PRESENTATION Infrastructure & Privatization Inter-Ministerial Committee Progress Report # 2 Beirut, Lebanon July 5, 2007 This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and information of the client to whom it is addressed. 0 Today’s objective is to update your Excellencies on progress to-date, endorse the Telecom and Power Sector Programs, discuss the Ministry of Transport and CDR’s plans, and highlight key issues Meeting Objectives Brief your Excellencies on the status of issues raised in the previous IMC and on progress todate of GR PCO planning and monitoring activities – In the last IMC, 5 main issues were raised regarding the Power, Telecom and Transport Sectors: To-date, 2 issues were resolved, 2 are in progress, and 1 is delayed (details in appendix) Highlight progress and status in each sector (where available): – Paris III Program Milestones (2007 and 2008) – Short Term Technical Assistance Requirement – Short Term Initiatives Implementation Progress and Issues Endorse the Telecom and Power Sector Programs Agree on the prioritization of the proposed Transport initiatives Discuss CDR engagement under Paris III 1 Progress To-date The Paris III implementation planning process is generally on track – Delays could occur in the Power and Transport sectors Infrastructure & Privatization IMC Progress To-date Identification Prioritization Natural Owner of Initiatives of Initiatives Program Charters Development Ministry of Telecom ✓ ✓ ✓ HCP ✓ ✓ ✓ TRA Ministry of Energy and Water / EDL Ministry of Transport CDR ✓ ✓ 50% ✓ ✓ ✓ 50% 50% ✓ KPIs Setting Natural Owner Review ✓ ✓ Immediate Next Steps Develop KPIs Review and finalize Program Charters with Minister of Telecom Develop KPIs Develop KPIs Develop program charters and detailed workplans for short term initiatives Discuss privatization roadmap with Minister of Transport and agree on short-list of initiatives Follow-up on procurement and public investment programs Agree on prioritization of initiatives Develop program charters for short term initiatives 2 Telecom Sector A Telecom Sector Corporatization & Privatization plan, structured along three main streams, has been endorsed by all stakeholders Telecom Sector Corporatization/ Privatization – Program Milestones 2007 Milestones 2008 Milestones 1 Establish the Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) TRA created and Board appointed Decrees to facilitate the operations of TRA issued All regulatory functions transferred to TRA Liban Telecom established and Board or alternate governance structure appointed 2 Corporatize Liban Telecom Restructuring Program Management Office (PMO) created Liban Telecom organization structure formalized Provisional opening balance setup, and Liban Telecom budget transferred Business support systems and marketing plan implemented Customers and vendors contracts migrated LT brand created and Web presence established Employees migrated to new organization Mobile License for Liban Telecom issued Liban Telecom officially launched Key regulations issued 3 Privatize Mobile Sector Financial, technical, and legal due diligence performed Auction rules and procedures for sale of assets / licenses finalized License/ privatization auction launched Termination notice sent to existing operators Note: Program Charters and initiatives in Appendix 3 Telecom Sector However, progress is obstructed by a slow process in transferring documentation to TRA, absence of a governance body for Liban Telecom, and delays in finalizing legal opinion on asset transfer Telecom Sector Corporatization/ Privatization – Short Term Initiatives Progress and Issues Progress on Short Term Initiatives 1 Establish the Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) TRA was established and Board appointed Decrees to facilitate TRA operations are being issued TRA regulatory functions defined Issues Need to speed-up the process in transferring documentation and information (e.g., Radio Frequency, Licensing, Authorizations, Studies) from MoT to TRA 2 Corporatize Liban Telecom 3 Decree # 13944 establishing and capitalizing Liban Telecom issued TRA issued 3 mobile telecom regulations (SMP, Interconnection, and Consumer Affairs) Privatize Mobile Sector Valuation of licenses and legal due diligence in progress Tendering for financial and technical due diligence advisors in progress Legal opinion on ways to proceed with the privatization of mobile telecom assets, based on Privatization Law, sent to MoJ for review Need to appoint Liban Telecom Board of Directors or alternative governance structure, and to assign PMO Members Need to speed-up the process in finalizing decision on the available options regarding assets transfer (sale vs. lease) – Currently, legal opinions developed by HCP’s and TRA’s advisors, have been sent by the Minister of Telecom to the Department of Legal Administration at the Ministry of Justice for final verdict 4 Telecom Sector Once key issues are resolved, Telecom Sector Natural Owners will need technical assistance support of around $3.3 million to achieve short term milestones Telecom Sector Corporatization & Privatization Short Term Technical Assistance Requirement (Pre-November 2007) Programs Milestones Budget Items Amount Total Budget - - - TRA created and Board appointed Establish the Decrees to facilitate the operations Telecom of TRA issued Regulatory All regulatory functions transferred Authority to TRA Corporatize Liban Telecom LT established and Board or alternate governance structure appointed PMO created LT organization structure created Provisional opening balance setup, and LT budget transferred Mobile telecom regulations issued Valuation of licenses, and financial, Privatize technical, and legal due diligence performed Mobile Sector Auction rules and procedures for sale of assets / licenses finalized Advisory support for restructuring implementation $ TBD Auditing of LT – Auditor fees $ 1,000,000 $ 1,050,000 Developing new brand for Liban Telecom – PR consultants fees $ 50,000 Valuation of licenses – Advisory fees Financial due diligence – Advisory fees Technical due diligence – Advisory fees Publication of RFA in international and local newspapers Creation of virtual data room $ 600,000 $ 250,000 $ 600,000 $ 2,250,000 $ 500,000 $ 300,000 Note: All budgetary requirements should be reviewed and endorsed by the Ministry of Finance 5 Power Sector A Power Sector Program, structured along three main streams, has been endorsed by all stakeholders – This program is detailed in the Appendix Power Sector Program Milestones 2007 Milestones 2008 Milestones 1 Strengthen Sector PolicyMaking Capacity 2 IMC to oversee sector reform created National Control Center established Policy & Planning advisors to MoEW retained Master Plan & Public Investment Plan for Generation and Transmission completed Electricity Sector Expenditure Review (World Bank) completed Advisors to EDL appointed Improve EDL Operational Efficiency 3 Auditor for 05-06 accounts appointed Contract for the supervision of KEPCO awarded NG to Beddawi plant committed 220kV grid rehabilitated Technical report on viability of Zouk and Jiyyeh plants completed 400kV Ksara substation expanded Consultant to HCP appointed EDL restructuring plan approved by CoM Energy Regulatory Authority created Corporatize and Privatize EDL EDL 2002-2006 accounts audited Power meters BOT contracted EDL Asset Register completed Additional capacity in Deir Ammar contracted through IPP Note: Detailed program (in Appendix) agreed by MoEW, EDL, MoF, HCP, and CDR EDL corporatized (unbundled into subsidiaries for generation, transmission and distribution) EDL bylaws approved by CoM Management of distribution privatized 6 Power Sector Preliminary issues have surfaced while implementing short term initiatives Power Sector Short Term Initiatives Progress and Issues Progress on Short Term Initiatives 1 Strengthen Sector PolicyMaking Capacity 2 Improve EDL Operational Efficiency 3 Issues Qualified advisors at the Ministry of Energy and Water to support on strategic planning and evaluation of electricity policy reforms selected (contract negotiations currently underway) EDF hired and financed by AFD to develop a Master Plan for power sector generation & transmission Auditor appointed for EDL 2002-2006 financial accounts – Auditors started working on 20022004 financial accounts Need to formalize KEPCO (BDL rejected EDL’s request to open LC, which has been resent to MoF) Consultancy team at EDL to perform operational, financial, accounting, legal and contract management activities selected (contract negotiations currently underway) Need to hire supervision company for KEPCO Need to shift focus of auditors to EDL’s 20052006 accounts (or have them work in parallel on 2002-2004 and 2005-2006 accounts) Candidates for staffing the Electricity Regulatory Authority are being interviewed Corporatize and Privatize EDL Contract signed with CRA to tender the installation of remote meters Contract signed with IFC for attracting IPP to install additional capacity at Deir Ammar and investigate sale of plant 7 Transport Sector Short-term transport sector priorities were discussed with the Minister, after meeting with the main stakeholders – A roadmap to implement these is being developed Transport Sector Progress GR PCO met with Transport sector key stakeholders (Minister of Transport, Former Director General of the Ministry of Transport, Civil Aviation Director General, and Port Authority President) Transport sector priorities were agreed upon with the Minister of Transport: – Airport privatization: Need to start preparing for the BRHIA privatization (e.g., concession or sales of assets), while establishing the CAA – Ports expansion and corporatization: Need to corporatize Beirut and Tripoli ports – Tripoli port might represent less challenges for corporatization Need to consider expansion of both ports through private sector involvement Next steps consist in developing a roadmap for the prioritized activities, to be agreed upon by all stakeholders (Minister of Transport, HCP SG, Civil Aviation DG, Port Authority DG, and MoF) 8 CDR The CDR is working on enhancing its internal capabilities and developing a Public Investment Plan CDR Programs and Initiatives 1 Strengthen CDR’s procurement, financial management and legal functions capabilities: – CDR is planning to launch soon the process of filling job vacancies for its existing organizational structure Enhance Internal Capabilities – CDR will continue making use of foreign grants to contract consultants until all open position are filled Streamline related internal processes from bid and terms of reference preparation to contracts management and disbursement: – CDR relies on the policies internationally adopted for its internal procurement processes, which vary according to the funding party requirements 2 A task force has been created and includes CDR, Ministry of Finance, and the Office of the President of the Council of Ministers The mandate of the task force is to develop a Public Investment Program (PIP) Develop Public Investment Plan The task force is expected to work under the following guidelines: – The Public Investment Plan should have a specific financial ceiling (defined by the MoF) – The investment program should be in-line with the National Land Use Plan – The investment program should ensure sector management capacity (e.g., capacity to maintain the asset), as well as, achieve cost recovery 9 Next Steps Going forward, Natural Owners should resolve pending issues, finalize short term budget requirements, and endorse Paris III Commitment Documents Actions Required Telecom Sector: – Appoint Liban Telecom Board in order to proceed with the corporatization process (in the interim, PMO member would be reporting to the Steering Committee) – Finalize legal decision on whether to sell or lease the mobile assets, when issuing new licenses (Follow-up on Ministry of Justice for final verdict) – Transfer relevant documentation and information from the Ministry of Telecom to TRA Power Sector: – Develop and finalize Power Sector detailed workplans for short-term initiatives – Formalize KEPCO contract – Initiate auditing of EDL’s 2005-2006 financial accounts Transport Sector: – Align key stakeholders on a roadmap for implementing priority programs Agree on CDR short-term initiatives, develop and finalize their detailed workplans Review and approve funding and TA requests, and finalize short term requirements Endorse Paris III Commitment Documents (Natural Owners) 10 Next Steps A third IMC meeting should take place to finalize programs, timelines, KPIs and funding, with steady-state implementation progress reporting starting end of August IMC Engagement Schedule (May – August 2007) Meeting Objectives Dates Appoint Secretary to the IMC and agree on his/her role First Round of IMC Meetings Review progress, and resolve escalated issues Review initiative and program allocation, and resolve overlaps 1st Infrastructure and Privatization IMC: 15 May 2007 Follow up on 1st round of IMC meetings Second Round of IMC Meetings Endorse initiatives and program allocation Endorse cross ministerial initiative teams 2nd Infrastructure and Privatization IMC: 5 July 2007 Resolve escalated issues Follow up on 2nd round of IMC meetings Third Round of IMC Meetings Review and approve natural Owners funding/ TA requests 3rd Infrastructure and Privatization IMC: 22 August 2007 (tentative) Endorse Paris III Commitment Documents (Natural Owners) 11 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 12 IMC Issues Register Liban Telecom corporatization is still delayed due to lack of proper governance structure – Mobile sector privatization is still awaiting the outcome of legal consultations on assets transfer Infrastructure & Privatization IMC Issues Register Issue Issue ID Level 001 H Issue Description Need to appoint Liban Telecom Board of Directors or alternative governance structure Raised by Minister of Telecom/ HCP SG/ BAH Date 15/05/2007 Assigned to Minister of Telecom Actions Needed Deadline Status The appointment of a Board would need 1.5 month 30/06/2007 Delayed PM and Minister of Telecom to become permanent members of the Steering Committee 18/05/2007 Completed MoT to assign PMO Members, who will report to the Steering Committee 18/05/2007 Minister of Legal consultation documents developed Telecom by HCP and TRA advisors to be sent to the Minister of Telecom 002 H Need to finalize the decision on whether to sell or lease the mobile assets when issuing new licenses TRA Chairman/ HCP SG/ BAH Minister of Telecom 15/05/2007 Dept. of Legal & Legislation Matters HCP SG Minister of Telecom to review legal consultation document internally Delayed 23/06/2007 Completed 30/06/2007 Completed Minister of Telecom to transfer the file to 31/07/2007 In Progress the Department of Legal and Legislation Matters at the Ministry of Justice which will decide if the assets can be sold under the current Privatization Law Citigroup/JP Morgan to proceed and accelerate development of tender documents On-Going On-Going 13 IMC Issues Register A Power Sector Program has been endorsed by all stakeholders – Key transport privatization initiatives have been identified by the Minister of Transport Infrastructure & Privatization IMC Issues Register Issue Issue ID Level 003 004 H H Issue Description Raised by No consensus on approach for power sector reform: In-house BAH reform vs. corporatization with Quick Wins Doubts about the approach for Deir Ammar IPP structure CDR President Date 15/05/2007 Assigned to Actions Needed Minister of Achieve consensus on the power sector Energy reform program and Water / EDL / Options related to the CRA contract and HCP the corporatization process to be clarified Deadline Status 13/06/2007 Completed 18/06/2007 Completed Power Sector Program to be endorsed by 05/07/2007 In Progress the Infrastructure & Privatization IMC 15/05/2007 Not The Prime Minister insisted on the need to Applicable proceed with an IPP for additional generation capacity with an option to include the current capacity Completed Minister of Minister of Transport and HCP SG to meet 25/05/2007 Completed Transport/ in order to define sector privatization HCP SG priorities, with support of GR PCO 005 H Strategy relating to privatization of other public entities (e.g., airport, ports, tobacco) still under development Minister of Transport / Minister of Finance GR PCO GR PCO to meet with Ministry of Transport DG, Port Authority President and Civil Aviation DG to get input on privatization options GR PCO GR PCO to present transport privatization 04/07/2007 Completed options to Minister of Transport 15/05/2007 Minister of Align transport sector stakeholders on Transport/ privatization roadmap HCP SG 26/06/2007 Completed 31/07/2007 In Progress 14 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 15 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Program Charter 1 Program Title Establish the Telecom Regulatory Authority Program Owner Minister of Telecom Program Number TEL-001 Key Stakeholders Council of Ministers, TRA, MoF High Level Work Plan Program Objectives/Description Establish the TRA to regulate the telecommunications sector Achieve a competitive telecommunications market to deliver state-of-theart services at affordable prices to the broadest spectrum of the Lebanese population Create the Telecom Regulatory Authority and appoint its board Issue decrees to facilitate operations of TRA Transfer regulatory responsibilities to the TRA Draft telecom policy outlining the liberalization path to be followed Key Risks MoF or MoT might not approve TRA budget CoM might not allocate budget on time CoM might delay financial and organizational decrees issuance MoT might delay the transfer of responsibilities to the TRA Resources Requirements Technical Assistance Description Management consultants to assist TRA in mapping existing MoT regulatory processes Management consultants to design new processes Budget Ministry Team TRA Board MoT Director General of Operations & Maintenance MoT Director General of Equipment & Construction MoT OSB Director Milestones and Key Deliverables TRA Board appointed TRA budget approved and transferred TRA financial procedures approved by ministers of Telecom and Finance Documentation transferred by MoT Information regarding current regulatory functions and relevant material transferred by MoT TRA functions fully staffed KPIs [To be developed at a later stage] 16 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives (Charter 1) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 1. Establish the Telecom Regulatory Authority 1a. Create the Telecom Regulatory Authority and appoint its board 1b. Issue decrees to facilitate operations of the TRA MoT, CoM Q1 2007 MoT, TRA, CoM Q1 2007 – Q4 2007 1c. Transfer regulatory responsibility and functions to the TRA MoT, TRA Q2 2007 – Q3 2007 1d. Draft telecom policy outlining the liberalization path to be followed TRA, MoT*/ OSB(1) XXX Natural Owner S S S IMPLEMENTATION: Q2 2007 S: Short term S M: Medium Term Completed TRA lacks resources Some decrees issued, and other in progress In progress Documentation/ Information transfer process is slow In progress L: Long Term 17 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Program Charter 2 Program Title Corporatize Liban Telecom Program Owner Minister of Telecom Program Number TEL-002 Key Stakeholders Council of Ministers, Liban Telecom Board, PMO, Ministry of Finance, HCP, TRA High Level Work Plan Program Objectives/Description Establish and corporatize Liban Telecom Prepare the ground for privatization, hence creating a more competitive telecommunications sector, and implementing an important phase of the Telecom Law enacted in July 2002 Key Risks Steering Committee might delay setup of PMO CoM might delay decree issuance Resources Requirements Description Technical Assistance Budget Ministry Team Budget from Paris III*: $ 1,050,000 (*) Excluding implementation advisory support and privatization Director General of Operations & Maintenance Director General of Equipment & Construction OSB Director Issue decrees to establish LT and appoint governance structure Setup Program Management Office (PMO) Create LT organizational structure Setup provisional opening balance and prepare asset transfer Capitalize LT by transferring budget Implement business support systems Implement marketing plan Set-up sales outlets Migrate contracts with customers and vendors Create LT brand and establish web presence Migrate employees for LT launch Issue license for Liban Telecom Launch LT Milestones and Key Deliverables LT governance structure appointed PMO staffed LT Level 1 appointed LT license issued LT launched KPIs [To be developed at a later stage] 18 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives (Charter 2) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 2. Corporatize Liban Telecom 2a. Issue decrees to establish LT and appoint governance structure 2b. Setup Program Management Office (PMO) Delayed MoT, CoM Q2 2007 MoT, Liban Telecom Board*, HCP MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q2 2007 – Q3 2007 Q3 2007 – Q4 2007 2f. Implement business support systems MoT, Liban Telecom Board*, HCP MoT, Liban Telecom Board*, MoF MoT, Liban Telecom Board* 2g. Implement marketing plan MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q4 2007 – Q2 2008 M New ERP system (short) Billing system (medium) Not started 2h. Set-up sales outlets MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q4 2007 – Q1 2008 L Not started 2i. Migrate customers and vendors contracts MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q4 2007 – Q1 2008 M Not started 2j. Create LT brand and establish Web presence Q3 2007 – Q4 2007 2k. Migrate employees for Liban Telecom launch MoT, Liban Telecom Board*, HCP MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q3 2007 – Q2 2008 M LT Brand (short) Website (medium) Not started 2k. Issue license for Liban Telecom TRA, Liban Telecom Board* Q3 2008 M Not started MoT, Liban Telecom Board* Q3 2008 M Not started HCP, MoT Q4 2008 L Not started 2c. Create LT organizational structure 2d. Set-up provisional opening balance, and prepare asset transfer 2e. Capitalize Liban Telecom by transferring budget 2m. Launch Liban Telecom 2n. Privatize Liban Telecom S Q3 2007 S S Q3 2007 S S Q4 2007 – Q2 2008 S S Delayed Not started Not started Not started Note: (*) Liban Telecom Board or temporary governance structuring namely Steering Committee in which the PM and Minister of Telecom are permanent members XXX Natural Owner IMPLEMENTATION: S: Short term M: Medium Term L: Long Term 19 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Program Charter 3 Program Title Privatize mobile telecom Program CoOwner Secretary General of HCP and TRA Chairman Program Number TEL-003 Key Stakeholders Minister of Telecom, Parliament, CoM High Level Work Plan Program Objectives/Description The privatization of the mobile sector consists in the issuance of two licenses and the sale or lease of related assets Ensure continuity of service as current management agreements expire on June 1, 2008 Improve service quality Offer a broader variety of services Alleviate public debt and ensuing budgetary deficit Open access to best practice management and operations Create a more competitive telecom sector Key Risks Lack of coordination from the current operators Parliament not convening Resources Requirements Technical Assistance Budget Team Draft and issue regulations (e.g., Interconnection, Competition, Consumer Guidelines, Universal Services, National Roaming) Perform valuation of Licenses Perform financial due diligence Perform technical due diligence Perform legal due diligence Define and finalize the legal basis for the transfer of ownership of mobile assets Finalize auction rules and procedures Publish invitation to tender and pre-qualification / qualification criteria Distribute Information Memorandum (IM), and provide data room access and site visits Review transaction documents based on bidders’ comments, and distribute revised documents Receive financial bids and conduct live auction Send termination notice to existing operators Description Investment banks Financial, legal, and technical consultants International auditor Budget from other sources: $ 700,000 Budget from Paris III: $ 2,250,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $2,950,000 HCP Secretary general Financial experts Economic experts Legal experts Milestones and Key Deliverables Mobile telecom regulations issued Auction rules and procedures for sale of assets / licenses finalized Financial bids received and live auction conducted Termination notice to existing operators sent TRA experts KPIs [To be developed at a later stage] 20 Telecom Sector Telecom Sector – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives (Charter 3) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 3. Privatize mobile sector 3a. Draft and issue regulations (e.g., Interconnection, Competition, Consumer Guidelines, Universal Services, National Roaming) 3b. Perform valuation of Licenses TRA Q2 2007 HCP, TRA, PCM Q1 2007 – Q3 2007 3c. Perform financial due diligence HCP, MoT*/ OSB(1) Q2 2007 S S S 3d. Perform technical due diligence HCP, MoT*/ OSB(1) Q2 2007 3e. Perform legal due diligence HCP, TRA, MoT*/ OSB(1) Q2 2007 3f. Define and finalize the legal basis for the transfer of ownership of mobile assets 3g. Finalize auction rules and procedures MoT*, HCP, TRA, MoJ, CoM Q3 2007 TRA, HCP, MoT*, CoM Q3 2007 S S S S 3h. Publish invitation to tender and pre-qualification / qualification criteria 3i. Distribute Information Memorandum (IM), and provide data room access and site visits 3j. Review transaction documents based on bidders’ comments, and distribute revised documents 3k. Receive financial bids and conduct live auction 3l. Send termination notice to existing operators Issued 3 regulations to-date: SMP, Interconnection, Consumer Affairs TRA to provide input to investment banks Requires Minister signature Tendering for consultants underway Tendering for consultants underway In progress Minister will review and submit document to CoM HCP (Assets) and TRA (Licensing) Not started Not started TRA, HCP Q3 2007 HCP, TRA, MoT Q3 2007 HCP, TRA Q3 2007 HCP, TRA Q4 2007 L Not started MoT, CoM Q4 2007 L Not started S S L Not started Not started Note: (*) MoT denotes the Minister of Telecommunications; (1) Owner Supervisory Board XXX Natural Owner IMPLEMENTATION: S: Short term M: Medium Term L: Long Term 21 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 22 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Timing Comments 1. Strengthen sector policy-making capacity 1a. Set-up an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to PM, CoM oversee sector reform 1b. Appoint qualified advisors at the Ministry of Energy MoEW/EDL, CDR and Water to support on strategic planning and evaluation of electricity policy reforms Q2 2007 1c. Complete Sector Expenditure Review with World Bank support 1d. Establish a National Control Center to properly dispatch EDL’s generation and transmission system 1e. Hire consultants to develop a Master Plan for the Power Sector, including a Public Investment Plan for generation and transmission, and to review least-cost investment needs and supply options MoEW/EDL, CDR Q3-2007 – Q4 2007 CDR, MoEW/EDL Q2 2007 – Q4 2008 Natural Owner Q2 2007 – Q3 2007 S Completed Terms of reference prepared and endorsed Committee in CDR to evaluate the applications Contract negotiations currently underway S AREVA hired M MoEW/EDL, CDR Q2 2007 – Q3 2007 S M 1f. Assess the feasibility of increasing hydro-electrical MoEW production 1g. Prioritize investments in transmission and MoEW/EDL distribution according to the findings of the Sector Expenditure Review and the Electricity Master Plan XXX S TIMING: Q1 2008 – Q2 2008 L Q4 2008 – Q2 2009 L S: Short term M: Medium Term EDF hired and financed by AFD to undertake Master Plan 11 months to complete the PIP (according to EDL) CDR is negotiating with EDF the update of the 1995 Master Plan for the distribution sector in Greater Beirut (45% of subscribers) L: Long Term 23 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Timing Comments 2. Improve EDL operational efficiency 2a. Appoint consultancy team at EDL to perform operational, financial, accounting, legal and contract management activities, including coordinating and assisting the HCP and its advisory team in the corporatization and privatization of EDL 2b. Formalize KEPCO contract MoEW/EDL, CDR Q2 2007 – Q3 2007 S MoEW/EDL Q2 2007 S 2c. Award contracts for the supervision of the KEPCO MoEW/EDL O&M activities for Beddawi and Zahrani plants 2d. Decide on the viability of the Zouk and Jiyyeh MoEW plants, and rehabilitate viable existing power plants 2e. Complete the expansion and rehabilitation of the EDL, CDR 220KV transmission network 2f. Complete the auditing of EDL financial statements MoEW/EDL, MoF from 2002 to 2006 Q2 2007 S Q3 2007 – Q4 2007 S Q1 2007 – Q2 2008 M Q2 2007 – Q2 2008 S S M XXX Natural Owner TIMING: S: Short term Terms of reference prepared and endorsed Committee in CDR to evaluate the applications Contract negotiations currently underway BDL rejected EDL request to open LC Request resent to MoF M: Medium Term Decide whether to undertake the study with World Bank or independent consultants Four specific issues to be addresses (e.g., strings in Mansourieh, touristic area in Ghineh, etc.) Auditor appointed for 20022006 financial accounts Started auditing 2002-2004 Need to initiate auditing of EDL’s 2005-2006 financial accounts L: Long Term 24 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives 2g. Reduce illegal network connections and enforce bill collection through support from security forces and the Justice department Stakeholders MoEW/EDL, Ministry of Interior, MoJ Preliminary Timeline Timing Q2 2007 – Q4 2008 M Q4 2007 – Q1 2008 2h. Review and modify (if needed) restrictive oil specifications based on 2003 study (if highlighted in 1b. study) MoEW/EDL 2i. Agree on the scope for gas pipeline to connect Zahrani and Beddawi plants (as defined in 1b.) 2j. Improve procurement process of fuel and gas oil, to ensure better quality and reduce high premiums 2k. Examine the supply of Liquefied Natural Gas to the Zahrani plant 2l. Commit the supply of Natural Gas to the Beddawi plant MoEW Q4 2007 – Q1 2008 MoEW, MoF Q2 2007 – Q4 2007 MoEW Q2 2007 – Q3 2008 MoEW Q1 2008 – Q2 2008 2m. Complete the infrastructure needed for the Ksara station (including 400 KV network) to allow Lebanon’s integration into the regional electrical network known as the “Seventh Joint” XXX Natural Owner M M Automatic meters would allow to identify easily the illegal network connections, and to manage efficiently the receivables Enforcement would require the support of Security Forces, Lebanese Army, as well as fast response from Justice department Libnor study of 2003 Negative political impact due to environmental considerations Subject to availability of Natural Gas supply S M M EDL, CDR Comments Contract signed with Egypt, with opportunity to double Gas would arrive in Q2 2008 to Deir Ammar plant Q1 2007 – Q1 2008 M TIMING: S: Short term M: Medium Term L: Long Term 25 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives 2n. Review EDL tariff structure XXX Natural Owner Stakeholders MoEW/EDL, CoM TIMING: Preliminary Timeline Timing Comments L Several studies are available such as the EDF tariffs study and NERA tariffs study (2003) Tariff review has a negative political impact: CoM took decision to increase fixed tariff in 2003/2004, with limited success Q1 2009 – Q4 2009 S: Short term M: Medium Term L: Long Term 26 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Timing Comments 3. Corporatize and privatize EDL 3a. Retain consultants to assist the HCP with the corporatization and restructuring of EDL 3b. Establish the Electricity Regulatory Authority and define its financial and organizational structures 3c. License private companies to install and operate remote meters HCP, MoEW/EDL, CDR Q2 2007 MoEW, HCP, OMSAR, CoM Q2 2007 – Q1 2008 MoEW/EDL, HCP Q2 2007 – Q4 2008 S S S 3d. Launch tender for service contracts for distribution MoEW/EDL, HCP Q2 2007 - Q3 2008 S Q2 2007 – Q4 2007 3e. Develop additional generation capacity through IPP: Install additional capacity in Deir Ammar with private sector participation HCP, MoEW 3f. Undertake asset registration and valuation of EDL’s assets 3g. Determine organization structure, job description, and compensation and benefits scheme 3h. Conduct the legal due diligence to address any issues relating to the corporatization and restructuring process 3i. Establish New EDL and draft its bylaws HCP, MoEW/EDL Q4 2007 HCP, MoEW/EDL Q3 2007 – Q1 2008 HCP, MoEW/EDL Q4 2007 XXX Natural Owner S On-going, currently interviewing candidates Contract signed with CRA to tender the installation of 16000 pilot remote meters and manage the distribution network Contract signed with CRA to solicit private sector participation in distribution Contract signed with IFC on 15 June 2007 for attracting IPP to install additional capacity at Deir Ammar and investigate sale of existing plant S M M HCP, CoM, ERA TIMING: Q1 2008 S: Short term M M: Medium Term L: Long Term 27 Power Sector Power Sector – Plan Agreed by Stakeholders (cont’d) List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives 3j. Transfer selected assets and liabilities to New EDL 3k. Appoint the Board of each entity of New EDL group of companies 3l. Privatize New EDL entities through sale of up to 40% of shares to strategic investor XXX Natural Owner Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline HCP, MoEW Q3 2008 CoM, MoEW, HCP Q3 2008 HCP, MoEW, CoM Q1 2009 TIMING: S: Short term Timing Comments L L L M: Medium Term L: Long Term 28 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 29 Transport Sector Transport Sector – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 1. Improve Air Transport Sector 1a. Build additional radar to cover North of Lebanon MPWT, DGCA Q3 2007 – Q2 2008 1b. Enhance Security in Beirut International Airport MPWT, DGCA Q3 2007 – Q1 2008 1c. Restructure and privatize Free Zones at Beirut International Airport 1c. Appoint CAA Board of Directors MPWT, DGCA, CoM, Parliament MPWT, CoM Q3 2007 – Q3 2008 1d. Setup BIAC and appoint Board of Directors MPWT, CoM Q3 2008 1e. Privatize BIAC HCP, MPWT Q4 2008 – Q4 2009 2a. Develop Maritime Transport Policy MPWT Q1 2007 – Q3 2007 2b. Establish a Maritime Transport Authority MPWT, CoM Q1 2007 – Q3 2007 2c. Clarify the functions of Port administrations MPWT Q2 2007 – Q3 2008 2d. Develop an investment program for Ports of Beirut MPWT and Tripoli Q3 2007 – Q2 2008 2e. Develop an IT platform for trade, freight, customs, and regulatory purposes MPWT Q2 2007 – Q3 2008 2f. Privatize Ports of Beirut and Tripoli HCP, MPWT Q4 2007 – Q4 2009 Q3 2007 No Free Zone law currently exists To be reviewed in light of Airport privatization roadmap To be reviewed in light of Airport privatization roadmap To be reviewed in light of Airport privatization roadmap 2. Improve Maritime Transport Sector XXX Natural Owner IMPLEMENTATION: S: Short term M: Medium Term Draft policy prepared and ready to be circulated Draft law for the authority prepared In progress Expansion of Port of Beirut to the North and Port of Tripoli is under study Transport Trade and Facilitation Committee revived L: Long Term 30 Transport Sector Transport Sector – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 3. Improve Land Transport Sector 3a. Develop Land Transport Policy MPWT Q1 2007 – Q3 2007 3b. Establish a Land Transport Authority MPWT, CoM Q1 2007 – Q3 2007 3c. Revise licensing and enforcement framework for urban and intercity passenger transport services 3d. Establish logistics terminals to enhance distribution of goods 3e. Implement a bus-based collective rapid passenger transport system for the Greater Beirut Area 3f. Initiate the reconstruction of the railway section between Port of Tripoli and the Lebanese Syrian border MPWT Q1 2007 – Q2 2008 MPWT Q1 2008 – Q1 2009 HCP, MPWT Q4 2007 – Q3 2010 MPWT Q1 2007 – Q1 2010 3g. Establish pedestrian overpasses MPWT Q1 2007 – Q1 2008 3h. Introduce performance-based maintenance contracts for road maintenance and rehabilitation 3i. Privatize OCFTC MPWT Q4 2007 – Q4 2008 HCP, MPWT Q4 2007 – Q4 2008 XXX Natural Owner IMPLEMENTATION: S: Short term M: Medium Term Draft policy prepared and ready to be circulated Draft law for the authority prepared In progress Engineering design of railway section completed with the specifications and bill of quantities Ask Dr. Tamam Naccache and Youssef Salam L: Long Term 31 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 32 CDR CDR – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 1. Restructure CDR’s capacity to undertake reconstruction & development capital investments 1a. Strengthen the capacity of CDR’s procurement, financial management and legal functions CDR Q1 2007 – Q4 2007 S 1b. Streamline related internal processes from bid and CDR terms of reference preparation to contract management and disbursement Q1 2008 – Q4 2008 L Q3 2007 – Q4 2008 S CDR is planning to launch soon the process of filling job vacancies for its existing organizational structure CDR relies on the policies internationally adopted for its internal procurement processes 2. Develop Public Investment Plan 2a. Develop a Public Investment Plan (PIP) XXX Natural Owner CDR, MoF, Office of PCM IMPLEMENTATION: S: Short term M: Medium Term A task force has been created and includes CDR, MoF, and the Office of PCM The role of the task force is mainly to develop a Public Investment Program (PIP) The task force is expected to work under the following guidelines: – PIP should have a specific financial ceiling – The investment program should be inline with the National Land Use Plan – The investment program should ensure sector management capacity, as well as, good cost recovery L: Long Term 33 Appendix IMC Issues Register Telecom Sector Power Sector Transport Sector CDR Programs Other HCP Programs 34 HCP Higher Council for Privatization – Summary of Paris III Programs and Initiatives List of Programs and Initiatives Sector Programs and Initiatives Stakeholders Preliminary Timeline Implem. Comments 1. Privatize other public entities 1a. Develop and administer Private-Public Partnership HCP, Parliament (PPP) Law 1b. Privatize Beirut port silos HCP, MoET 1c. Privatize water and waste water sectors through concessions 1d. Privatize Government holdings in tobacco manufactories 1e. Privatize Government holdings in non-productive refineries XXX Natural Owner Q3 2007 M L HCP, MoEW L HCP, MoF L HCP, MoEW IMPLEMENTATION: Passed by CoM, in June 2007 L S: Short term M: Medium Term L: Long Term 35