Industrial Europe, World Wars and Current Issues



Changes and Conflict

New Ways of Thinking


Thomas Edison: Light bulb and harnessing electricity

Alexander Graham Bell: Human voice on electrical circuit

Henry Ford, Karl Benz, Etienne Lenoir: Cars

Wilbur and Orville Wright: Airplane

New Thinkers

Charles Darwin: Theory of Evolution. Those who survive have the best natural characteristics to survive.

Gregor Mendel: Founded Genetics

Edward Jenner: small pox vaccine

Louis Pasteur: Pasteurization….found out that bacteria cause illness

Dmitry Mendeleyev: Classified Elements

Albert Einstein: German Scientist (physics)

New Ways of Thinking

New Thinkers cont..

Ivan Pavlov and Sigmund Freud: Psychology

Beethoven: German Composer

James Fennimore Cooper: American Writer


Became organized and popular during the 1800s.

Soccer and baseball were some of the earliest

Economic Changes

Industrial Revolution

Rapid industrial development caused by available land and natural resources, available money to invest and available workers.

Mechanization: Automatic machines (silk spinning first)

Richard Arkwright: Use of water to power machine..started the first factory system.

Demand for cotton increased, England got most from the Southern United States (4 million to 100 million pounds per year)

Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney): machine that cleaned cotton, made it easier to mass produce it

Economic Changes

Industrial Revolution

Water (river power) was unpredictable, tried to harness steam power (James Watt)

Bessemer Process: Process to inject air into pure Iron to remove impurities. This made steel easier to use.

Charles Goodyear: Vulcanization (made rubber less sticky)

Robert Fulton: Steam Engine on boat..changed water travel

Samuel Morse: Morse Code and Telegraph

Great Britain was the European leader in Industrialization

Factory System developed a wage system and Middle Class

Women also began to work more

Econ Changes


Item is scarce and has high demand=high prices paid. When supply goes down, prices rise

Item is not scarce and has low demand=lower prices paid

Smith’s Theory: Manufacturers that compete with other companies must reduce prices to be competitive (but not too low or they will go out of business).

System of Free Enterprise (no government control)


Were bad for workers

Humanitarians: People who tried to help (Charles Dickens)

Strikes: effective way to protest working conditions

Unions: organizations created to protect the rights of workers

Econ Changes


Economic system where individuals or corporations control what and how much gets produced (not govts)

Division of Labor: Economic principle that increased the rate of production….each person specialized in a certain job.

Eli Whitney invented interchangeable parts…machines that made things that were all alike…easier to fix

Mass Production: Producing large numbers of identical items.

Business began to become corporations (people could buy stock in them)

Econ Changes


Some people felt that the laissez-faire approach would not work (let it be)

Felt they need to change who owned the means of production

Means of Production: money and equipment used to produce and exchange goods (land, RR, mines, factories, stores, banks)

Definition: government owns the means of production and operates them for the benefit of all people, not just the wealthy. Everyone should share in the profits

Utopian Socialists: People who believed that people could live peacefully together in small communities where everyone would work for the common good of all


Karl Marx

Wrote the Communist Manifesto (1848)

Thought that capitalism created a conflict between workers and business owners. His thoughts were that a few owners made a ton of money off the hard work of the workers.

Marx predicted that the workers would eventually unite and overthrow the capitalistic areas and create a socialist revolution.

Believed that people would learn the benefits of working together and a classless society would emerge..pure communism



Government that owns the means of production and all economic planning (and all other aspects of daily life).

Democratic Socialism

People retain partial control over economic planning through the election of government officials

Marx’s Ideas

Had an important affect in parts of Northern and

Western Europe. Huge impact in Russia



Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism,

Triple Alliance: Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary

(made by Bismarck during the 1880s)

Triple Entente: France, Russia, and GB

Serbs wanted Bosnia (Controlled by Austria) to be part of a Slavic Empire

Assassination of France Ferdinand (AH prince) by a

Serbian nationalist set off the alliances.

Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria,

Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, and others



U Boats


Trench Warfare

US Involvement (Lusitania and Zimmerman Note)

Eventually the Allies won due to American help and

Austria/Hungary falling apart

Costs of WWI

8.5-10 million dead, 21 million wounded, 300 Billion

14 pts

Wilson ’ s attempt to make the world safe for democracy

League of Nations: A world organization to maintain peace…what the UN would become. Not strong after WWI

Treaty of Versailles: Punished Germany for actions in WWI and caused WWII. (No resolution of problems, Germany poor)


Great Depression

Black Tuesday: Oct 29, 1929, stock market crash

Market Speculation: Risky Investments

Great Depression: 30 million unemployed by 1932

Major effect in GB, France, and Germany (destroy govt)

Great Britain Struggles

Struggle to find people jobs during 1920s-1930s

Irish nationals revolted in 1916 (Easter Rising)

IRA: Irish Republic Army.

Compromise: Catholic Southern Ireland (Republic of Ireland) would be independent, 6 Northern counties (Protestant) remained a part of the UK


Eastern Europe

Most of Eastern European Countries were very weak

Austria, Poland, Hungary, etc

Italian Fascism

Benito Mussolini: Leader of fascist Italy

Fascism: Totalitarian dictatorship, opposed to democracies and communism (very much nationalistic)

Communism appealed to the workers, Fascism appealed to the middle/upper class because they were guaranteed to keep their power. Protect private property and middle class

Black Shirts: Mussolini ’ s military branch that eliminated all things socialist or democratic



Nazis: Extreme Nationalism, anti-semitic (Jew) and anticommunist. Began around 1920

Hitler ’ s views began to shape Nazi Party.

Through elections the Nazi ’ s were able to take gain a majority in the Reichstag (Parliament). Hitler became the emergency dictator when the Reichstag burnt down in


After that Hitler began to used the SS to round up Jews, forcing them to ghettos, work camps, and eventually concentration camps.

Hitler believed in the Third Reich (3 rd Empire)

Began to rebuild the Army (illegal) and made a secret alliance with Italy

New Problems


Began with Hitler's Aggression

Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Scandinavia and Low

Countries, USSR, France

Hitler was not able to fully capture USSR and never invaded Great Britain.

Allies: GB, France, USSR, USA

Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

Hitler ’ s attack on the Soviet Union was similar to

Napoleon ’ s failed attempt. Too big and cold.

Hitler began to kill the Jews in 1941.

Famous concentration camps like Auschwitz were built

D-Day: Allied Invasion of France….would mark the end for Hitler and the German Army

World After WWII

United Nations

Created to keep peace throughout the world, don ’ t make the same mistakes that happened post WWI

Yalta Conference

Divided up Germany into 4 states (3 controlled by the West and 1 controlled by the USSR)

Cold War

Began after WWII. The Soviet Army never really left the lands that they had conquered between Germany and


Marshall Plan: US gave over 13 billion dollars to 17 Western

European countries to prevent communism from spreading

Truman Doctrine: USA would support any country in their fight against communism (Greece and Turkey were first)

World After WWII

Berlin Airlift

City of Berlin (in east Berlin) was divided by East and

West. The Soviets shut off access to outside world

US and GB dropped food and supplies into West Berlin

Eventually the Berlin was created to prevent people moving from East to West.


Military Alliance of European countries..Warsaw Pact was the same thing except involving Soviets and the countries they controlled

Great Britain

Prime Ministers

Neville Chamberlain

Winston Churchill

(during WWII)


Struggled between welfare state and non welfare state

One of the least industrialized countries by 1960

Major problems from the destruction of




Destroyed, much like Great Britain from fighting in WWII

Had trouble holding on to foreign possessions like

Algeria and French Indochina (Vietnam)

Charles De Gaulle

French President after WWII.

Let go of possessions, believed in NATO, etc

Economy never got better and he resigned

Other European Countries

Denmark, Norway, Sweden

All had solid democracies in place

All prospered in the times after WWII

Very little rebuilding occurred

Greece, Portugal, Spain

Turned to free-enterprise systems of economy

Portugal and Spain remained Authoritarian Govts

Modern Times

Great Britain

Margaret Thatcher: Became the first female Prime

Minister in Britain’s History

Reduced government funding of many social programs

(like Republicanism)

Poll Tax: Replaced income tax, charged everyone the same…led to problems…she resigned in 1990

John Major: More moderate, had many scandals

Tony Blair: Elected in 1997

Northern Ireland (Protestant aligned with GB)

Battles between the Catholics (IRA) and Protestants

Wanted to drive the Protestants out of Ireland (unite)

Still an issue today

Modern Times


Many different leaders

(Pompidou, d ’ Estaing, Mitterand,


Continued to struggle with economic problems and foreign relations.


West Germany became a major economic power while East

Germany struggled

Helmut Kohl: Conservative

(Reagan and Thatcher) kept close times with GB and USA

USSR collapsed and Germany was re-united as one country in 1992.

Modern Times


United most of Western Europe (small countries)

Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Norway,

Finland, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland all were either supportive of

Western ideas or neutral


Divided between political parties and industrial/wealthy Northern

Italy vs poor/rural Southern Italy

Situation improved during the 1990s


Juan Carlos: King in 1975

Troubles with economy during the 1970s and 80s

By 2000, Spain was in much better shape

Modern Times

European Cooperation

Helsinki Accords: 35 European Nations (and USA/USSR) met to discuss security and cooperation among countries

Called on all nations to respect basic human rights, such as speech and worship…helped usher in democracy of the 1980 ’ s

NATO: started to include Eastern European countries

(Czech, Poland, Hungary) in 1997

European Economic Community: Economic cooperation between countries to include common taxation, trade and currency

European Union: 1993, ended trade barriers between countries. Where the Euro came from (common currency)
