‘E-Government Visioning Workshop’ July, 2000 1 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Foundation Project E-Government Strategy Alignment Framework Kick-Off Presentation 2 www.dm.gov.ae Presentation ( I ) www.dm.gov.ae Presentation Roadmap Kick-Off Presentation Welcome to the ‘E-Government Visioning Workshop’. Before we start, we would like to share with you the following: • Where Do We Stand Today ? • Workshop Objectives • Workshop Agenda • Workshop Framework 3 www.dm.gov.ae Where Do We Stand Today ? Kick-Off Presentation This workshop launches the ‘Visioning’ and ‘Transition Planning’ phases of the E-Government Foundation Project. E-Government STRATEGY ALIGNMENT WORKSTREAM E-Government FOUNDATION PROJECT E-Government STRATEGY ALIGNMENT E-GOV. READINESS REVIEW IT INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT FOUNDATION DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE EVALUATION & RECOMMENDATION 4 E-GOV. STRATEGY ALIGNMENT TRANSITION PLANNING Kick-Off Presentation There are three key objectives for this workshop: (2) Explore what projects need to be launched to transform the services (3) Define the target position in detail KPIs DM as it stands today www.dm.gov.ae Workshop Objectives 18 months Beyond 18 months (1) Explore what services should be transformed into EGovernment and when 5 DM target E-Government position www.dm.gov.ae Workshop Agenda Kick-Off Presentation 09:00 - 09:15 Presentation 1 : Kick-off Presentation 09:15 - 09:45 09:45 - 10:30 Presentation 2 : E-Government Service Prioritisation Exercise 1 : Prioritising DM Municipal Services 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:30 Presentation 3 : How to transform a service into E-Government ? Exercise 2 : Establishing Future E-Government Projects 12:30 - 13:00 Prayers’ & Coffee Break 13:00 - 13:30 Presentation 4 : Clarifying DM’s Target Position 13:30 - 14:00 Presentation 5 : Conclusions 6 www.dm.gov.ae Workshop Framework Kick-Off Presentation We would appreciate your cooperation on the following: • Think as a Senior Manager within Dubai Municipality, rather than as a specific department specialist • Participate effectively in exercises • Raise questions and concerns promptly • Watch pre-set time frame carefully • Switch off mobile phones and pagers 7 E-Government Service Prioritisation 8 www.dm.gov.ae Presentation ( 2 ) www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation Presentation Roadmap During this presentation, we will discuss the key issues related to service prioritisation. These are: • What is Service Prioritisation ? • Why to Prioritise Services ? • How to Prioritise Services ? 9 10 www.dm.gov.ae What is Service Prioritisation ? E-Government Service Prioritisation www.dm.gov.ae What is Service Prioritisation ? Service prioritisation is the process of analysing the different municpal services provided by DM to answer two key questions: • Q1 : What services should we focus on during transformation to E-Government? • Q2 : What services should we transform first ? (October 2001 Deadline) 11 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation What is Service Prioritisation ? Answer (1) - we should transform to E-Government those services through which E-Government can deliver the maximum value to DM and its customers. High High Value Services Low E-Gov. Impact on Customer Value Non-profit service-centric organisations Low Value Services (Bad Investment) Low Commercial organisations High E-Gov. Impact on DM Value 12 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation What is Service Prioritisation ? Implement First Implement Second, if you have the resources Low Customer Visibility High Answer (2) - we should transform first those high value services which are highly visible to DM customers and easy to implement. Implement Second, if low on resources Low Implement Last Delivery Complexity 13 High DM senior management should view ‘Service Prioritisation’ as .. www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation What is Service Prioritisation ? Not conflicting with the target E-Government position of transforming (all) services into EGovernment. Low High A dynamic continuous process, rather than, a one-off activity. Low High 14 A mind-focusing exercise, to concentrate time and investments 15 www.dm.gov.ae Why to Prioritise Services ? www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation Why to Prioritise Services ? ‘Service Prioritisation’ is a critical strategic planning tool which can help DM to: • Quickly establish and enforce DM’s image as a leading E-Government organisation. • Achieve higher levels of customer service rapidly and consistently. • Protect investments in E-Government by avoiding bad investments in marginal and non-critical services. • Enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of DM operations by eliminating non-value added activities. 16 17 www.dm.gov.ae How to Prioritise Services ? ‘Service Prioritisation’ is a 5-step process which involves: Done Set-up your business objectives for implementing E-Government. 1 2 Identify the high value services which need to be transformed into E-Government Focus of this workshop Done 3 Will be carried out by the project team - final decision by E-Government steering committee DM’s future responsibility Collect statistics and information about your various municipal services. 4 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation How to Prioritise Services ? Prioritise the implementation of the high-value services 5 Regularly review your prioritisation criteria. 18 • Touch Point Analysis • Intangible Benefits • Customer Base DM Value reflects the benefits this service deliver to DM. It can be determined by: Low Customer Value reflects the importance and criticality of the municipal service to customers. It can be determined by: High In order to identify high value services, we need to understand the basic attributes contributing to DM Value and Customer Value. E-Gov. Impact on customer Value 2 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation How to Prioritise Services ? Low High E-gov. Impact on DM Value 19 • Revenues • Potential Revenues • Potential Cost Reductions • Intangible benefits 2 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation How to Prioritise Services ? ‘Touch Point Analysis’ can be used to identify how E-Government can add value to the customer. Service Recognition Relationship Management Complaints & Comments Service Information DUBAI MUNICIPALITY Service Request Service Delivery Follow-up & Tracking 20 4 www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation How to Prioritise Services ? In order to identify ‘Quick Wins’, we need to understand the basic attributes of Service Visibility and Service Complexity. Delivery Complexity reflects the sophistication and complexity of the service delivery process. It can be viewed in terms of: High Low • Customer Base • Annual Number of Transactions • Customer Sophistication • Service Type Service Visibility Service Visibility reflects the impact of transforming that service on customers. It can be viewed in terms of: Low High Delivery Complexity 21 • Degree of automation • Degree of customer interaction • Number of documents used • Number of DM Depts. Involved • Number of external parties involved. www.dm.gov.ae E-Government Service Prioritisation Conclusion - Service Prioritisation In summary, ‘Service Prirotisation’ will help us to identify which services to transform to E-Government and when. 1st High ? ? Last High Low High Delivery Complexity Low E-Government Impact on Customer Value Low Service Visibility DM E-Government Programme should focus on those high value activities. Low Implement your high value services in this order. High E-Government Impact on DM Value 22 Prioritising DM Municipal Services Time for completion : 45 Minutes 23 www.dm.gov.ae Exercise ( 1 ) www.dm.gov.ae Prioritising DM Municipal Services Exercise Objective High Low High Delivery Complexity This analysis will be conducted later by PwC & DM Joint Project Team. The analysis will be based on the information collected earlier from the various departments. Low E-Gov. Impact on Customer Value Low Service Visibility Focus of This Exercise (Value Questionnaire) High In the this exercise, you will help us to rank municipal services based on the impact E-Government has on DM and Customer Values. Low High E-Gov. Impact on DM Value 24 www.dm.gov.ae Prioritising DM Municipal Services Exercise Roadmap We have designed a questionnaire to measure the value added to DM and its Customers by transforming a specific municipal service into E-Government. You will fill-in this questionnaire for three of your department’s core services. Activity Recommended Time Break out into 4 focus groups (Handout) 5 Minutes Read through the service list (Handout) 5 Minutes Read through the value questionnaire (Handout) 5 Minutes Fill-in the value questionnaire for each service 30 Minutes Thank You 25 www.dm.gov.ae Prioritising DM Municipal Services Exercise Focus Groups 26 Transforming a Service Into E-Government 27 www.dm.gov.ae Presentation ( III ) www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Presentation Roadmap During this presentation, we will discuss the various activities involved in transforming a municipal service into E-Government: • Service Overview • Transforming The Service • DM Transition Path Into E-Government 28 29 www.dm.gov.ae Service Overview www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview Government Value We will discuss how to transform the ‘Public Libraries’ service into an E-Government service, going through the various evolution stages of the ‘E-Business Maturity Model’. For each stage, we will describe the kind of tasks required to transform the service to that stage of the maturity model Industry Convergence Organisation Transformation On-line Integrated Business On-line Business On-line Presence E-Government Leverage 30 On an Annual Basis Transactions = 155,590 Revenue = AED 60,263 Cost = AED 7248,774 Current Library Services include: • • • • • • • • At present, Dubai Municipality provides information about these library services on its web page Public Access Catalogue Search; CD-ROM Network; Internet Services; Reference Services; Photocopying Services; Periodicals Services Current Information Services; and Audio-Visual Materials Services. What opportunities will E-Government provide to enhance these services? 31 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview Core Service Activities Support Activities The ‘Public Libraries’ service provided by Dubai Municipality currently has the following process flow. Increase Service Awareness Procure Additional Material Subscription Inform Customers about new material Title/Author Search Reserve Material Fines and Actions Customers (Residents) Borrow Material Tracking and Follow Up Material Returns 32 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview Transforming the library services into an E-Government service can be built on the already existing foundation 1 Good inventory of all existing material - books, audio, visual and reference material 2 On-Line computer system supporting operations inside the library - subscriptions, book searches and book reservations. 3 Links between the eight different libraries through the computer system 4 Reasonable level of computer sophistication among customers 33 34 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming The Service Service Transformation - Domains www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government E-Government requires four key operational elements to be in place and to operate effectively. Each of these domains plays a key role in defining the steps required to move a service to a higher level of e-business maturity. Organisation & Competencies Strategy Overall Direction Supply Chain Integration Risk Management Customer Facing Activities Roles & Responsibilities Skills Change Management Alliances Management Delivery Capabilities & Operations Processes Marketing Sales Product Development Customer Service Purchasing Logistics & Distribution Content Creation & Management IT & Information System Management Methodologies Project Management 35 Web Presence Service Delivery Increase Service Awareness Procure Additional Material Subscriptions Inform customers Title/Author Search Reserve Material Web page with details of services available, location and contact numbers for libraries and instructions associated with obtaining library services Transformation Activities • Fines and Actions Customers (Residents) Borrow Material • • • Tracking and Follow Up Material Returns Impacted Area • Formally define services, policies for public libraries; Identify high level risks - legal, confidentiality and any risk to DM image; Define and deploy required IT infrastructure and standards; Develop web page content and define strategy for maintaining web page content; Assign roles associated with keeping content of web page up to date and aligned with policies. 36 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview On-line Business Service Delivery Increase Service Awareness Procure Additional Material Subscriptions Inform customers Title/Author Search Reserve Material Fines and Actions Borrow Material Customers (Residents) Tracking and Follow Up Material Returns Able to look through a catalogue of books and material available, reserve material from any of the libraries, subscribe to services and request for new material Transformation Activities • • • • • • • Impacted Area Identify customer requirements; Identify transaction related risks - financial, security, confidentiality; Implement online payment mechanism; Assign roles for dealing with customer requests, for data and transaction security. Define service level agreements; Train library staff on new business and technology issues; Review external and internal processes and align processes to different channels. 37 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview Integrated Business Service Delivery Increase Service Awareness Procure Additional Material Subscriptions Inform customers Quicker response to requests for new books and material not available with the library and the ability to pay fines and extend books on-line Transformation Activities • Title/Author Search Reserve Material • • Fines and Actions Customers (Residents) Borrow Material Tracking and Follow Up Material Returns Impacted Area www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview • • • Integrate library system to purchasing system; Review and optimise work flow for purchase of additional material; Establish alliances with trusted book suppliers and on-line links to suppliers; Order books from suppliers on-line; Build link to finance system on-line - for budgets, payments and receivables; Conduct customer satisfaction survey and refine web pages, services and processes as required. 38 Transformation Service Delivery Increase Service Awareness Procure Additional Material Subscriptions Inform customers Delivery and collection of books from home Links to other on-line libraries and access to digital data (magazines, periodicals) through the web at a periodic charge Transformation Activities • Title/Author Search Fines and Actions Reserve Material Customers (Residents) Borrow Material Tracking and Follow Up Material Returns www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Service Overview • • • Form alliances with one or more local logistics firms for delivery and collection of material; Define pricing policies for home delivery; Deploy kiosks, public service booths; Form alliances with other libraries around the world with digital data and provide access to digital data to local customers. Impacted Area 39 Transformation Summary In summary, the use of E-Government concepts for library services could deliver 1 Excellent level of service to the local residents and visitors 2 Provide potential opportunities to increase client base (regional) and increase revenues through new services 3 Improve image of Dubai Municipality among the public 4 Possibly reduce costs by removing manual processes especially in terms of work flow, integration between departments and administration 40 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government 41 www.dm.gov.ae DM Transition Path Into E-Government www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government DM Transition Path Into E-Government DM future transition plan to E-Government will include four types of implementation activities as described below Task Service Implementation Time Wave 1 Wave 2 Strategy Definition Wave 3 Organisation Wave n Review Batch 1 Batch 2 nProcess Re-engineering Tune-ups Transactional System Hardware, Software, Network, Security & IT Development Operations Overall CRM Overhauls Informational Maintenance Infrastructure Project Management Single DM-wide Project Management Structure Project Big bets Prioritisation Funding 42 Benefits Realisation Service Transformation Time for completion : 30 minutes followed by 5 minute summary from each group 43 www.dm.gov.ae Exercise ( II ) The aim of this exercise is to provide you with a forum to apply the discussions to date relating to service transformation on a practical example. For this exercise, we will break out into four groups. You have a list of the groups with your name or the name of the person for whom you are here today. Each group will be provided with one specific service that needs to be transferred into an E-Government Service (Target Position) Your task will be to • Understand how the service is provided now (as outlined on sheet provided); • Discuss how the service will move through the different stages as seen with the Library Services example; • Identify a number of tasks or actions that need to be taken in order for the transformation to E-Government for this service successful - for each task that you identify, define if it is an “organisational task” (example, change culture) or a specific service related task (example, re-design process flow) • Appoint one person to present summary of activities required to make this EGovernment service successful! 44 www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Exercise 2 Objective www.dm.gov.ae Transforming a service into E-Government Exercise Roadmap Each group will be provided with one specific service that needs to be transferred into an E-Government Service (Target Position). Please use the following roadmap to complete the exercise Activity Recommended Time Break out into 4 focus groups (Handout) 5 Minutes Read through the service description list (Handout) 5 Minutes Discuss the process of transforming the service with the group and the co-ordinator 20 Minutes Come back to the main presentation room 5 Minutes Present summary of group findings to the larger group 5 Minutes (* 4 groups) 45 Group 1 Mohammed Julfar Khalid Khoori Munther Jumaa Salem Mesmar Ahmed Abdul Karim Mohammed Al Zafeen Qamar Fadhel Abdul Qader Al Jassmi Arif Ahli Assistant Director General for Technical Services Affairs Director of General Maintenance Department Head of Foreign Relations and Organizations Office Director of Public Health Department Director of Public Parks and Horticulture Department DM E-Government Steering Committee Member DM E-Government Steering Committee Member Director of Legal Affairs Department Head of Internal Control Section Group 2 Mattar Al Tayer Talal Khoori Abdulla Rafi Humeid Al Merri AbdulRahman Al Sharid Ibrahim Shareef Essa Al Meidoor Salem Al Yousif Assistant Director General for roads and General Projects Affairs Director of Administrative Development and Quality Department Director of Contracts and Purchasing Department Director of Markets and Abattoirs Department Director of Building and Housing Department Director of Finance Department Director of Drainage and Irrigation Department DM E-Government Steering Committee Member Group 3 Hussein Lootah Ali Bin Hereiz Khalil Hussein Abdulla Al Hashimi Nasser Saeed Abdul Hakim Belshalat Salah Amiri Sami Al Hashimi Abdulla Al Madani Assistant Director General for Environment & Public Health Affairs Assistant Director General for Financial Affairs Director of Personnel Department Director of Planning and Surveying Department Director of Roads Department Director of Administrative Affairs Department Director of Transportation Department DM E-Government Steering Committee Member DM E-Government Steering Committee Member Group 4 Obeid Al Shamsi Abdulla Al Ghaith Khalid Bin Zayed Abdul Aziz Malek Hamdan al Shaer Abdulla Al Sheibani Abdul Hakim Malek Adnan Sharafi Ibrahim Yaqoob Assistant Director General for Administrative and General Services Affairs Assistant Director General for Planning and Building Affair Head of Public Relations Section Head of Public Transport Section Director of Environment Department Director of General Projects Department Director of Information Technology Department Director of Dubai Central Laboratory DM E-Government Steering Committee Member 46 www.dm.gov.ae Visioning Workshop Focus Groups Leading E-Government Operational Models 47 www.dm.gov.ae Presentation ( 3 ) www.dm.gov.ae Clarifying DM's Target Position AGENDA During this presentation, we will share with you PwC E-Government experience with leading public sector organisations world-wide. Specifically, three key topics will be discussed. • DM’s E-Government Target Operational Model • City of Los Angeles (LA) Model • DM’s Target Position 48 49 www.dm.gov.ae DM’s E-Government Target Operational Model www.dm.gov.ae Clarifying DM's Target Position DM Target Position As a part of the E-Government readiness review, we have identified the key themes of the target E-Government position. Government Value Industry Convergence • End-to-end electronic integration • E-Government to cover all services Organisation Set-up of Virtual • Initial focus on services provided to organisations through Transformation the public outsourcing and convergence. • E-Government services to be Transformation into a Online Integrated continuously improved profitability-based commercial Business model. Online Business Online Presence Full electronic integration internally and externally Dynamic, Interactive and Personalised Delivery of Services Static Information Sharing & Web Presence E-Government Leverage 50 Target Position www.dm.gov.ae Clarifying DM's Target Position DM Target Position As we move forward, we need to further clarify the target EGovernment position for DM. Specifically, we need to achieve the following: (2) Identify key indicators to measure the progress of DM’s E-Government programme (3) Identify how to manage the relationship with customers. Dubai Municipality Suppliers Delivery Channel Customers Delivery Channel (1) Identify the key electronic delivery channels to be used in communicating with suppliers and customers. 51 www.dm.gov.ae Clarifying DM's Target Position DM’s Target Position Following this visioning workshop, we will work jointly with DM EGovernment steering committee and project management to define: Electronic Delivery Channels E-Government Progress Tracking Customer Relationship Management • Phone • Mobile • Kiosks • TVs • Internet • Others • % of transformed services • % of workload • % of customers • • • • • • (1) Channel Integration (2) Channel Conflict • • • • Revenues Cost Reductions Infrastructure Intangibles Customer-centric vs. department-centric Personalisation Accountability DM Only vs. Government of Dubai Delivery channel choice Proactive vs. Reactive 58 Conclusions 59 www.dm.gov.ae Presentation (5 ) High 20 15 10 Low E-Government Impact on Customer Value 25 5 0 0 5 10 Low 15 High E-Government Impact on DM Value 60 20 www.dm.gov.ae Conclusions - Service Prioritisation Organisation Wide Challenges • • • • • • • • • • • Common Service Related Challenges IT Infrastructure Design & Development Security Policy and Mechanisms Payment Mechanisms Training Service oriented culture at all levels Marketing/Publicity Risk Management Organisation Structure Customer Service Strategy and customer management strategy Links to other Government departments and Government wide policies Alliances and partnerships • • • • • • • • 61 Defining policy and procedures for existing service Process Engineering/Tuning Organisation Structure and Roles, Responsibilities Service Level Agreements across departments Marketing and Pricing policies Service Awareness Progress and Benefits Tracking Need for multiple service channels www.dm.gov.ae Conclusions - Service Transformation DM E-Government project has high visibility. been done to date. www.dm.gov.ae Conclusions Some good work has Speed is essential but it is important to plan in a structured way in order to deliver quality services rapidly and consistently. There is a need for departments which provide similar services to work together to ensure that the process is seamless for the customer. E-Government is more than just an IT problem - there is a need for all facets of the business to be involved in order to make it successful. The introduction of E-Government should not stop other internal automation projects but such projects should be part of the overall plan. 62 There is a lot of IT infrastructure required - security, payment mechanisms; etc In order for the implementation to be successful, there is a need for one single DM wide professional project management structure. DM should introduce formal performance measures in order to evaluate progress and benefits of E-Government. In order to meet overall objectives of improving service levels, increasing revenue and reducing cost, it is important to think like a business and to leverage lessons learnt by other Government establishments. 63 www.dm.gov.ae Conclusions