Adapted From Temple College EMS Professions Poisons Substance which when introduced into body in relatively small amounts causes in structural damage or functional disturbances Suspect with: GI signs/symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain) Altered LOC, seizures, unusual behavior Pupil changes, salivation, sweating, other signs/symptoms of disturbed autonomic nervous system function Respiratory depression Burns, blisters of lips, mucous membranes Unusual breath odors Treat Patient, Not Poison Proper support of ABCs is first step in management Contact with Poison Control Center Priority action plan Symptomatic treatments Time management Try to determine: What? How much? How long ago? What has already been done? Psychiatric history? Underlying illness? When in doubt. . . Assume containers were full Entire contents were ingested Patient may not be telling you the truth If several patients involved. . . Assume each ingested entire container contents Triage Additional resources Always. . . Bring sample of material if possible Save for analysis, if patient vomits Poisoning Management Based on route of entry Ingested Absorbed Inhaled Injected Ingested Poisons Prevent absorption of toxin from GI tract into bloodstream Positioning Rapid Transport to definitive treatment center Absorbed Poisons Dry chemicals dust skin, then wash Liquid chemicals wash with large amounts of H20 avoid “neutralizing” agents CAUTION Don’t accidentally expose yourself! Inhaled Poisons Remove patient from exposure Maximize oxygenation, ventilation CAUTION Don’t accidentally expose yourself! Injected Poisons Attempt to slow absorption Venous constricting bands Dependent position Splinting of injected body part Cold packs (+) [May worsen local injury by concentrating poison] Substance Abuse Self administration of a substance in a manner not in accord with approved medical or social practices Substance Abuse Psychological dependence Physical dependence Compulsive drug use Tolerance Addiction Psychological Dependence Habituation Substance needed to support user’s sense of well-being Physical Dependence Substance must be present in body to avoid physical symptoms (withdrawal) Compulsive Drug Use Use of drug and rituals/culture associated with its use become an overwhelming desire Tolerance Increasing amounts of drug needed to produce same effects Tolerance contributes to addiction by keeping user “chasing the last high” Addiction Combination of psychological dependence, physical dependence, compulsive use, and tolerance Patient becomes totally consumed with obtaining, using drug to exclusion of all other things Ethyl Alcohol A CNS Depressant Drug Decreased Reaction Time Increased Accidental Trauma Risk Decreased Social Inhibitions Increased Intentional Trauma Risk Potentiation of Other CNS Depressants Lethal Overdoses in Combination with Other Drugs Irritation, Gastritis, Ulcer Disease, GI Bleeds Respiratory Depression, Shock Slowed GI Tract Activity Toxic Overdose Ethanol Intoxication Signs Breath odor Swaying, unsteadiness Slurred speech Nausea, vomiting Flushed face Drowsiness Violent, erratic behavior Ethanol Clouds signs, symptoms Complicates assessment Head trauma, diabetes, drug toxicity, CNS infection can mimic EtOH intoxication and vice versa Patient is NEVER “just drunk” until all other possibilities are excluded Alcohol Addicts Experience alcohol withdrawal syndrome if they reduce intake: Restlessness, tremulousness Hallucinations Seizures Delirium tremens--all of above plus tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, hypertension, elevated body temperature Delirium Tremens Life threatening condition! Occurs 1 days to 2 weeks after intake is decreased 5 to 15% mortality Control airway, prevent aspiration, monitor for hypovolemia Narcotics Opium Opium derivatives Synthetic compounds that produce opiumlike effects Narcotics Opium Heroin Morphine Demerol Dilaudid Percodan Codeine Darvon Talwin Narcotics Medical Uses analgesics anti-diarrheal agents cough suppressants Narcotics Overdose Coma Respiratory depression Constricted (pin-point) pupils Narcotics Withdrawal Agitation Anxiety Abdominal pain Dilated pupils –Sweating –Chills –Joint pains –Goose flesh Resembles severe influenza Not a life-threat Barbiturates Nembutal Seconal Pentobarbital Amytal Tuinal Phenobarbital Barbiturates Induce sleepiness, state similar to EtOH intoxication Medical uses Anesthetics Sedative Hypnotics Barbiturates Overdose Coma Respiratory depression Shock Extremely dangerous in combination with EtOH Barbiturates Withdrawal Resembles EtOH withdrawal (DTs) Extremely dangerous Barbiturate-like Non-barbiturates Doriden, Placidyl, Quaalude, Methyprylon Effects similar to barbiturates Overdose can cause sudden, very prolonged respiratory arrest Withdrawal resembles ETOH; extremely dangerous Tranquilizers Valium, Librium, Miltown, Equanil, Tranxene Low doses relieve anxiety, produce muscle relaxation High doses produce barbiturate-like effects Tranquilizers Overdose: Unlikely to cause respiratory arrest alone Extremely dangerous with EtOH Withdrawal Resembles EtOH withdrawal Extremely dangerous CNS Stimulants: Amphetamines Dexedrine, Benzedrine, Methyl amphetamine Relieve fatigue, promote euphoria, reduce appetite CNS Stimulants: Amphetamines Overdose Restlessness, paranoia Tachycardia Hypertension Hyperthermia Withdrawal Lethargy Depression CVA, Heart failure Heat stroke CNS Stimulants: Cocaine Stronger stimulant effects than amphetamines Can cause respiratory/cardiovascular failure, heat stroke, lethal arrhythmias CNS Stimulants: Cocaine “Snorting” can destroy nasal septum, cause massive nosebleed Airway issue Withdrawal: lethargy depression Hallucinogens LSD, psilocybin, peyote, mescaline, DMT, MDMA Enhance perception Wrong setting may induce “bad trips” with extreme anxiety True toxic overdose rare Phencyclidine PCP, angel dust Produces bizarre, violent behavior Reduces pain sensation Patients may be capable of feats of extreme strength Keep patient in quiet environment, minimize stimulatin Solvents Glue, paint, gas, light fluid, toluene Inhalation produces state similar to EtOH intoxication Patient may asphyxiate if consciousness lost while “sniffing” Solvents Increase risk of arrhythmias May cause liver damage, bone marrow depression Chronic abuse causes CNS damage paranoia, violent behavior