TUGAS MK. APLIKASI KOMPUTER BISNIS 3 & 4: ARTIKEL 1: PPPPTK BOE / VEDC MALANG Berita Perkembangan Teknologi Komputer Masa Depan Parent Category: ARTIKEL Category: Teknologi Informasi (TI) Created on Tuesday, 05 February 2013 07:23 Published on Friday, 08 February 2013 00:40 Written by supriyanto Hits: 2876 Perkembangan Teknologi Komputer Masa Depan Drs.Supriyanto .MT. ( Widyaiswara Madya PPPPTK BOE Malang) Di era seperti sekarang ini, semua orang menginginkan kecepatan serta kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan seluruh aktifitasnya. Bagi individu yang berkutat pada pekerjaan kantoran dengan beragam kegiatan input data atau para profesional yang banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk menulis artikel maupun surat-menyurat via Email, tentu sangat dibutuhkan sebuah alat / media yang dapat membantu merampungkan semua aktifitas tersebut dengan cepat dan tentunya tepat waktu. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa sampai saat ini belum ada perangkat yang sanggup mengganti posisi komputer sebagai alat bantu untuk seabrek pekerjaan kita. Baik dilihat dari sisi kecepatan proses data, tingkat akurasi serta kemudahan dalam pengoperasian. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang begitu cepat, bukanlah hal yang mustahil bagi manusia untuk menikmati berbagai layanan yang semakin canggih dan cepat begitu juga dengan komputer. Barubaru ini NEC Design Ltd sebuah lembaga di jepang menawarkan sebuah konsep baru tentang teknologi komputer yang sangat mengejutkan. Konsep tersebut adalah Komputer Model Pena. Model dari komputer ini adalah model pena. Jika dilihat secaara sekilas pena ini sangat tidak mungkin disebut komputer. Dari jika sudah mengetahui fungsi dan manfaatnya kita tentu pasti terkejut. Komputer ini disebut P-ISM, sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh desainer NEC sebagai “Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package”. Komputer model ini diperkirakan senilai $30.000 atau sekitar 300an juta rupiah. Harga tersebut untuk ukuran sebuah komputer mungkin sangat mahal, tetapi jika dilihat dari segi terkologi tentu tidak ada apa-apanya. Menurut Website NEC Design, komputer jenis P-ISM ini adalah paket komputer pena yang mencakup 5 fungsi yaitu : Ponsel bergaya pena dengan cara input data menggunakan tulisan tangan virtual keyboard proyektor kecil Camera Scanned Personal ID password yang berfungsi sebagai identitas pemilik P-ISM terhubung satu sama lain dengan technology wireless yang berdekatan. model ini juga bisa tersambung dengan internet menggunakan fungsi telepon selular pada P-ISM ini.. Gadget personal ini bergaya pena minimalis yang mempunyai fitur yang Luar biasa Lengkap. Awalnya kita berpikir bahwa model teknologi laptop "Keyboard dan layar" akan bertahan lama. namun tidak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa pena dan kertas adalah alat tulis dan simbol yang secara alami kita terima, hanya tinggal masalah waktu saja sampai seseorang menemukan produk Canggih terbaru yang berkedok sebagai "Pena Pintar" ataupun "Kertas Pintar". Jadi mungkin tak lama lagi laptop(komputer jinjing) akan tidak laku lagi. Selain NEC Design Ltd , perusahaan komputer ternama di dunia Microsoft Corporation juga tidak mau ketinggalan. Baru -baru ini Microsoft sedang mengembangkan prototype komputer masa depan dan sedang menyempurnakannya. Komputer ini dinamai Microsoft Surface. Dalam teknologi ini, seumpama kita mempunyai sebuah kamera digital dan sebuah telepon genggam/ponsel yang telah memiliki dukungan wareless, maka setelah kita memotret benda/seseorang dengan kamera tadi, kemudian kamera itu kita letakkan di atas sebuah monitor sentuh atau touchscreen yang menyerupai meja. Setelah ditaruh, kemudian akan muncul gambar benda atau wajah yang telah kita potret tadi di dalam layar tanpa kita memindahkannya. Kemudian dengan teknologi ini, gambar tersebut bisa diperbesar, diperkecil, dibolakbalik dengan menggunakan tangan. Dan yang lebih seru lagi. Letakkan sebuah ponsel tadi di atas meja itu. Geser gambar dimonitor tersebut ke arah ponsel. Dan seketika itu pula gambar sudah berpindah ke memory card ponsel kita tanpa kita memegang ponsel itu. Dua perkembangan teknologi komputer di atas mungkin akan terrealisasi dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Kita tentu harus sabar menggunya. Tetapi dalam waktu dekat kita juga akan disuguhi perkembangan teknologi komputer yang tidak kalah canggih. Dalam tahun 2010 ini akan segera dirilis Laptop jenis baru. Dilihat dari segi bentuk dan kecanggihanya, laptop yang akan dirilis tahun ini benar-benar sangat fantastis. TriBook dengan tiga konsep layar ultra lebar yaitu 21in lebar layar. Ia juga memiliki sebuah 8x SuperDrive, 1TB harddisk, dan MacBook Pro-calibre CPU, plus sebuah keyboard multitouch trackpad. Generasi laptop masa depan ini dibuat oleh industri desainer Jerman Felix Schmidberger, model classy, elegan, futuristik laptop yang menggunakan OLED touchscreen.Barangkali lebih tepat disebut Paper PC karena bentuknya yang seperti lembaran kertas berupa layar sebagai antar muka dan dilengkapi pena untuk mengoperasikannya dengan cara touch screen. Didesain oleh Avery Holleman.Laptop yang mempunyai dua layar dengan desain mirip buku, Prototipe dari XO-2 dan One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). Itulah beberapa perkembangan teknologi komputer masa depan yang dapat semakin mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Karena menurut saya fungsi utama teknologi adalah diciptakan supaya dapat mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Teknologi semakin canggih saja. Kalau kemarin memberikan informasi tentang Komputer PC Yang Sangat Unik Namun Canggih, sekarang malah jauh lebih canggih lagi. Komputer yang lebih mudah dibawa kemana-mana, namun kualitasnya seperti PC. Kalau hanya laptop maka semakin kecil memang semakin mudah dibawa, tapi akibatnya kenyamanan dalam berkomputer akan semakin berkurang mengingat kecilnya layar serta keyboard. Tapi dibawah ini jauh lebih kecil daripada laptop / notebook tapi lihat saja bagaimanabisa digunakan senyaman PC. Komputer kecil ini bekerja layaknya hologram atau sebuah bentuk virtual dari sebuah hardware, namun memiliki sensor inputan yang sama dengan komputer yang seperti sering digunakan saat ini. Komputer Masa Depan Daftar Pustaka: 1. http://gofutureteknologi. com/2011/07/teknologi-komputer-masa-depan.html 2. http://berbisnisonlineprofitclicking. /2012/09/teknologi-komputer-masadepan.html 3. http://tekhnologi-ku..com/2012/01/teknologi-terbaru.html ARTIKEL 2: Aryandep Lay (NUTRISIONIST) Teknologi Masa Depan Jaringan Komputer 19.35 No comments Perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi dari tahun ke tahun berjalan begitu cepat. Awalnya kita harus bertemu langsung dengan orang yang dituju untuk menyampaikan informasi atau hanya ingin sekadar mebuat obrolan. Tetapi sekarang hanya dengan menggunakan telepon genggam kita sudah dapat berkomunikasi lewat suara, pesan, atau bahkan kita juga dapat menampilkan wajah lawan bicara kita dalam sebuah layar menggunakan video call. Beberapa hal tersebut dapat dilakukan karena adanya system sebagai jembatan untuk saling bertukar informasi yaitu jaringan. Pada masa sekarang jaringan komputer memiliki peran yang tak sedikit. Seperti berbagi perangkat keras (Resource Sharing), berbagi program dan data (Reliabilitas Tinggi), mendukung kecepatan berkomunikasi (Real Time), serta memudahkan pengaksesan informasi. Tentang jaringan komputer pada masa depan, berpuluh tahun atau ratusan tahun yang akan datang mungkin akan tercipta berbagai aplikasi atau system berbasis jaringan yang dapat membaharui teknologi dan kehidupan manusia. Lihat saja untuk masa yang sekarang, informasi dan data apapun bisa dikirim dengan sangat cepat kemanapun tujuannya selama perangkat yang dipakai mendukung. Sekadar berimajinasi dan melalang buana dalam bayangan yang maya, bukan tidak mungkin data yang bersifat real atau nyata yang memiliki berat dalam gram dan bisa dirasakan, dapat dikirim juga secara cepat melalui jaringan. Misalnya sebuah meja dikirimkan melalui dunia maya, atau mungkin manusia sendiri, dapat berpindah ke tempat lain dengan hanya mengklik tombol. Mereka akan lenyap seketika dan muncul lagi di tempat lain yang dituju. Jadi dengan begitu manusia kedepannya nanti tidak perlu menggunakan jasa travel atau pos untuk mengirim paket barang, cukup dengan system yang saling terhubung untuk mentransfer barang tersebut. Membayangkan menembus ruang dan waktu mungkin juga dapat menjadi pemikiran yang nyata. Menjelajah dan pergi ke masa sebelumnya atau yang akan datang. Walaupun terdengar tidak mungkin tetapi siapa yang dapat memprediksi masa depan. Dan mungkin penggunaan video call yang ditambah fitur dimensi yang lebih nyata. Misalkan tak hanya melihat gambarnya tetapi kita juga bisa merasakan dan menyentuh lawan video chat atau video call kita. Tak hanya itu, membaca pikiran dan melihat memori seseorang yang mungkin sudah terlupakan secara teknis dan jelas menggunakan suatu apllikasi. Serta menggunakan sumber daya hardware dan software dengan semua pengguna secara bersama-sama, misalkan saja cloud-computing. Kemajuan dan persaingan teknologi dengan penggunaan jaringan semakin ketat. Dan akan membuat manusia terus berfikir untuk menciptakan inovasi-inovasi baru guna memenuhi tuntutan tersebut. Dengan dorongan sifat manusia yang tak mudah puas dan terus berupaya mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih. Tentu kemajuan teknologi sangat membatu manusia dalam melakukan dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah mereka. Tetapi disamping itu pula pastilah timbul dampak negative yang tak bisa dihindari. Ada gambar - gambar yang lain, seperti : ARTIKEL 3: Teknologi Komputer Masa Depan 3:37 PM Teknologi komputer masa depan - Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang begitu cepat, bukanlah hal yang mustahil bagi manusia untuk menikmati berbagai layanan yang semakin canggih dan cepat begitu juga dengan komputer. Baru-baru ini NEC Design Ltd sebuah lembaga di jepang menawarkan sebuah konsep baru tentang teknologi komputer yang sangat mengejutkan. Konsep tersebut adalah Komputer Model Pena. Model dari komputer ini adalah model pena. Jika dilihat secaara sekilas pena ini sangat tidak mungkin disebut komputer. Dari jika sudah mengetahui fungsi dan manfaatnya kita tentu pasti terkejut. Komputer ini disebut P-ISM. Sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh desainer NEC sebagai “Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package”. Komputer model ini diperkirakan senilai $30.000 atau sekitar 300an juta rupiah. Harga tersebut untuk ukuran sebuah komputer mungkin sangat mahal, tetapi jika dilihat dari segi terkologi tentu tidak ada apa-apanya. Menurut Website NEC Design, komputer jenis P-ISM ini adalah paket komputer pena yang mencakup 5 fungsi yaitu : Ponsel bergaya pena dengan cara input data menggunakan tulisan tangan virtual keyboard proyektor kecil Camera Scanned Personal ID password yang berfungsi sebagai identitas pemilik P-ISM terhubung satu sama lain dengan technology wireless yang berdekatan. model ini juga bisa tersambung dengan internet menggunakan fungsi telepon selular pada P-ISM ini.. Gadget personal ini bergaya pena minimalis yang mempunyai fitur yang Luar biasa Lengkap. Awalnya kita berpikir bahwa model teknologi laptop "Keyboard dan layar" akan bertahan lama. namun tidak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa pena dan kertas adalah alat tulis dan simbol yang secara alami kita terima, hanya tinggal masalah waktu saja sampai seseorang menemukan produk Canggih terbaru yang berkedok sebagai "Pena Pintar" ataupun "Kertas Pintar". Jadi mungkin tak lama lagi laptop(komputer jinjing) akan tidak laku lagi. Selain NEC Design Ltd , perusahaan komputer ternama di dunia Microsoft Corporation juga tidak mau ketinggalan. Baru -baru ini Microsoft sedang mengembangkan prototype komputer masa depan dan sedang menyempurnakannya. Komputer ini dinamai Microsoft Surface. Dalam teknologi ini, seumpama kita mempunyai sebuah kamera digital dan sebuah telepon genggam/ponsel yang telah memiliki dukungan wareless, maka setelah kita memotret benda/seseorang dengan kamera tadi, kemudian kamera itu kita letakkan di atas sebuah monitor sentuh atau touchscreen yang menyerupai meja. Setelah ditaruh, kemudian akan muncul gambar benda atau wajah yang telah kita potret tadi di dalam layar tanpa kita memindahkannya. Kemudian dengan teknologi ini, gambar tersebut bisa diperbesar, diperkecil, dibolak-balik dengan menggunakan tangan. Dan yang lebih seru lagi. Letakkan sebuah ponsel tadi di atas meja itu. Geser gambar dimonitor tersebut ke arah ponsel. Dan seketika itu pula gambar sudah berpindah ke memory card ponsel kita tanpa kita memegang ponsel itu. Dua perkembangan teknologi komputer di atas mungkin akan terrealisasi dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Kita tentu harus sabar menggunya. Tetapi dalam waktu dekat kita juga akan disuguhi perkembangan teknologi komputer yang tidak kalah canggih. Dalam tahun 2010 ini akan segera dirilis Laptop jenis baru. Dilihat dari segi bentuk dan kecanggihanya, laptop yang akan dirilis tahun ini benar-benar sangat fantastis. TriBook dengan tiga konsep layar ultra lebar yaitu 21in lebar layar. Ia juga memiliki sebuah 8x SuperDrive, 1TB harddisk, dan MacBook Pro-calibre CPU, plus sebuah keyboard multitouch trackpad. Generasi laptop masa depan ini dibuat oleh industri desainer Jerman Felix Schmidberger, model classy, elegan, futuristik laptop yang menggunakan OLED touchscreen. Barangkali lebih tepat disebut Paper PC karena bentuknya yang seperti lembaran kertas berupa layar sebagai antar muka dan dilengkapi pena untuk mengoperasikannya dengan cara touch screen. Didesain oleh Avery Holleman. Laptop yang mempunyai dua layar dengan desain mirip buku, Prototipe dari XO-2 dan One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) . Beberapa contoh Teknologi Masa Depan diantaranya : 1. Mesin-mesin Cerdas Seukuran Atom, Nanoteknologi "Coal and diamonds, sand and computer chips, cancer and healthy tissue: throughout history, variations in the arrangement of atoms have distinguished the cheap from the cherished, the diseased from the healthy. Arranged one way, atoms make up soil, air, and water. Arranged another, they make up ripe strawberries. Arranged one way, they make up homes and fresh air; arranged another, they make up ash and smoke". Eric Drexler, Engines of CreationNanoteknologi adalah segala teknologi masa depan yang memungkinan manusia memanipulasi partikel-partikel super kecil yang besarnya nyaris seukuran atom! Nanometer sendiri adalah ukuran 1/semilyar meter, atau nyaris ketebalan rambut dibelah 50.000. Itulah kedahsyatan teknologi nano. Tujuannya adalah menciptakan material-material baru masa depan, bahkan mesin-mesin dan robot-robot seukuran partikel. Material-material itu akan bisa lebih kuat dari intan, super ringan, tahan panas dan dingin dengan skala yang ekstrim, mampu menghantarkan listrik lebih baik, lebih tahan lama, ramah lingkungan dan seterusnya. Kemungkinan aplikasinya benar-benar dahsyat dan akan merubah seluruh dunia. Bayangkan bila kita bisa menciptakan berbagai material baru yang lebih keras dari intan, dan jauh lebih ringan dari baja. (Carbon nanotubes, sp2 bond). Kita bisa menciptakan kerangka super kuat untuk mobil, pesawat terbang, atau bangunan dan jembatan. Dengan bobotnya yang lebih ringan, semua mobil dan pesawat juga akan lebih hemat energi. Kita bisa menciptakan baju anti kusut dan tahan noda. Kita juga bisa menciptakan robot berukuran bakteria, nanobots, dan memasukanya ke dalam tubuh manusia. Fungsinya bisa dari menyembuhkan penyakit, menghancurkan sel-sel kanker, bahkan memperkuat tubuh manusia (Feynman, "Swallowing the Doctor"). Nanobots ataupun nanoparticles bahkan nantinya diperkirakan juga akan bisa kembali menutup lubang ozon. Dengan komponen seukuran nano, kita bisa membuat supercomputer sebesar kotak korek api, dan media penyimpanan data yang menyimpan jutaan gigabyte informasi tentang umat manusia dan seluruh alam semesta, sebesar seujung kuku. Bagaimana teknologi ini bisa dilakukan? Karena mikroskop super-canggih yang dapat melihat atom sudah ada sejak 1981, Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), dan Atomic Force Microscope (AFM, 1986). 2. Era Manusia-manusia Super, Rekayasa Genetika "Human genetic engineering has the potential to change human beings' appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character, and behaviour. It may potentially be used in creating more dramatic changes in humans".Wikipedia Genetic Engineering. Manusia telah berhasil memetakan gennya dalam proyek raksasa "The Human Genome Project". Dengan data ini manusia mempunyai peta informasi untuk mengeksplorasi fungsi dan potensi dari tiap gen dalam tubuh manusia. Mulai dari gen yang menentukan bentuk fisik manusia, gen penyebab kanker, gen yang membentuk ingatan, gen yang menciptakan kecerdasan, bahkan gen khusus yang mengatur proses penuaan. Ini nantinya akan memungkinkan dilakukannya rekayasa genetika untuk menciptakan manusiamanusia masa depan yang sangat unggul. Manusia dengan kesehatan sempurna, terbebas dari penyakit, berumur lebih dari 100 tahun dan mempunyai kecerdasan mendekati genius. Bayangkan bila manusia menemukan gen spesial yang membuat Einstein menjadi genius. Lalu gen itu bisa ditransfer ke seluruh umat manusia. Atau keunggulan fisik David Beckham, atau bahkan kharisma John F. Kennedy. Tapi rekayasa genetika tidak hanya untuk manusia, tapi juga bisa untuk tumbuhan dan hewan ternak. Rekayasa genetika bisa menciptakan padi dan gandum jenis baru dengan hasil panen yang berkali-kali lipat. Kita juga bisa menciptakan daging sapi yang lebih empuk dan gurih. Kita bahkan juga bisa menciptakan tanaman dan hewan konsumsi dengan nilai gizi yang unggul. 3. Energi Terdahsyat di seluruh Alam Semesta, The Power of the Stars "What would fusion mean? Endless, cheap energy. Amazing Star Trek, space travel possibilities. Fame, fortune, and undoubtedly a Nobel or two for the lucky scientist". The Observer, Desember 2000 Matahari, setiap detiknya, mengeluarkan energi sebesar seluruh energi yang digunakan seluruh umat manusia sepanjang sejarahnya. Energi plasma hidrogen raksasa sebesar 380 Milyar-milyar Mega-Watt (380^26 MW), per detiknya. Inilah energi yang dikenal sebagai energi Fusi Nuklir (Nuclear Fusion), The power of the Sun. Dan para ilmuwan dunia sedang berusaha mendapatkannya. Dan ini adalah energi yang membuat bintang-bintang raksasa di alam semesta terbakar selama milyaran tahun. Energi terdahsyat, di seluruh alam semesta. Sebuah percobaan besar sedang dilakukan di kota kecil Cadarache di ujung selatan Perancis dalam sebuah proyek bernama ITER. Disini atom Deuterium dan Tritium dilebur dengan panas mencapai 150 juta derajat Celcius, nyaris 10 kali panas inti Matahari. Wadah peleburannya dilindungi oleh medan magnet Tokamak sehingga tidak meleleh. Hebatnya adalah bahwa Deuterium bisa dihasilkan dari air laut biasa, dan Tritium dibentuk dari Lithium yang bisa didapat dari batu alam. Energi terdahsyat di seluruh alam semesta dari Air dan Batu alam. Kalau para ilmuwan ini berhasil menciptakannya, maka seluruh dunia akan mempunyai sumber energi baru yang dahsyat menggantikan minyak bumi. Energi ini akan begitu besar dan efisien, tidak terbatas, sangat murah, serta ramah lingkungan. (Note : penggunaan nanoteknologi dalam sel photovoltaic tenaga surya, nanocrystal, juga dikatakan memiliki potensi energi super besar yang mampu menggantikan minyak bumi). 4. Regenerasi Wolverine, Stem Cell Bayangkan bila penyakit jantung dan diabetes bisa disembuhkan secara sempurna, orang lumpuh bisa berjalan, dan orang buta, bisa melihat kembali. Anda pernah melihat seekor cecak, yang bisa menumbuhkan kembali ekornya yang putus dengan sempurna? Atau jika anda penggemar komik "X-Men", anda pasti tahu tokoh superhero bernama Wolverine. Saat tubuhnya tertusuk pisau atau tertembus peluru, dia dapat menyembuhkan lukanya dengan nyaris seketika. Ia dapat meregenerasi seluruh sel-sel tubuhnya dengan sempurna, secara instan. Tapi itu cuma khayalan. Ada sejenis cacing bernama "planarian worm", yang banyak hidup di laut maupun sungai, yang mampu menumbuhkan ulang bahkan nyaris seluruh tubuhnya. Planaria, terutama spesies Schmidtea mediterranea, mampu meregenerasi utuh tubuhnya, bahkan bila tinggal sepotong kecil saja tubuhnya yang tersisa, sampai 1/300 bagian. Dan bila kepalanya dihilangkanpun, dia akan menumbuhkan kembali kepalanya dengan sempurna. Bagaimana jika manusia bisa melakukan itu nantinya? Jika kita dapat secara langsung mengganti semua sel-sel tubuh kita yang rusak dengan sempurna dan tanpa cacat. Para ilmuwan telah nyaris mencapai keajaiban itu. Teknologi biologi molekular bernama Stem Cell, atau Sel Induk. Ini adalah sel paling dasar dari tubuh manusia, yang bisa berubah, atau dirubah, menjadi sel atau organ apapun di tubuh manusia. Bila anda memiliki penyakit jantung, maka sel jantung itu bisa diganti dengan stem sel dan jantung anda akan berfungsi normal kembali. Bila anda mengalami kebutaan, sel retina anda bisa diganti dengan sel baru dari sel induk dan anda akan bisa melihat kembali. Jika anda menderita penyakit yang berhubungan dengan fungsi otak seperti stroke, alzheimer atau parkinson, maka sel otak anda yang rusak, bahkan jaringan pusat otak cerebral cortex, bisa diganti dengan stem cell. Dan kalau anda menderita diabetes, maka stem cell akan menyelamatkan anda dengan meregenerasi sel pankreas penghasil hormon insulin. 5. Komputer Kuantum Bayangkan sebuah komputer masa depan, yang kecepatannya ribuan kali lebih cepat dari supercomputer tercepat sekarang. Ribuan kali lebih cepat dan efisien dari IBM "Roadrunner" di Los Alamos yang kecepatannya mencapai 1.7 petaflops (1 petaflop = 10^15 operasi per detik). Inilah kedahsyatan komputer kuantum. Komputer ini begitu dahsyat karena diciptakan memakai fenomena keajaiban dunia kuantum, Superposition dan Quantum Entanglement. Dalam pemecahan kode misalnya (kriptografi), untuk memecahkan kode yang digitnya sampai 140, komputer biasa akan memerlukan waktu milyaran tahun untuk memecahkannya. Tapi dengan komputer kuantum, ini bisa dipecahkan hanya dalam waktu beberapa puluh menit saja. Dengan komputer ini manusia juga akan bisa memprediksikan cuaca di bumi dan gejala-gejala alam lain yang sangat kompleks dengan sangat akurat berbulan-bulan sebelumnya, seperti gempa bumi dan tornado. Dan tentu saja ini akan makin merevolusikan lagi kecepatan pengembangan seluruh teknologi canggih yang ada sekarang. 6. Jubah Menghilang Harry Potter, Metamaterial "The announcement last November of an "invisibility shield," created by David R. Smith of Duke University and colleagues, inevitably set the media buzzing with talk of H. G. Wells's invisible man and Star Trek's Romulans".MIT Technology Review Hanya beberapa tahun yang lalu, seluruh ilmuwan ternama dunia masih yakin bahwa tidak ada satupun material di dunia ini yang bisa membuat manusia menghilang. Itu benar-benar tidak mungkin, karena itu melanggar semua hukum alam yang diketahui manusia. Tapi mereka semua salah.. Metamaterial, menjadi salahsatu bahan yang ramai dibicarakan. Bahan ini bisa membuat sesuatu, menjadi tidak terlihat. Sebuah baju yang menggunakan teknologi ini bisa membuat pemakainya "menghilang", seperti jubah ajaib dalam "Harry Potter". Sebuah pesawat tempur dengan bahan metamaterial akan jadi tidak terlihat, bukan sekedar tidak terlihat radar seperti teknologi "Stealth", tapi benar-benar tidak terlihat mata seperti alat cloaking device dalam Star Trek. Ini bisa dilakukan misalnya dengan menciptakan material artifisial yang mampu membelokkan radiasi elektromagnetik, demikian pula dengan cahaya, yang pada dasarnya adalah radiasi elektromagnetik. Bahannya bisa seperti timah dan plastik yang diatur dalam struktur pola tertentu. Metamaterial akan membelokkan cahaya, mengelilingi obyek yang diselimutinya dan berkumpul kembali di ujungnya, seperti air sungai mengelilingi sebuah batu. Dalam penelitian terakhir di Perdue University mereka menggunakan jarum-jarum khusus yang akan membelokkan cahaya melampaui obyek yang diselubungi sementara obyek di belakangnya akan terlihat. Material ini sedang diteliti di seluruh dunia termasuk di MIT, University of California Berkeley, Duke University, dan Caltech di LA. 7. Space Elevator, Tangga Menuju Bintang-bintang Space elevator atau Tangga Luar angkasa adalah seperti lift yang sangat tinggi dari bumi menuju ke orbit bumi di luar angkasa, 35.000 kilometer tingginya. Dengan lift ini perjalanan ke orbit bumi akan menjadi lebih mudah, dan murah. Banyak orang berharap, bahwa program ruang angkasa yang tadinya berhenti sampai di bulan karena sangat mahal, akan bisa dimulai lagi. Dan mungkin impian manusia untuk pergi ke Mars, akan terwujud. Lift ini awalnya hanya berupa khayalan, tapi ternyata dengan ditemukannya sebuah teknologi baru, hal ini menjadi sangat memungkinkan diwujudkan. Teknologi itu adalah Carbon nanotube, material baru yang dikatakan lebih kuat dari intan dan lebih ringan dari baja. Hal ini nantinya akan memungkinkan dimulainya era baru dalam penjelahajan ruang angkasa. 8. Memasuki Era Hiper-Sonik, Scramjet Scramjet akan menjadi salahsatu revolusi terbesar dalam sejarah transportasi dunia. Pesawat tempur tercanggih di dunia sekarang, F/A-22 Raptor milik Amerika berkecepatan maksimal Mach 2, atau 2 kali kecepatan suara. Pesawat penumpang Scramjet, akan membawa anda terbang dengan kecepatan 10 kali kecepatan suara, Mach 10. Penerbangan dari New York ke Tokyo yang sekarang ditempuh dalam waktu 18 jam yang panjang dan melelahkan, akan ditempuh Scramjet, hanya dalam 120 menit. Scramjet tidak perlu memakai bahan bakar roket biasa yang mahal dan berat, bahan bakarnya menggunakan hidrogen cair yang dicampur penyedotan oksigen langsung dari atmosfer (air-breathing scramjet engine). Pembakaran hidrogen dan oksigen pada kecepatan supersonik inilah yang akan mengakselerasikan kecepatannya. Ini akan membuat penerbangan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain di seluruh dunia menjadi super cepat. 9. Fountain Of Youth, Resveratrol Mungkin, nantinya kita bisa menemukan sesuatu yang memungkinkan kita hidup ratusan tahun. Tapi para ilmuwan mungkin telah menemukannya, sesuatu yang dinamakan "Sirtuin", Silent Information Regulator 2 (Sir2) proteins dan resveratrol, zat antioxidan yang ternyata banyak ditemukan dalam buah anggur merah (Jadi sering-seringlah makan buah anggur.) Tapi para ilmuwan juga telah menciptakan sesuatu yang bahkan lebih kuat dari resveratrol yaitu sebuah obat dengan kode, SRT1720. "SRT1720 is a thousand times more potent than resveratrol, meaning that it could be taken in smaller doses. A person would have to drink hundreds of glasses of wine to get the same health benefits from resveratrol. Resveratrol will pretty soon look like ancient technology," David Sinclair, a biologist at Harvard Medical School 10. Singularitas. Suatu hari nanti, akan datang suatu masa dimana melalui rekayasa genetika seluruh manusia akan mempunyai fisik dan kecerdasan yang nyaris sempurna. Lalu dengan kemajuan teknologi komputer, komputer kuantum dan nanoteknologi memungkinkan manusia memasukkan Quantum Computer berukuran partikel ke dalam otaknya dan menggunakan partikel-partikel nano untuk makin memperkuat tubuhnya. Ini adalah hal yang dinamakan Singularitas. Penyatuan antara biologi manusia dengan teknologi. Itulah beberapa perkembangan teknologi komputer masa depan yang dapat semakin mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Karena menurut saya fungsi utama teknologi adalah diciptakan supaya dapat mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Share ke: FacebookGoogle+Twitter ARTIKEL 4: This is the future of networking Software-defined networks look set to have a profound impact on the computer networking landscape. By Prenesh Padayachee. Added by Prenesh Padayachee on 27 August 2013. Saved under Opinion, Prenesh Padayachee, Top Tags: Internet Solutions, Markus Nispal, Prenesh Padayachee Prenesh Padayachee As technology has continued to evolve, from the dawn of mainframe computers in the 1930s and PCs in the 1960s, to the predominance of smart end-devices and the growth of machine-to-machine technology today, so has the complexity of the networks that enable these computing paradigms. Networks have had to keep up with these changes in technology as the world has moved from private networks to the more common shared networks and the open Internet of today. These network paradigm shifts have given rise to new network architectures such as high-performance Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)-based virtual private networks, while the demands for ubiquitous, always-on access to networks from multiple devices has begun to drive the move away from hardware-defined networking. This trend has given rise to software-defined networks, which could have a more profound effect on the networking landscape than MPLS did. The software defined network, or SDN, while still in its infancy, is already bringing a very different dimension to networking. Although this technology is evolving and developing, it has been an engineering phenomenon over the last five years. Analyst firm Gartner even labelled SDN a trigger technology as early as 2012 in its “hype cycle” for networking and communications. And now, as it goes mainstream, many industry pundits are already predicting big things for SDN. For instance, spend on SDNs is estimated to grow from US$360m in 2013 to $3,7b by 2016 — a compound annual growth rate of 117%. And this exponential growth is expected to continue into 2018, when spend is estimated to reach $35b. The basis for these predictions lies in the open architecture of SDNs. Through OpenFlow, an open-standards communications interface that differentiates between the control layer — responsible for network routing — and the forwarding layer, which allows traffic to move through the network, SDN architecture offers direct access to and the ability to manipulate the forwarding plane of network devices. This capability means that we can start moving away from the closed network architectures that have created the lack of flexibility to deal with the demands of the modern IT environment. Simple, open, better The open interface of an SDN is created by using open-source control software with customisable application programming interfaces that run on general purpose networking hardware. With centralised software that reads conditions and data requirements, SDN only requires simple hardware that can “speak” to and react to commands from the software. So, by taking a piece of software and putting it into the centre of a network, network administrators can analyse and adapt the forwarding layer to move it in line with prevailing conditions and requirements. This takes network control out of proprietary network switches and delivers the flexibility needed for network customisation and cost reduction. This is achievable as an SDN is able to take a request, get it to the destination and return a response in a cost effective and predictable way. This is possible because data transmitted across the network is now controlled by software that runs on many pieces of networking hardware, giving the network the ability to “recognise” data, prioritise it and then transmit the packets securely. SDN is also adaptable as it offers a degree of programmability. This means a network can change to meet the dynamic conditions of the modern business environment. Network administrators are also able to configure the network across disparate hardware and can ensure the right quality of service to deliver a predictable experience for different types of data that require different configurations. The cost reductions achievable with SDN will also be a major game changer as general-purpose hardware can now be used to run modern networks. This also offers greater flexibility to change and customise the network to fit the environment as network components can be moved around easily. In addition, SDN offers the ability to customise and deploy applications and solutions more rapidly as it gives network administrators full control of the network environment. As such, any organisation that is dependent on the flow of information and spends significant budget on networking is a likely candidate for SDN. Early adopters of this technology would therefore be media companies, technology and telecommunications providers, banks and e-commerce providers. The adoption of SDN has the potential to change the life of network managers in these companies by simplifying the network environment. As it has become more complicated and cluttered, the tasks of network managers have also become more complicated, especially when trying to manage this environment, apply rules and conditions, or add devices. Through the one-click functionality offered by SDN, network managers will be able to deploy and change conditions as the need arises, which has the potential to improve operations by an estimated 35%. The network will then adapt to give users the same predictable experience as before. Over and above this, SDN offers other important benefits. According to a poll conducted during an industry webinar hosted by Markus Nispal, who writes for sdncentral.com, with more than 700 registrations that included integration partners and customers from different industries, the benefits of SDN included improvements in network automation of up to 45%, a 35,8% improvement in operational costs and a 22,5% increase in simplicity. Respondents also reported that SDN helped to speed up the deployment of applications by 45%, increased performance by 26% and delivered savings on infrastructure of up to 26,7%. With tangible benefits like these, all predictions point to a rapid adoption of SDN. Prenesh Padayachee is chief technology officer at Internet Solutions ARTIKEL 5: 25 ways IT will morph in the next 25 years RELATED The clock is ticking for encryption The networked world Hosting virtual desktops: Tips for a successful outcome Predictions from leading research labs point to a future of talking machines, 3-D telepresence and real-world robotics By Carolyn Duffy Marsan NetworkWorld | May 9, 2011 7:00 AM PT Imagine a world where the computers, networks and storage systems are all tens of thousands of times faster than they are today -- and then think about the sci-fi type of applications that will be possible. Read Network World's 25th anniversary package That's what you can expect to see 25 years from now. Experts say the overall pace of innovation in the IT industry will speed up, resulting in a mind-boggling array of developments in such areas as talking machines, 3-D telepresence and real-world robotics. These changes will revolutionize industries, including healthcare, urban planning, energy, e-retailing and entertainment. BACKGROUND: 2020 Vision: Why you won't recognize the 'Net in 10 years "I use the term technology avalanche," says Dave Evans, Chief Futurist at Cisco. "We're on the precipice of huge developments. Things are going to start changing very, very quickly...Where it's going is unlimited computer and storage and networking speeds, and the birth of some pretty exciting times." Here are predictions that leading researchers are making about what IT will look like in the year 2036: 1. Optical processors will replace microelectronics. Moore's law -- the 1965 prediction by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore that the number of transistors placed on an integrated circuit doubles every two years - is reaching its physical limitations. Therefore, radical new approaches such as optical computing will need to be developed to drive advances in processors and memory. Optical - or photonic - computers use visible light or infrared beams instead of electric currents to perform calculations. "People will continue to want cheaper and faster computing, so what we will do is look for other avenues" besides electronics, says Donald Newell, AMD Server CTO. "An optical computer has two very nice properties. One, it will use substantially less power than we use today...and it will be between 1,000 and some huge number times more efficient and powerful than the computers we have today. You can have optical computers over the next 20 to 25 years." 2. Quantum computers will be possible. Another promising technology for building faster and smaller processors is quantum computing, which harnesses the power of atoms to perform computational tasks. Unlike electronic computers that store information as 0s or 1s, quantum computers can store both 0s and 1s at the same time and therefore can process significantly more information all at once. "With traditional computer science, a bit is on or off, true or false. But quantum physics uses qubits, which are both on and off at the same time, so you can transmit a lot more data much, much faster," Evans says. "Quantum routing, quantum cryptography and quantum switching could all come into play 25 years from now." "I believe that 25 years from now, we won't be dealing with bits anymore. We'll be manipulating quantum states," agrees Chip Elliott, chief engineer at BBN Technologies. "The processing power is very high with quantum computers, so we will be able to accurately model all the processes of the world." 3. Your smartphone will have the power of a supercomputer. "Your iPhone or Blackberry will be...many orders of magnitude more powerful than the servers we are shipping today," Newell says. You'll no longer need to carry around a wallet or keys. All of your credit card, debit card, identification and membership information will be stored on your smartphone. "Phones will have more than a terabyte of local memory," adds Mark Lewis, chief strategy officer at EMC, who predicts that all of our digital information will be backed up over the cloud. "If I lose my phone, I can pick up a new one, enter my code word, and it will re-identify me and push all of my information out to my new device." Your phone will be connected to such a high-powered network that you'll have a wealth of information at your fingertips. "You'll be able to store the entire human knowledge base in your PDA," says Bernie Meyerson, IBM Fellow and vice president of Global Innovations in IBM Research. "Your phone will be able to instantaneously over a next-generation network find a database that interprets and reacts to your query in your own language." 4. You will talk to your computer. Forget keyboards, mice or touchpads. In the future, you will simply talk to your computer to get it to perform a computation or find an answer. IBM's Watson, a computer system that recently defeated the world's best contestants on the game show Jeopardy!, points to a future of natural language interaction with computers. Watson is a system that can "interact with humans, has the ability to learn from its errors, can inquire for further data and has the ability to augment human function," Meyerson explains. IBM anticipates Watson-like systems that can help physicians diagnose patients with rare diseases. "Interaction with computers should be more freewheeling," Meyerson says. "Today it's not remotely freewheeling; it's structured to death. But all of that formalism should disappear in the next 25 years. That is a massive statement...that requires extraordinary progress in hardware and software." 5. Technology will be transparent. Until now, we've been slaves to our machines. We've had to learn how to adapt to each new technology - from VCRs to iPhones - how to master each new interface and how to program it. Future technology will be much more transparent. "In the future, technology will be so pervasive, so embedded, that it is adapting to us," Evans says. "We're moving away from a world where you watch TV to a world where TV watches you. There will be cameras embedded in all sorts of devices...and the devices will be watching you and making sure you're doing it correctly." Evans predicts that we will live our lives and that technology will interact with us to provide us with "the right information at the right time in the right context." 6. Terabit networks will be available at home. Cisco's Evans says within two decades it will be common to have multi-terabit connectivity to the home. "I could have an 8 terabit connection to my home," he says. "That's more connectivity to my home than most countries have." The network's core will zoom along at petabit - or 10 to the 15th power - speeds. "That's three orders of magnitude bigger than terabit networking," Evans says. In wireless networks, Evans anticipates we will evolve to 10 gigabit speeds to the handset in the next 25 years - up from 100 megabit speeds today. MORE: 10 Fool-proof predictions for the Internet in 2020 High-speed networks will be ubiquitous, too. Evans says that 90% of the planet where people live is currently covered by Internet access. "Within 25 years, there will be 100% availability of networking," he says, adding that networks are likely to be interplanetary during this time frame. "In the next few decades, we will have IP networking in space. We will have greater bandwidth, greater availability and broadband coverage to every square inch on the planet." 7. Smarter networks are imminent. The networks of tomorrow will not only be faster, they'll also be smarter. They'll be able to tell when it makes sense to use a local network connection such as Wi-Fi and when it makes sense to use a wide-area connection depending on what you want to send and where you want to send it. "Your cell phone will decide where it is and whether it needs to use a wide-area or local connection to communicate," Newell says. "Now, if I want to send my wife some information, I send her an e-mail. Even if we're sitting next to each other, that e-mail goes all the way to my ISP and then to the Google Mail server and than back to her ISP." Newell points out that it would be far more efficient for his computer to use a local Wi-Fi connection to send the e-mail from one machine directly to another. That kind of network smarts will be available sooner than 25 years, experts say "We will have multiple wireless technologies, and we will have the ability to utilize the best available network," says Marek Rusinkiewicz, vice president of research for Telcordia. "In the labs, we can demonstrate that we can...continue a session from cellular to Wi-Fi to WiMax. There would be different optimization criteria so you could find the bandwidth that's adequate for an application or you can find the cheapest way. This would be seamless, so you don't have to switch from one mode to another." 8. Networks will be programmable. The National Science Foundation is sponsoring a networking research platform dubbed GENI at 14 U.S. college campuses that hints at a future of deeply programmable networks. "You can program every single part of the network," says BBN's Elliott, director of the GENI Project Office. "With the Internet, it's because you can put anybody's software on it that people have wildly innovated. What if you could start putting the software you want into the cloud? Into the routers and all the middle boxes? You would open up the entire system so people can install any software they want." Elliott says GENI will be installed in 150 campuses over the next three to four years, allowing researchers to conduct large-scale experiments and to divvy up computation, storage and network resources in new ways. "Beyond the five-year timeframe, this whole thing becomes one very large computer. We're starting to talk about a planetary computer," Elliott says. Among the applications for this planetary computer are real-time predictions of extreme weather or flu outbreaks for a precise location. "The goal of the weather system is to predict 5 minutes or 10 minutes into the future if there is going to be a tornado and where it is going to touch down," Elliott says. "On demand, you'll start doing very local weather predictions...I think this is going to be pretty routine." 9. We will have a truly global Internet - and marketplace. Twenty five years from now, the Internet will be globally available with little difference in the speed and quality of access based on geographic location. Another positive change will be the ubiquitous deployment of IPv6, the next generation Internet Protocol that offers virtually unlimited address space to businesses and consumers around the world. "One can expect broadband access, often tens of megabits, anywhere you want it," predicts Cisco Fellow Fred Baker. Today, less than 30% of the world's population has Internet access, according to Internet World Stats. The region that's lagging the most — Africa — has only 11% penetration. But that will change in the next 25 years, with all regions of the world catching up to North America, which is nearing 80% Internet usage rates. Baker says that truly global communications will level the playing field economically, which will have the biggest impact on the least developed nations. "I'd like to think that wealth is not redistributed around the globe but generated; there [will be] more wealth globally, and a lot of it is in places that are not wealthy now," Baker says. "That is the value I see in Internet technology. Not only that a rising tide lifts my boat and your boat, but all boats." 10. Storage will be cheap enough that you can record every minute of your life. By the year 2029, $100 will purchase 11 petabytes - that's 10 to the15th power -of storage, predicts Cisco's Evans. "You could record every second of your entire life in Blu-Ray quality," he adds. Telcordia's Rusinkiewicz says a few terabytes of storage on a handheld device "is enough to store the whole history of the life of a person, including all the movies you've ever seen, all the music you've ever heard, and all the photos you've ever taken." Hinting at this future ability to record your entire life is a project called "The Birth of a Word,'' where MIT researcher Deb Roy began video taping every waking moment of his newborn son's life to study how he learned to speak. "Imagine if you could record your life. Everything you said. Everything you did, available in a perfect memory store at your finger tips," Roy explained at a talk at the TED Conference. "So you could go back and find memorable moments and relive them or sift through traces of time and discover patterns in your own life that previously had gone undiscovered." 11. Everything will be digitized and accessible over the Internet. Every piece of information available to mankind - from historical to current - will be scanned, digitized and searchable over the Internet. And that information will be accessible on your smartphone no matter where you are located in the world at speeds that won't frustrate you. "Kids will have no idea what it means to go to a library, what it means to go to Blockbuster," Newell says. "We will show our grandkids a CD or a DVD, and they will have no idea what this is." All entertainment will be streamed in 3D, and you won't need a special device to access it; just your smartphone. Blu-Ray could be the last removable media format ever made, Lewis says. "Everything ever created will now be online," Lewis says. "Libraries will disappear and morph into think tanks. Books will be in a museum." 12. Content will be hyperpersonalized. Since all content - articles, books, music and movies - will be streamed to you, it will be customized to you and your interests at a much higher level. "You will never sit around and watch a commercial and wonder why this is playing for me," Lewis says, predicting the death of mass media. "If you're 25 years old, there is no reason you should be looking at an AARP ad on TV. That's not going to happen anymore." Business will hyperpersonalize their offerings to customers. "Restaurants will start to offer perks based...on what you like," Lewis says, whether that's a coupon for savings or a preferred reservation. "We'll see a whole new customer-specific level of value attributes that are denoted through technology." 13. Sensors will be pervasive and talking to each other - and us - over the Internet. Everything you buy - houses, appliances, entertainment devices, cars - will have processing power and be hooked up to the Internet for monitoring, maintenance and other features. ANALYSIS: Silicon cockroaches, 'dirty' IPv4 addresses and other Internet oddities Your car will be in constant contact with the dealer and will let you know when it needs an oil change. Your house will have motion-detection sensors that control light, heating, cooling and call 911 if you slip and fall. Sensors in your refrigerator will detect when your food is going bad. "There will be zillions of new things that talk to each other but also talk to us, saying: 'I'm too cold'. 'I'm too warm'. 'I'm not well'. 'I need maintenance'," Rusinkiewicz says. In other words, the Internet of things will come to fruition. "Today, we have a few billion devices connected to the network. By 2020, we should see 50 billion devices connected to the network," Evans says. Living things - from livestock to plants - also will be connected to the network. Devices as small as a grain of salt or sand could be injected with a hypodermic needle into living creatures for monitoring purposes. "We might even see people each given a unique IPv6 address," Evans says. "With IPv6, every person on the planet could have 52,000 trillion, trillion IP addresses each." 14. Cameras will be everywhere. Alongside all of these Internet-connected sensors will be cameras that are watching both you and your environment. "We will see an emergence of things that are part computing and part mechanical...The obvious thing is that we will have a lot of cameras," Rusinkiewicz says. "Twenty five years from now, we will be able to see anyplace on Earth from any perspective and reconstruct it." Integrated with all of the sensors and cameras on the Internet will be actuators that can control mechanical devices hooked up to the Internet. "We will have ubiquitous actuators. These are the things that can make something happen, such as being open or closed," Rusinkiewicz says. "This would be a major change. Not only will it be able to watch what's going on but possibly control it." 15. Robots will outnumber humans. Simple floor-cleaning robots and military drones of today point to the possibilities of widespread deployment of robots for industrial and consumer usage in the future. Special-purpose networks will be built to allow these machines to communicate with each other. "Within 25 years, robots will surpass the human population in developed countries," Evans says. "These will all be machines connected to the network. Where this gets kind of interesting is the implications from a social networking perspective. . . . Over the coming decades, machine social networks, robotic social networks, will eclipse human social networks." Progress in robotics is being driven "to a large extent by military applications, but we are seeing this in the commercial world, too," Rusinkiewicz says. "We'll have robots that are very small, can crawl, climb walls and things of that nature...In the case of the Japan nuclear crisis, I would expect there will be robots who could go in there and fix things." 16. More of your assets will be virtual. From videos to music to books, almost everything you own will migrate from the physical to the virtual. "Ownership in media and data will be based on metadata," Lewis says. "The physicality of owning a movie won't be a physical box or a DVD. It will involve metadata that says you have the rights to watch that movie." There could even be 3-D, remote manufacturing of items that you want to buy. "Within 25 years, you might go to Amazon.com and see a device that you want to buy. Instead of having it physically shipped to you, you will download the recipe for it and print it out locally with a 3-D printer," Evans says. 17. Augmented reality will become commonplace. By 2036, we will have computer-generated sensory images that are integrated into our every day life in what's called augmented reality. Augmented reality is already widely used in TV sportscasting; for example, the line that's transposed on a swimming race to show the world record holder's pace. This overlay of virtual reality on top of physical reality will increase in the future. MORE: How the yellow first-down line in football broadcasts actually works For example, contact lenses could have real-time face recognition embedded in them, or pilots could wear special goggles with built-in navigational devices. 18. 3-D telepresence systems will emerge. From telepresence to gaming, every computer experience will be 3-D and immersive. Indeed, some prognosticators say you will live your life going seamlessly between the virtual world and the real world. "Telepresence will be a full, 3-D experience, where you can touch and see and smell what's going on," Rusinkiewicz says. "This I expect that we'll see in 25 years." These 3-D telepresence systems won't require special glasses or avatars. A 3-D image of a person from another part of the world will appear life-sized and able to interact normally with the people in a conference room. It won't be that different from the holographic images of Princess Leia in the original "Star Wars" movies. "We will be permeated by small machines at this point," Elliott says. "The whole environment we live in will be filled with sensors and actuators. We will be living half inside the computer and half inside the physical world...In the end, this will dissolve the difference between the physical world and the world inside the computer. There will be no difference 25 years from now." 19. Computers won't just solve problems; they'll prevent them from occurring. Today's computer systems are reactive, but tomorrow's computer systems will be predictive and preventative. They'll be able to correlate larger data sets into larger models and create more realistic simulations of environments so they can prevent problems from occurring. For example, a futuristic traffic management system won't just route you around a traffic jam; it will prevent traffic jams from occurring by changing the patterns of traffic lights. "We can look at the velocity of vehicles and how many were on the roads. We can analyze and create models that project what traffic will look like at any given point of time...When we look at the actual data and the predictive data, they are dead-on, astonishingly accurate. With that data, we can proactively change the flow of traffic so that the traffic jam never happens," IBM's Meyerson says. These sorts of predictive and preventative systems could have a significant impact on the cities of tomorrow, affecting not only traffic but also water and electrical supplies. "This is a tremendous step forward for urban living," Meyerson says, adding that "cities are systems of systems." 20. Computers will be more like humans. Until now, computers have been bad at understanding the context of information, but progress will be made as more processing power is available. "I think we are at the point where we have enough horsepower to make major dents in some of the artificial intelligence problems," Rusinkiewicz says. One example is software agents, which will be semi-autonomous virtual entities that handle simple chores for a person. A software agent might be able to locate the slides for a presentation, or talk to another person's software agent to coordinate an activity. "They'll be able to recruit other agents as needed to come up with the desired outcome. This is something that will happen," Rusinkiewicz says. "It may be your agent talking to my agent for this interview 25 years from now." 21. A fundamentally different Internet architecture may evolve. Researchers at PARC are working on a new underlying architecture for the Internet called content-centric networking that they hope will be adopted in the next decade or two. The Internet was designed 40 years ago to make connections between two end points, and over the years it has been overlaid with systems for caching content closer to end users. PARC envisions a new Internet architecture that is designed from the ground up to distribute content, software and services to end users. "Content centric networking doesn't have the concept of end points," explains Van Jacobson, a PARC Research Fellow. "If you're asking for something, it's like standing up in a room and asking for the time. Anybody that has that information can reply with it. It turns out that you can make a communication model that's as efficient as IP by removing the source-and-destination model." Last September, PARC and a team of 10 universities received a three-year, $8 million research grant from the National Science Foundation's Future Internet Architecture program. Jacobson estimates that it will take another 10 years after the NSF grant is complete for the content centric networking scheme to be widely deployed. Jacobson says the content centric networking approach will create less longdistance traffic on the Internet and will be more energy efficient because all content is served up closer to the user. It also may improve the information security landscape. "Right now, our security model is that we secure containers of information and we secure the process of communications," Jacobson says. "If you go to a model where you're asking for information, and information has a name but not a location...you can secure the information. All of our packets are cryptographically signed by the producer of that entity." 22. Information security will continue to be a problem. We'll have more powerful encryption systems 25 years from now, but it's unlikely that we will have eradicated the information security problem entirely. BY THE NUMBERS: Six worst Internet routing attacks "There will be a constant battle between people who want to protect information and people who want to destroy information," Newell says. "I don't see that fight going away. There are always going to be people who want to steal from you and people who want to monitor you, and they will have the same compute power available." "Information security issues will not be solved," EMC's Lewis agrees. "We're going to continue to struggle to secure, copyright and share information." 23. An Internet catastrophe will occur. Internet policymakers are already planning for the possibility of a fundamental catastrophic failure of the Internet. For example, as new security measures for the DNS were rolled out last summer, policymakers prepared for catastrophic failure of the so-called DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC.) Five people around the world were given digital keys that would allow them to restart the process of signing the DNS root zone in the event of such a disaster. "The path we're on now with the computers and the Internet is a disaster waiting to happen," Elliott says. "We wait for the disaster, and then we try to react. We have huge vulnerabilities in our society with our financial systems, our electrical systems....More likely than not, we'll have a catastrophic scenario in the next 25 years." 24. Your job may be outsourced - to a computer. If your job involves research and analysis, you may be replaced by a computer, thanks to expected developments in the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web refers to a set of technologies being created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows computers to understand the meaning of information so they can access the Web intelligently and perform tasks on behalf of users. "There will be a growing capability of computers to analyze data, sift through it and extract meaning, as programmers become more capable of organizing and finding semantic content," Newell says. "I do think that will change things tremendously. It will make more information readily accessible, but it will put some people out of business...including people who today do research and analysis." 25. Only the agile will survive. In a world where the pace of change is getting faster and faster, CIOs and other IT executives will be looking for the most agile workers, those who are flexible and best able to embrace change. "Technology is going to innovate very rapidly," Lewis says. "The challenge for IT professionals will be to find ways to adopt new technology and not break the business by doing it but be able to exploit the advantages of it. That's going to be absolutely critical." Another key attribute of tomorrow's IT workforce: creativity. Future work environments will become increasingly open, collaborative and creative. "It used to be physical strength that mattered, but the value of that has diminished to the point where it is non-existent now. Then it was intellectual work that mattered," Rusinkiewicz says. "In the future it will be about creativity, the ability to make unexpected connections and the ability to adapt." Learn more about this topic 2020 Vision: Why you won't recognize the 'Net in 10 years 10 Fool-proof predictions for the Internet in 2020 Yth. Pak Rudy, demikian sudah saya kirimkan 5 artikel mengenai teknologi komputer masa depan. Terima kasih. Hormat saya: Theresia Theodora Tobing (Mhs peserta Semester Pendek) NPM. 12032165001, fak. 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