Sierra Leone National workshop on climate

Protected Areas Resilient to Climate
Change in West Africa (PARCC)
National Workshop, Hill Valley Hotel
9 – 11 April, 2013
• Institutional roles and responsibilities
• Involvement in the fields of climate or
biological sciences
• Impressions of the status and trends of
biodiversity and climate change in the country
• Actions already taken
• What actions may be required to address
current trends
• Environment Protection Agency Sierra Leone
(EPA-SL) was established by an act of
Parliament, the Environment Protection
Agency (EPA) Act, 2008
Coordination and monitoring
the implementation of all
national environmental
policies, plans and
programmes and act as focal
point for all international
environmental matters
• coordinate and monitor the implementation of
national environmental policies
• coordinate with Government Ministries, local
councils and other agencies on matters relating
to environmental protection and management
• co-ordinate the activities of such bodies as it
considers appropriate for the purposes of
controlling the generation, treatment, storage,
transportation and disposal of industrial waste;
• issue environmental permits and pollution
abatement notices for controlling the volume,
types, constituents and effects of waste
discharges, emissions, deposits or other
• prescribe standards and guidelines relating to
ambient air, water and soil quality, the pollution
of air, water, land and other forms of
environmental pollution including the discharge
of wastes and the control of toxic substances
• collect and make available to the public or
interested persons or bodies, through
publications and other appropriate means and in
cooperation with public or private organizations,
environmental data and information
• GEF Focal point involvement in design and
implementation of all projects in the three focal areas
• Hosts the climate change secretariat (support for UNDP
and EU)
• Involved in the development of the MAB programme in
Sierra Leone
• Use of EIAs to ensure minimization of impacts of
projects on climate and biodiversity
• Development of a central information system for
natural resources management
• Environmental awareness raising on Climate Change
Issues (printed and distributed brochures on CC)
• Climate change is real
• Country is experiencing unusual natural
events mostly attributed to climate change
General rise in normal temperatures
Erratic rainfall patterns
Sea level rise leading to sea erosion
All of the above will have significant effect on
 Sierra Leone participated in the INC negotiations for the
UNFCCC and all IPCC activities prior to and after the INC.
 Cooperated and collaborated with the UNFCCC secretariat,
GEF, UNEP, and UNDP in the implementation of climate
change activities
 Sierra Leone submitted its First National Communications
to the Convention in 1987
 This was followed by the development of the National
Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) in 2007
 Submitted its Second National Communications in 2012.
 The development of the Third National Communication is
in progress.
 Hosting of the Climate Change Secretariat at the EPA-SL
 Development of the MABs programme.
• Mainstreaming Climate Change adaptation
into national planning
• Strengthening the Climate Change Secretariat
• Capacity building for key institutions such as
Meteorology Department
• Development of management systems for
protected area including Marine Protected