HEALTHCARE IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD ECON240: ECONOMICS OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE GROUP PROJECT PRESENTATION APRIL 7, 2015 ANDREA MARX KATIE HERRON COURTNEY LANG AMBER HUBERT Part 1: Africa’s Deadliest Conflict, Doctors Without Border, 3.4.2014 Did you know? ● At least 1 billion people suffer each year because they cannot obtain the health services they need ● About 150 million people who use health services suffer a financial catastrophe annually ● 100 million pushed below poverty line to pay for services ● In the next 20 years, 40-50 million new health care workers will need to be trained and deployed to meet the need ● WHO estimates that $86 per person per year is the minimum spending to provide essential health-care services World Health Organization 2015 What is a Developing Country? SIERRA LEONE VIETNAM BOLIVIA “Developing countries are defined according to their Gross National Income (GNI) per capita per year. Countries with a GNI of US$11,905 and less are defined as developing”--The International Statistical Institute Human Development Index ● Summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development ● Emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country Country GNI per capita, 2013 HDI Value 2013 Life Expectancy at birth, 2013 HDI Rank United States 52,308 0.914 78.9 5 Bolivia 5,552 0.667 67.3 113 Vietnam 4,892 0.674 75.9 121 Sierra Leone 1,815 0.374 45.6 183 United Nations Development Program Healthcare Disparities in Developing Countries Causes 1. Insufficient system resources 2. Inappropriate allocation of resources 3. Inadequate quality 4. Insufficient household incomes 5. Lack of access 6. Travel costs 7. Cultural barriers 8. Misperceptions of illness and effectiveness of care Problems 1. Effective healthcare interventions are underutilized 2. Income related disparities Angola Hospital Health Expenditure, total (% of GDP) US = 17.9 Sierra Leone = 15.1 Vietnam = 6.6 Bolivia = 5.8 World Bank 2015 Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure (% Private Expenditure on Health) Sierra Leone = 91.4 Vietnam = 85.0 Bolivia = 82.2 US = 20.7 World Bank 2015 Health Production Function Inputs Max amount of health that an individual can generate from a specific set of health-related inputs in a given period of time Health (level @ time t) = f 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lifestyle: nutrition & exercise Profile: mental/physical family history and current state Technology: medical advances SES: income level, education, social status Environment: infrastructure & air/water quality VIETNAM Independent 1945, population 91.68 million A doctor examines an old woman in Southern Province of Tay Ninh Hospital in Vietnam Background ● Socialist Republic of Vietnam ○ Unified under a communist government after Vietnam War ended in 1975 ● Vietnam War ○ November 1,1955- April 30, 1975 Clockwise, from top left: U.S. combat operations in Ia Drang, ARVN Rangers defending Saigon during the 1968 Tet Offensive, two Douglas A-4C Skyhawks enroute for airstrikes against North Vietnam after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, ARVN recapture Quảng Trị during the 1972 Easter Offensive, civilians fleeing the 1972 Battle of Quảng Trị, burial of 300 victims of the 1968 Huế Massacre. Lifestyle/Medical Profile ● Nutrition ● Exercise ● Mental/physical current state ○ Increasing number of people diagnosed with treatable long term chronic diseases Children drink Vinamilk, a Ho-Chi Minh based dairy product ( Forbes Technology Medical Advances ● Hospitals lack equipment (Brain Scanners or Xray Machines) ● Hanoi: population 6.562 million, 5 hospitals ● Houston: population 6.3 million, 18 hospitals ● Overcrowding in urban hospitals: 150-250% capacity ● Low wages for doctors - $100/month ● Bribes and off-the-book procedures Overcrowding in Vietnamese hospitals causes beds to be shared ( InterNations Forbes Economist SES ● Income level ○ GNI per capita: 4,892.41 PPP dollars ○ Poverty level: 6.45% ● Education ○ Mean years of schooling: 5.49 ● Social Status ○ HDI 2013: 0.638, ranked 121 ○ Inequality-Adjusted HDI 0.543 ○ Homeless population: 2.031 Ho Chi Minh city's financial district. Vietnam has made huge strides in lifting people out of poverty, despite the country not being a model of good governance. UNDP Environment Infrastructure ● Historically: based on Soviet system, dismantled after economic liberalization ● Currently: divide between quality/access/affordability in urban vs. rural ● Poor communication between government and local agencies ● 6.4% of GDP spent on healthcare Flooded roads in Vietnam Forbes Environment Air/water quality ● Carbon dioxide emissions per capita: 1.73 ● Only 39% rural population have access to safe water & sanitation ● 7 million people at severe risk of arsenic poisoning ● 80% diseases due to polluted water Rubbish clogs a river in Vietnam UNDP The Water Project Looking Forward... ● 2008 law to assist poor and ethnic minorities ● Compulsory participation starts this June ● HDI level improvements ● 1980: 0.463 ○ 2013: 0.638 ● Projected 20% compound annual growth rate of pharmaceuticals ● Estimated per capita health expenditure increase ○ $66/year 2008 ○ $116/year 2014 Vietname Net Bride more and more domestic pharmaceutical firms have recently announced plans to expand their production as the market has shown signs of picking up in recent months. Economist UNDP Forbes SIERRA LEONE Independent 1961, population 6.09 million Ebola patients in Sierra Leone Health workers in Sierra Leone screen people for the Ebola virus in Kenema Background ● Constant internal strife ○ Civil War ended in 2002 ● Economy is struggling ○ Receives aid from several countries ● Economic Policy ○ Poverty -reduction efforts Lifestyle/Medical Profile ● ● ● ● 68 % population lives below poverty line 1/2 population undernourished 176/232 countries with overall quality of life issues 7% HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate o 170,000 Sierra Leoneans have this disease ● Life expectancy at birth 45.56 ● 4th highest child mortality rate in the world Encyclopedia of Environment and Science, 2007 UN Human Development Report World Health Organization, 2015 Technology Road in Kenema Sierra Leone ● Not enough skilled workers ● Limited transportation to health care facilities ● Poor Road Construction SES ● Mean years of schooling 2.88 ● 20.5 % of adult females, 39.8% of adult males can read and write ○ Difficult to understand health info ● GNI per capita $1,815.1USD(2010) Encyclopedia of Environment and Science, 2007 UN Human Development Report Environment ● 43% of population lack sustained access to safe drinking water ● 61% Lack of access to improved sanitation ● Very high risk of contracting food and waterborne diseases Encyclopedia of Environment and Science, 2007 Ebola Outbreak ● One of the largest Ebola Outbreaks in History ● 36% of Ebola patients in Sierra Leone ● More than 3,700 cases confirmed in West Africa ○ Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, and Senegal Burial Team in Freetown, Sierra Leone The Economist Newspaper, 2015 Looking Forward... ● Free Health Care given to pregnant and breast feeding women, and children under 5 years of age ○ Britain donated 24 million in funding ● 2 new maternity health care centers have been built ● Government spending on health care increased Problems Remain ● Government lacks ability to organize Free Health Care ● Individuals complain about free health care ● Drugs and equipment have gone missing ● Hospitals and built roads neglected BOLIVIA Independent 1825, population 10.67 million Bolivian doctor checks child for an ear infection Bolivians wait for medical treatment in the highland of the Amazon Region Background ● Bolivia is the poorest and one of the least developed of the Latin American countries ● Illegal drug trade Rural poor in Bolivia standing outside of their home: Lifestyle/Medical Profile ● High infant mortality rate ○ Maternal-infant mortality rate 2003: 420 in 100,000 ● Population poverty share (%) ○ Near poverty= 17.3% ○ In severe poverty= 7.8% ○ Below income poverty line= 15.6% World Health Organization 2015 UN Human Development Report Health Care Profile ● Doctor presence ○ Only 3.7 doctors per 10,000 people in urban areas ○ Only 1.3 doctors per 10,000 widely dispersed people in rural locations ● Bolivian health system: ○ Social Security funds ○ Payment options and funding ○ Government health expenditure vs. out-of-pocket payment World Health Organization 2015 Technology ● Lack of clean water ○ Lack of proper sewage and garbage systems ● Much of the population does not live near hospitals or medical facilities ○ Inadequate transportation systems from rural to urban areas SES ● HDI: ○ Value= .667 ○ World rank= 113 ● Income level: ○ GNI per capita= 5,750 PPP dollars ● Life expectancy at birth: ○ 67.9 years ● Expected years of schooling: ○ 13.2 years World Health Organization 2015 Environment ● Deforestation ● Soil erosion ● Overgrazing Deforestation in the Bolivian countryside: Looking Forward... ● Areas of focus to strengthen the health care system: ● Support for child and maternal health programs ● Providing health services to isolated population ○ Strengthened operations systems and participatory management at all levels ○ Increased access to and improved quality of intercultural health care ○ Underserved rural population empowered to seek and obtain “culturally appropriate” health care Key Points Output of Non-Health Capital Goods Possibility Production Frontier Challenges: A3 1. Accessibility 2. Availability 3. Accountability Precautionary Saving: occurs in response of uncertainty regarding future income ● Everyone in insurance market not in precautionary saving allows for more spending in general economy ● Smooths out household consumptions Output of Consumer Health Goods What is Universal Health Coverage? Universal health coverage (UHC) means that all people receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship when paying for them (health promotion, prevention and treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care). ● Majority out-of-pocket: poor unable to obtain services and rich eventually exposed to financial hardship in event of severe or long-term illnesses ● Need for cross subsidy from rich-poor and from healthy-ill The World Bank Apr.14 Questions and Answers Bibliography Bernstein, Lenny. "Twenty-eight Countries Have Worse Health Care Systems than Liberia’s." The Washington Post, 3 Mar. 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2015. C., Ledo, and Soria R. 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