Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Name: World War II Class/Period


Cornell Notes Topic/Objective:

World War II




Essential Question: What were the major causes of World War II (WWII)?



Major Causes of World

War II

Immediate Causes of

World War II and New

Weapons in World War II


World War II began in 1939 and lasted until 1945 (6 years).

 The major Axis Power countries were: Germany, Italy, and Japan. Other countries joined this side as the war progressed.

 The major Allied Power countries were: Great Britain, Russia, and France. The

United States got involved after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Other countries also joined this side as the war progressed.

 Treaty of Versailles- The treaty punished Germany and left bitter feelings.

Germany was blamed for the war and had to pay millions in reparations to

Britain and France.

 Rise of Fascism in Italy. The government controlled everything. People could not speak out against the government. Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy and sided with the Axis Powers.

 Economic Depression-Germany’s economic depression led to an increase in votes for Hitler and the Nazi Party which brought on the Rise of Nazism.

 Japanese Expansionism- Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 for raw materials.

Japan also attacked China which broke out into a war in 1937. Japan also broke out into a war with the Soviet Union in 1938.

 Anti-Communism- Communism was on the rise in Germany. Under communism, all means of production are controlled by the government, as are property, the media, and all other aspects of society. The countries under democracy rule feared communism and wanted to make sure that it didn’t spread to their area.

 Militarism- building up armies in order to gain power and take over other territories.

 Nationalism- pride in one’s country. Germany in particular felt that all other countries were inferior to them.

 American Isolationism- America tried to remain neutral due to its own economic concerns, but doing so made European democracy countries weaker.

Hitler wanted to defeat anyone he thought was inferior to Germany. Germany invaded

Poland in 1939 without a declaration of war. This started WWII.

Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1919. Italy declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940. New weapons: Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
