
Metabolism of tetrapyrrols
Pavla Balínová
• circular compounds binding a
metal ion (most frequently
Fe2+ and Fe3+)
• consist of 4 pyrrol rings
interconnected via methine
• heme (Fe2+)
• chlorophyll (Mg2+)
• vitamin B12 (Co2+)
Figure was assumed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porphyrin
Where can we find a heme??
• Hemoglobin (Hb)
• Myoglobin (Mb)
• Cytochrome c
• Catalases (decomposition
of H2O2 to H2O and O2)
Figure was assumed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heme
Heme structure
methine bridge
Figure was assumed from a book T. M. Devlin et al.: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical
Correlations, 4th ed., Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1997.
Biosynthesis of heme
• Organ location: bone marrow 85% and liver
• Subcellular location: mitochondria and cytosol
• Substrates: succinyl-CoA and glycine
• Important intermediates: δ-aminolevulinic acid
(ALA), porphobilinogen, uroporphyrinogen III,
protoporphyrin IX
• Key regulatory enzyme: ALA synthase
Heme biosynthesis
Figure was assumed from http://www.porphyrin.net/mediporph/_netbiochem/synthesis/_synthmain.html
Delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
• synthesis of heme starts in mitochondria
• succinyl-CoA and glycine (Gly) undergo condensation
→ δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
• reaction is catalyzed by enzyme ALA synthase
+ NH3+-CH2-COO-
Porphobilinogen (PBG)
• ALA leaves the mitochondria → cytoplasm
• 2 molecules of ALA condense to form porphobilinogen
• reaction is catalyzed by enzyme porphobilinogen
pyrrol ring
Figure was assumed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porphobilinogen
Uroporphyrinogen III
Figure was assumed from book T. M. Devlin et al.: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical
Correlations, 4th ed., Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1997.
Uroporphyrinogen → coproporphyrinogen III
• enzyme hydroxymethylbilane synthase catalyzes the
linkage of 4 PBG molecules and cleavage of 4 NH4+ to
yield uroporphyrinogen III
• 4 acetate residues are decarboxylated into methyl
groups → coproporphyrinogen III returns to the
mitochondria again
Protoporphyrinogen IX
Figure was assumed from book T. M. Devlin et al.: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical
Correlations, 4th ed., Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1997.
Protoporphyrinogen IX → protoporphyrin IX
• oxidation of protoporphyrinogen IX produces the
conjugated π-electron system of protoporphyrin IX
Figure was assumed from book T. M. Devlin et al.: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical
Correlations, 4th ed., Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1997.
• Fe2+ is incorporated into protoporhyrin IX
• reaction is catalyzed by enzyme ferrochelatase
Figure was assumed from http://www.porphyrin.net/mediporph/_netbiochem/synthesis/
Regulation of heme biosynthesis
ALA synthase is a key regulatory enzyme
• it is an allosteric enzyme that is inhibited by heme =
feedback inhibition
• requires pyridoxal phosphate
• certain drugs and steroid hormones can increase heme
Porphobilinogen synthase is inhibited by lead ions Pb2+ in
case of lead poisoning.
Ferrochelatase can be also inhibited by Pb2+. Its activity
is influenced by availability of Fe2+ and ascorbic acid.
• are hereditary or acquired disturbances of heme
• in all cases there is an identifiable abnormality of the
enzymes which synthesize heme
• this leads to accumulation of intermediates of the
pathway and a deficiency of heme → excretion of heme
precursors in feces or urine, giving them a dark red
● accumulation of porphyrinogens in the skin can lead to
• the neurological symptoms
Heme degradation
• around 100 – 200 million aged erythrocytes per hour
are broken down in the human organism
• Organ location: RES (reticuloendothelial cells) in the
spleen, liver and bone marrow
Hb is degraded to:
● globin → AAs → metabolism
● heme → bilirubin
2+ → transport with transferrin and used in the next
● Fe
heme biosynthesis
Not only Hb but other hemoproteins also contain heme
groups which are degraded by the same pathway.
Conversion of heme to bilirubin
Figure was assumed from http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/heme-porphyrin.html
Bilirubin (Bil) is released from RES into the blood. BUT!
Bil is only poorly soluble in plasma, and therefore
during transport it is bound to albumin.
In the hepatocytes, Bil is conjugated by 2 molecules of
glucuronic acid → bilirubin diglucuronide (soluble in
water, „conjugated Bil“). Conjugation is catalyzed by
Bilirubin diglucuronide
Figure was assumed from http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/heme-porphyrin.html
Bile pigments
bilirubin diglucuronide
Bil is reduced to urobilinogen and stercobilinogen by
bacteria → oxidation to urobilin and stercobilin
Bile pigments are mostly excreted in feces, but a small
proportion is resorbed (enterohepatic circulation).
Small amount of urobilinogen is excreted with urine.
Determination of bilirubin in serum
Blood tests
• Bil reacts directly when dyes are added to the blood
sample → conjugated bilirubin = direct
• free Bil does not react to the reagents until alcohol
(methanol) or caffeine is added to the solution.
Therefore, the measurement of this type of bilirubin
is indirect → unconjugated bilirubin = indirect
• Total bilirubin measures both unconjugated and
conjugated Bil (normal value up to 20 µmol/L).
• Hyperbilirubinemia = an elevated bilirubin level (> 10
mg/L) → Bil can diffuses from the blood into
peripheral tissues and gives it a yellow color (jaundice
= icterus)
Jaundice can have various causes:
• Increased erythrocyte degradation – hemolytic
• Impaired conjugation of bilirubin in the liver –
hepatocellular jaundice
• Disturbance of bile drainage (gallstones) –
obstructive jaundice
In the urine, only conjugated bilirubin can be present.
Icterus is the yellow coloration of skin and mucus
membranes of jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia with
various ethiology)
• Hemolytic icterus: elevated level of unconjugated Bil
in blood
• Neonatal jaundice usually appears after a few days
after birth (elevated hemolysis, decreased activity of
UDP-glucuronosyltransferase → ↑ unconjugated Bil)
In severe cases, unconjugated Bil can cross the bloodbrain barrier and lead to brain damage (kernicterus).