
Monique Claviaturke
Computer-aided management
Tłum. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Translated automatically from Polish to English by Microsoft Translator.
Warning: nonsense content!
Data about autorce:
Dr. Monique pecetologii Claviaturke is a lecturer at the University of Pernambuco. Its numerous
work with fields and bit dyskoformatogenezy, theory has gained much recognition
komputerologii applicable and shall be published in all the important magazines worldwide.
This article was taken from the magazine "PC Business" No 4/1992.
Data about tłumaczu:
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz, inhabited in Wrocław at ul. Smoluchowskiego
25, Tel. 20-33-87. Employee of the Translation Bureau Niefachowych "Word on
the wind".
1. Introduction
Computers from his earliest years were used in enterprises. Initially served
only to track financial transactions, accounting, assist the management of
resources (storage). The last decade has led to significant developments in the
field of information systems. On the one hand because of the huge decrease in
the cost of hardware and software, it has become possible to introduce computers
into increasingly smaller enterprises. In the 1960s and ' 70s on computerization
allow only the largest companies could afford having large financial resources.
Now even small companies with only a few people don't work without computers
wyobrażają itself.
2. The types of information systems
Before przystąpimy to discuss the idea of information systems environment.
Figure 1 shows us the external elements affecting the operation of information
systems and the basic opreracje performed by not. As you can see, the systems
are based not only on the data derived from the same organization, many factors
affect to our systems from outside. This may be information about competitors,
customers, suppliers. However, the largest source of stones are internal to the
organization. Data arising in one of the divisions may be necessary for the
operation of another. Najprostszym example could be wpółdziałanie vertical
sales with an accounting, each tranzakcja sale must be included in the
documentation for the bookkeeping.
2.1 Systems TPS
TPS (Transaction Processing Systems) includes input and output data at the
lowest level. E.g. entering data storage, goods for sale, carried out transactions.
2.2 Systems OAS
OAS (Office Automation Systems) a group of programs serving
acceleration Action Office. Most of its composition: dual text-for the preparation
of documents for example. MS-Word, Word Perfect, WordStar, CHI-Writer.
spreadsheets-automatic przelczania more data, for example. Lotus 123, Excel,
QatroPro. database-gramadzące systematic information e.g. DBase, R-Base,
Paradox. mail for the transmission of messages eletroniczna-and documents
between users of the system, for example. Novell MHS, CC-Mail.
2.3 Systems KWS
KWS (Knowledge Work Systems) This relatively young type of software.
Zawiara it all the elements of the above mentioned systems, but working in one
integrated environment (integrated tools, integrated packages). The use of such
interface ' u user allows people completely realize on the operation of the
computer or operating system to work in a single, friendly (user friendly)
environment. Such packages have also the possibility to Exchange data between
the various components of the package without having to exit from the system.
2.4 Systems MIS
MIS (Management Intormation Systems) spans both the OAS and COGS.
Action MIS rely on grouping and aggregation of information entered by lowerlevel employees (operators) and on this basis can take decisions. Features of
presentational markup (graphical representation of data) and grouping (reports)
are now part of standard software.
2.5 Systems DSS
DSS (Decision Support Systems) constitute the latest level of computer
management. In the words is administering najprostrzych managerowi
information to take the decision. The word information is the keyword. The
system should provide the information and not to the number or date. This means
that these numbers or dates should be given in the form of a decision for
undertaking the zrozymiałej quantities necessary for it to reach but without
excess as in the case of reports from databases. For example, one hundred-page
printed daily sales are rather few useful because of too much information. But,
for example, sales charts of the most important products powiedzą significantly
more and faster.
2.6 Examples of systems DSS.
2.6.1 Systems GDSS
Psychological Tests carried out in the USA have shown that only about
10% of new ideas in the minds of menagerów zrodzonych przezdstawiane Forum
is public. This means that the majority of meetings, seminars and meetings do not
trigger the participants full capabilities, at the time it is irrecoverably lost (you
must select that approx. 30% of the time the work of the American manager
spends on different this type of meetings).
2.6.2 Scheduling Systems projects
A separate group are very popular as systems for planning schedules. These
systems allow optimal use of resources przedsiębioratwa when planning a new
project. Working with such programmes is to define the various stages of the
project in the form and task forms zasobowych. They shall take into account both
the cost of the stage, its duration needed to carry out (machines and people), as
well as the order of executing stages e.g. walls can not be set earlier than spills
foundations. The program can not only analyse the efficiency of the use of
resources, but it shows bottlenecks of the project, the project's critical path and
przedewszystki schedules of works.
For the most popular packages of this type include: Mikrosoft Project for
Windows, CA-Super project ARTEMIS Project.
2.6.3 Planning trends.
In many systems, Office Automation (OAS) we receive an enormous
amount of data dodtyczących e.g.. sales. Value analysis shows us how we level
in recent months. But often you need us to the analysis of the future. What will
be in demand in the future. Reply to such questions give programs analysing
trends (Forecasting Packages).
2.6.4 Tools for processing data in the information
As already stated above, managerowi to take a decision is needed information
and not suche data. There are many ways to transform the data in the information
here will be presented some of them: -Modeling (MODELING)-RDF and reports
2.7 Systems ESS
ESS (Executive information Support System) systems intended for top
management personnel. They Help carry out appropriate analysis of market
trends, strategic business development plan policies, develop terminaże action in
the enterprise. Because often when deciding the detailed data are needed, these
systems allow you to view not only to compressed and processed data but also
data simple. as the values of individual transactions or data about a particular
person in the system establishment.
3. Trends in development of information systems
The advent of the information Age Futuryści promise, and what happens
now specify the third great revolution (after industrial in the 19th century,
scientific XX)-Revolution technology. You can see the main trends emerging in
the global scene with the general trend unifikacyjnym.
4. High costs of IT managers
Despite the recession, decreasing sales and budget cuts, IT managers
spend a lot. According to Mr. Dumbledore, president of Hogwarts IT Group Inc.,
his four top-level managers spent over $10.000 last week:
Tab.1 Hogwarts IT Group Inc. – Extra Costs
Last Name First Name Amount
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