International Plumbing Code

Connecticut State Building
• Update on the Current Code Adoption
• Code Adoption Process
• Appeals Process
• Services from the Office of the State
Building Inspector
• Discussion / Questions
Connecticut State Building Code
• Proposed 2015 State Building Code
• 2015 Connecticut Supplement
2012 ICC - International Building Code
2012 ICC – International Residential Code
2012 ICC – International Plumbing Code
2012 ICC - International Mechancial Code
2012 ICC – International Energy Conservation Code
2012 ICC – International Existing Building Code
2014 NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code
Hierarchy of Law
• Federal Law – CFR,USC, etc.
– 40 CFR 220
• Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)
– 29-252
• State Regulations (RSCA)
• Local Law & Ordinances
The Players
• State Building Inspector
• Codes & Standards Committee
• State Fire Marshal
• Legislature
• Public
C.G.S. 29-252
• Creates the position of State Building Inspector
Governor’s Appointment
Must be a R.A. or P.E. with 10 years experience
Authority to interpret State Building Code
Authority to Review a local building officials decision
• Adoption of a State Building Code
– Based on a national standard
– Develop Amendments to the model
Geological and weather
Statutory Requirements
Any other issue deemed necessary
– 18 Months after Publication of the model code
C.G.S. 29-253
• Applicability of State Building Code
– Applicable to all municipalities
– May not be changed locally
• No local additions or exceptions
– Related Laws
• Zoning regulations and ordinances
• Wetlands regulations and ordinances
• Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Codes
• RCSA 29-252-1 – State Building Code
– Adopts
• ICC & NFPA Model Codes
• Connecticut Supplement
– (Amd) Amendments – changes to model code language
– (Add) Additions - entire sections or a few words
– (Del) Deletions – sections, appendixes
• Amendments
Adoption Process
• Technical Review and Supplement
• Code Change Proposal Process
• Approval of the Final Draft
• Regulatory Adoption Process
Technical Review
• Technical Review and Supplement
– Review of proposed model codes
• Subcommittees with OSBI staff
– Draft Supplement
• Section revision and coordination
• Add new statutory requirements
• Remove incorporated items
Code Change Proposals
• May be submitted by anyone
– Form and instructions on Adoption Website
• Proposer Information
• Code Section(s) with proposed language
• Background and supporting information
• May Request to do a Presentation to the
– Limited to 10 minutes
– Unlimited Q&A with the committee
Regulatory Approval
• Administrative Approval
– Governor’s Office/OPM
• Formal Public Hearing
– Catalog all comments
– Develop Responses
– Make Revisions
• Attorney General Review and Approval
• Regulation Review Committee
– Legislative Commissioner Office Review
– Regulation Review Committee Hearing
– Approval
• Submission to the Secretary of the State
– It is law!
General Appeals Process
BO Decision
Municipal Board of Appeals or Chief Executive
Review by OSBI
State Codes & Standards Committee
State Superior Court
Avenues for Appeal
• C.G.S 29-252(d) SBI review of an LBO decision
– Limited to misinterpretation or misconstrue
• C.G.S 29-252a(g) Refusal to issue a permit or Certificate of
• C.G.S 29-254(b) Appeal of modification decision by SBI
• C.G.S 29-266(b) Appeal of a LBO decision
• C.G.S 29-269(b) Appeal of an Accessibility Waiver
Formal Interpretations
and other Services provided by
• Building Code Modifications C.G.S 29-254(b)
– State Building Inspector may grant a modification if
• Practical Difficulty
• Unnecessary Hardship
• Otherwise adjudged unwarranted
• For a specific property or project
– ONE TIME ONLY - not part of the code
Municipal Building Officials are NOT empowered to
make Code modifications!
Building Code Modification
• Application
– Available through local BO
– Online at the OSBI Website
• Submission
– To Local BO to comment
– LBO sends to OSBI for action
• Review and Approval
– May contact LBO or requester
– Research, discuss with ICC
• Approval (or denial)
– Returned to applicant and LBO
Modification Form
Other Modifications
• Accessibility Exemptions C.G.S. 29-269(b)
– Joint decision – OSBI and Office of Protection &
Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
• Educational Sprinkler Waiver C.G.S 29-315
– Joint decision – State Building Inspector and State
Fire Marshal
• Urban Homesteading and Historic Structures
– C.G.S. 29-259
Elevators and Lifts
• Elevators
• CGS Chapter 538
• Limited Access Lifts
• Special handling when part of
‘accessible path’
Formal Interpretations
• SBI or designee may issue C.G.S. 29-252(c)
• Required to compile and index (on website)
• Becomes part of the code
OSBI Services
• Code Questions, informal interpretations
– Please do your homework first
• Conflict Resolution
– LBO enforcement
– Interagency
• Support for Local building offices
Contact Information:
Office of the State Building Inspector
165 Capitol Ave. Room 265
Hartford, CT 06106
Telephone: 860-713-5900
Thank you for the opportunity to talk with you tonight!