon time to meet the vendors at least
three hours prior to the start of the wedding ceremony. The Couple fully understands and agrees that The
Wedding Planner shall not be responsible or held liable in the event the Wedding Planner is prohibited from
providing wedding day services
due to illness, hospitalization, auto accident, transportation
breakdown/disruption, traffic difficulties, acts of God such as hurricanes or inclement weather or other
unforeseen incapacitation or other cause of non-arrival on the day of the wedding. The Wedding Planner will
make every attempt to notify The Couple and to provide for a substitute Wedding Planner who can provide
services if time and resources permit. In any event, The Wedding Planner, his agents and assigns shall NOT be
held liable for any compensation or any damages (including punitive) due to non-performance of any wedding
services resulting from such incapacitations, non-arrival, errors and/or omissions of any type.
2. The Couple gives permission and shall allow the Wedding Planner to post a photograph(s) of them, the wedding
ceremony setting, and reception setting on the Wedding Planner’s website for viewing by the internet
community. The Couple acknowledges that this is for promotional purposes only and they do not expect any
compensation of any kind. There shall be no expiration period for this permission.
3. The Wedding Planner gives permission and shall allow the Couple to use any photographs, videos or other
recording media in which the Wedding Planner is in, or part of, in any manner or for any purpose they wish.
4. This agreement or any attachments constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may not be modified
except in writing signed by both parties or by the acknowledgement of e-mail received by both parties. No other
representations or promises have been made except those that are set out in this agreement. If any part of this
agreement is adjudged invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining parts shall not be affected and remain
in full force and effect.
5. In the event that any vendor cancels prior to the date of the wedding, the Couple agrees that the Wedding Planner
may substitute a new vendor with or without advance notice to the Couple at its discretion and any additional
costs to be paid by the Couple.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, the undersigned has executed this Wedding Planning Agreement as of the date stated above (first
paragraph of the agreement).
Print _________________________________
Bride to Be (Sign & Print Full Name)
Groom to be (Sign & Print Full Name)
Address: _____________________________
Phone (please include Home & Cell)
Wedding Planner Insurance
Liability - $63.00 Minimum*
Liability Insurance coverage is designed to provide broad protection for
situations where you, the insured, must defend yourself or your
company against lawsuits or pay damages for bodily injury or property
damage to third parties. Commercial General Liability insurance
protection with limits of $1,000,000/$2,000,000 Per
Occurrence/Annual Aggregate.
1. How many weddings are you doing in our
month? During our week? On our day?
Ans: We at Princess Double Diamonds make it our
policy to try to have only two weddings schedule in
one month.
Only one wedding a day
2. How much experience do you have as a wedding
planner? How many weddings have your
Ans: Over 10 years experience and have coordinated
about eight to weddings & special events.
3. What is the cost & charges associated with your
Ans: We have several pricing packages to tailor to
your need. We will be glad to sit down with you and
give you our brochure with pricing information. We
will work within your budget.
4. Do you receive referral fees or commissions from
your wedding vendors?
Ans: We do not charge or received commissions. Our
goal is to get the best vendors to tailor to your needs
5. Will you be in attendance at the wedding
ceremony? Reception?
Ans: Yes, we will be attendance at the ceremony &
6. What is the backup plan in the event you are
unable to attend?
Ans: We have backup planners that we communicate
with who will assist if there is an emergency.
7. Can we have a list of references with whom we
could discuss your previous events?
Ans: We will provide references upon request
8. How will we stay in touch and communicate through
the planning process? How often will we meet? Talk?
How quickly do you get back to your clients?
Ans:We can stay in contact via phone or email
We will meet whenever is needed. Will get back to
client within 24 hours.
9. What sets you apart from other wedding planners – are
there any additional amenities or services you provide?
Ans: We are unique and tailor to your needs. Price is
afforable for every bride to use our services.
Yes, we offer several services. Our goal is to have an
everlasting relationship with additionally services we
have to you and your family.
10. How will you and your staff be dressed for our
wedding ceremony & reception?
Ans: We will be dress professionally. Preferrably black
Marriage License
The Marriage License
Where do you get a marriage license?
A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city
clerk in the state. The application for a license must be signed by both applicants in the presence of the town or city clerk.
A representative cannot apply for the license on behalf of the applicants. This applies even if the representative has been
given a Power of Attorney. Notarized marriage license affidavits signed by the applicants cannot be substituted for their
personal appearance.
Is there a waiting period?
Yes. Although the marriage license is issued immediately, the marriage ceremony may not take place within 24 hours
from the exact time that the license was issued. When both applicants are 16 years of age or older, the 24-hour waiting
period may be waived by an order of a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the County Court of the county in which
either of the applicants resides. If either person is under 16 years of age, the order must be from the Family Court judge of
the county in which the person under 16 years of age resides.
How long is the license valid?
A marriage license is valid for 60 calendar days, beginning the day after it is issued.
How much does the license cost?
If the marriage license is issued by a town or city clerk in New York State outside of New York City, it
costs $40. This fee includes the issuance of a Certificate of Marriage Registration. This certificate is
automatically sent by the issuing clerk to the applicants within 15 calendar days after the completed
license is returned by the officiant (person who performs the marriage ceremony). It serves as notice that
a record of the marriage is on file. Couples who do not receive a Certificate of Marriage Registration
within four weeks of the wedding should contact the town or city clerk who issued the license.
If the license is to be issued by the City Clerk of the City of New York, please contact the New York City
Clerk's Office for current fees and requirements. The City Clerk's Office can be reached at (212) NEWYORK or via its web site at New York City Marriage Bureau.
What about the ceremony?
There is no particular form or ceremony required except that the parties must state in the presence of an
authorized public official or authorized member of the clergy and at least one other witness that each
takes the other as his or her spouse. There is no minimum age for a witness. However, in selecting a
witness, choose at least one person who you feel would be competent to testify in a court proceeding as
to what he or she witnessed.
Who can perform a marriage ceremony?
To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of
the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include:
the mayor of a city or village;
the former mayor, the city clerk or one of the deputy city
clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants;
a marriage officer appointed by the town or village board or
the city common council;
a justice or judge of the following courts: the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit, the U.S. District Courts for the
Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York,
the New York State Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of
the New York State Supreme Court, the New York State Supreme
Court, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a Surrogates
Court, the Civil and Criminal Courts of New York City
(including Housing judges of the Civil Court) and other
courts of record;
a village, town or county justice;
a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially
ordained and granted authority to perform marriage
ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the church body;
a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a
governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual
group to preside over their spiritual affairs;
other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic
Relations Law.
The person performing the ceremony must be registered with the City of New York in order to perform a
ceremony within the New York City limits. The officiant does not have to be a resident of New
York State.
Traditional Duties of Bridal Party
Maid of Honor/Matron of Honor: A Maid of Honor is single; a Matron of Honor is married. She must
be at least 18 years of age which is the minimum age to sign a legal document. It is OK to have a male
Maid/Matron of Honor. His title would then be "Honor Attendant."
 Provides emotional support for the bride.
 Coordinates the bridesmaids.
 Helps bride with shopping for her wedding gown.
 Helps bride choose bridesmaid's outfits and accessories.
 Assists bride and bridesmaids with making arrangements for fittings and accessories such as
dying shoes, etc.
Helps bride with other wedding tasks such as addressing invitations, recording wedding gifts,
Plans the bridal shower.
Helps the bride and bridesmaids dress before the ceremony.
Holds and hands the bride the groom's ring during the ceremony.
During the ceremony, she stands next to the bride, adjusts the bride's veil and train, and holds
the bride's flowers when needed.
Serves as the legal witness of the marriage and signs the marriage certificate.
Stands next to the groom in the receiving line.
At reception she sits at the head table and may offer a toast to the couple.
Helps bride change into her going-away outfit and takes care of the wedding dress arranging for
it to be put in storage or taken to a place of the bride's choosing.
Helps to ensure that the honeymoon luggage is in the right place when the bride and groom leave
for their honeymoon
Tradionally the Maid of Honor pay for:
Her own dress, shoes,and accessories
Travel expenses to the wedding
Shower and wedding gifts for the couple
A shower given by the bridal party
Run errands for the bride during the wedding planning process.
Assist in making favors and decorating the reception hall.
Assist in addressing invitations and announcements.
Assist Maid of Honor with bridal shower.
They pay for their attire.
Bridesmaids participate in bridal shower.
They attend rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
May assist in caring for the flower girl or ring bearer before the ceremony.
They march down the aisle precede the Maid of Honor and then the bride during the wedding
ceremony processional.
Traditonally the Bridesmaid pay for :
Their own dress, shoes,and accessories
Travel expenses to the wedding
Shower and wedding gifts for the couple
A swhower given by the bridal party
Flower Girl:
The flower gitl is usually between the age of 4 and 8.
Attends the rehearssl although she usually does not attend the rehearsal dinner
The flower girl walks down the aisle just before the bride carrying a basket of flowers to threw in
front of the bride. This custom symbolizes a beautiful path ahead.
Following the processional down the aisle, the flower girl may wish to join her parents in the
Walks with the ring bearer in the recessional,directly behind the bride &groom
Traditionally the parents of the child pay for:
 Their child’s wedding attire and accessories
 Transportation to the wedding and accommodations
Ring Bearer:
 The ring bearer is usually between the ages of 4 and 8.
 Attends the rehearsal although he usually does not attend the rehearsal dinner
 The ring bearer walks down the aisle just before either the flower girl or the bride carrying a
pillow with symbolic rings. (Do not place real rings on the pillow.)
 Walks with the flower girl in the recessional, directly behind the bride and groom
 Following the processional down the aisle, the ring bearer may wish to join his parents in the
Traditionally the parents of the child pay for:
 Their child’s wedding attire and accessories
 Transportation to the wedding and accommodations
Pages or Train Bearers:
For a very formal wedding, they carry the train of the bride as she walks down the aisle.
Candle Lighters:
 Usually children of either family who light the candles just before the mother-of-the-bride is
Best Man (if Male) -- Honor Attendant (if Female): The Best Man or Honor Attendant must be at least
18 years of age which is the minimum age to sign a legal document.
 Provides emotional support to the groom.
 Assists the bride's parents in arranging transportation for the wedding party.
 Assists with making hotel arrangements for the groom's family and out-of-town guests.
 Arranges the bachelor party/dinner.
 Coordinates the ushers/groomsmen.
 Offers the first toast at the rehearsal dinner.
 Helps the groom dress the day of the wedding.
 Drives the groom to the church.
 Carries the bride's ring and gives it to the groom during the ceremony.
 Serves as legal witness to the marriage and signs the marriage certificate. Also holds the clergy's
 Either drives or rides along with the bride and groom and maid of honor from the church to the
 Offers the first toast at the reception and reads congratulatory telegrams and messages.
 The best man sits at the bride's right at the head table at the reception.
 Dances with the bride and attendants.
 Confirms honeymoon travel arrangements the day before the wedding and insures that the
groom has the tickets, etc. when the bride and groom leave for their honeymoon. He also loads
the bride's and groom's luggage for their honeymoon in their car and assists with their get-away.
Returns groom's and usher's rented clothing to rental facility.
Traditionally Best Man pay for:
Their own travel expenses to the wedding
Their own wedding attire
A wedding gift for the couple
A bachelor party for the groom
 Assist groom and best man with errands and bachelor party/dinner.
 Responsible for clothing rental.
 Attend rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
 The ushers should arrive at the church or wedding site at least one hour before the ceremony and
escort guests to their seats, seating friends of the bride on the left and friends of the groom on
the right.
o When ushering guests, the groomsman/usher should offer his/her right arm to a woman.
The woman's male guest/escort should follow behind you. If a male guest arrives alone
(without a female guest), he should walk on the usher/groomsman's right. Unless the
male guest has a physical handicap, the usher does not offer his arm.
 Act as escorts to the bridesmaids.
 One or two of the ushers will escort the bride's mother and the groom's parents down the aisle
at the beginning of the ceremony.
 Pull the runner into place as the bridal march begins and pull it back after the ceremony.
 Escort the bridesmaids at the end of the ceremony.
 Escort the bride and groom's family from the church after the ceremony, then return to direct
the departure of guests from the pews.
o The Groom's parents are seated just prior to the mother of the bride at the ceremony.
 Be available to give guests directions to the reception.
 Provide bridesmaids with transportation from the church to the reception.
Decorate the get-away car.
Traditionally Usher/Groomsmen pay for:
Their own travel expenses to the wedding
Their own wedding attire
A wedding gift for the couple
A bachelor party for the groom
The Mother of the Bride:
 The mother of the bride helps guests who ask for gift ideas.
 Host engagement party
 Go wedding dress shopping with bride
 Throw or attend bridal showers, rehearsal & rehearsal dinner
 Assists in making the guest list.
 May accompany the bride when shopping for her gown.
 Helps call guests who have not RSVP
 Helps in planning ceremony and reception
 Helps take care of arriving gifts
 Helps with seating arrangements
 Official hostess at the reception
 Provides family & friends with registry information
 Toasts the couple at the rehearsal dinner
 Stands in the receiving line
 May host a post-wedding brunch or gift opening party
The Father of the Bride:
Attend engagement party
Attend rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
The father of the bride escorts his daughter down the aisle
Escorts Bride to the ceremony
Official Host of the Reception
Officially “gives away” the Bride
Stands to the left of the mother of the bride in the receiving line.
Dances with his daughter after her first dance with the groom
Bids guest farewell & the last person to leave reception
Traditonally the Brides parents pays for:
 Pays for the entire Ceremony and Recepttion
The Groom's Parents:
Traditionally host the rehearsal dinner.
They stand in the receiving line.
Help compile family guest list-(may help pay for their side of the family guest)
Often pay for the liquor and bar service at the reception.
Attends post wedding brunch (if held)
Assign Duties:
There are some things that need to be taken care of the days before and the day of the wedding that the
bride and groom will need assistance with. These duties should be assigned to members of the bridal
party, family members or special friends:
Decorating the reception hall.
Decorating cars.
Check to be sure everything is running smoothly and they have what they need:
o Caterer
o DJ or band
o Photographer/videographer
After the reception is over, assign someone to take care of:
Cake top, the anniversary layer of the cake, and the cake knife and server.
Toasting goblets.
Guest book and pen.
Gifts. Have someone responsible for transporting the gifts and cards from the reception to the
bride and groom's home. Have a roll of tape available to secure the cards to the proper gifts.
DJ or Reception Director should announce:
 The person giving the blessing
 The best man giving the toast
 The first bridal dance
 The father/daughter dance
 The mother/son dance
 The formal cake cutting
 The tossing of the bouquet and garter
Upcoming Events:
By Princess Double Diamonds
Wedding Schedule next year –
Aug 2013
Some pictures ideas:
“Your Royal Treatment Awaits You”