Keteraturan di alam

Dunia kita teratur
Keteraturan di alam fisik
Alam fisik / makrokosmos: tata surya planet (kasus Pluto
yang tidak teratur, menimbulkan pengetahuan baru)
Alam fisik/ mikrokosmos: susunan dan gerak molekul
(atom, proton dan neutron), tabiat khemis (kinetik)
Hukum kekekalan enerji, Einstein memperbarui teori
korpuskel menjadi gelombang: memahami alam sebagai
gerak (dinamika), keteraturan hukum alam dapat
dikuasai dan ditiru untuk kepentingan manusia
Universe galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy
Bumi dan Matahari
Pluto Not a Planet, Astronomers Rule
Meteor di permukaan Mars
Permukaan planet terkena meteor
Susunan atom
Susunan atom
Reaksi Atom
Bom Atom
Dunia kita teratur
Keteraturan di alam vegetair
Terjadinya kehidupan
Perilaku tanaman digerakkan oleh
Reaksi terhadap cahaya dan air / unsur fisis
Reaksi terhadap makanan / unsur khemis
Asal-usul Kehidupan
Dunia kita teratur
Behaviour / perilaku binatang ditentukan oleh
Rangsangan dari luar, yang menggerakkan naluri
(software explanation)
Rangsangan dari luar, yang menggerakkan respon
motorik – sistem syaraf (hardware explanation)
Ada sistem komunikasi signal dari antara mereka
Melalui gerak fisikal
Melalui bunyi
Dunia kita teratur
Keteraturan di alam rohani (manusia)
Evolusi manusia
Keteraturan perilaku sosial (customs); dari mekanis ke
Keteraturan moral (individual) yang digerakkan oleh
nilai-nilai dari egois hingga transenden / religius
So Close, Yet So Different
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky
Chimpanzees are our closest
living relatives, sharing
approximately 96 percent of
our DNA sequences. Looking
into the face of a chimpan-zee,
however, it's not hard to see the
difference that 4 percent and
millions of years can make.
The chimpanzee-human lineages are believed to have split some seven
million years ago. In that time, many species of hominins have come and
gone, ultimately leading to the evolution of Homo sapiens. Our species is
equipped with a suite of characteristics—flatter faces, bigger brains,
straighter spines, and highly specialized hands and feet—all
consequences of the drive to walk upright.
All Shapes and Sizes
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky
The first evidence for an external,
projecting nose is seen in fossils of
Homo erectus, the species of humans
that lived from nearly two million
years ago until at least 500,000 years
Prior to Homo erectus, hominins had more prognathic
(projecting) faces and flatter noses. Although many a modern
human nose can be described as a schnoz, there is great
variety in their sizes and shapes. Homo neanderthalensis as
a rule had an even more pronounced nose and prognathic
mid-face, which was probably a function of adapting to colder
climates. A larger nasal cavity allowed for greater warming
and humidifying of cold air before it reached the lungs.
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky
A string game called cat's cradle
demonstrates the dexterity of the
human hand. Uniquely capable of
precision and power grips, the Homo
sapiens hand may have developed in
response to toolmaking, an ability that
allowed humans more access to meat.
Meat may have helped us grow bigger
brains. But there's a downside to
dexterity. A shallow tunnel in the carpal
(wrist) bones allows modern humans to
have more mobility in the palm and
thumb, but it also leaves less room for
nerves, muscles, and ligaments to pass
through. The resulting pressure on the
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky
"The human foot is a masterpiece of
engineering and a work of art," said
Leonardo da Vinci. Known for his
detailed studies and sketches of the
human body, he saw intricacies in the
human foot that are still being studied
and understood today, some 500 years
later. Because of our feet we can
propel ourselves in different ways—
walking, running, dancing. But the foot
also serves a more mundane purpose.
"It has evolved to support the
significant body weight that rests on it,"
says Alan Mann, a professor of
anthropology at Princeton University.
Weight-bearing exercises can help
increase bone density, making our feet
healthier and more capable of carrying
us as we go about our daily activities.
Faham determinisme moral
Asumsi : Manusia sama dengan makhluk lain,
perbedaannya tidak signifikan
Penjelasan : Dorongan moral mirip dengan hukum alam
(kinetik, instinktif), yang kemampuannya ditentukan
secara kodrati / alami dan geraknya lebih ditentukan dari
luar (stimuli)
Prospek : Manusia bisa diatur secara tehnis, untuk
menghasilkan masyarakat yang ‘baik’ (Th. Hobbes, F.
Skinner) dalam hal ini moral sama dengan rekayasa
sosial, yang menghasilkan adat (custom) dan hukum.
Faham ini mendasari faham positivisme hukum.
Implikasi politik: diktatorial
Perbandingan foetus manusia dan
makhluk lain
Faham kebebebasan moral
Asumsi : Manusia makhluk rohani; ada
perloncatan dalam evolusi (seperti munculnya
Penjelasan : dorongan moral ditentukan oleh
(kesadaran) hatinurani yang digerakkan oleh
kehendak dan kebebasan serta (apresiasi) nilainilai rohani yang terbuka (Transendensi).
Prospek : Keteraturan hidup (sosial) manusia
merupakan seni / kemahiran berkomunikasi,
melalui wicara dan wacana yang rasional serta
pertimbangan nilai-nilai rohani (cinta kasih).
Faham Moral Radikal (Nihilis)
Mencari keunggulan manusia – moral melampaui
kategori normatif ‘baik’ dan ‘buruk’; perjuangan
individu menjadi ‘superman’, mengatasi
kecenderungan kawanan (F. Nietzsche)
Eksistensialisme – kebebasan mutlak (J.P. Sartre),
moral merupakan tanggung jawab individu semata;
sesama adalah neraka; Yang mau ditekankan:
keberanian menjalani hidup secara otentik dan
Prospek : Kehidupan yang orisinal, yang asli, yang
bermutu / unggul
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