Notes for Chapter 3 Social Studies – pages 30

Notes for Chapter 3 Social Studies – pages 30-47
The Peopling of the United States
~Americans are not all alike.
~U.S. is diverse with people from many backgrounds.
~5 major groups, or ethnicities, of people
1. American Indians
a. They were the first Americans.
b. They possibly came from Asia over a land bridge, most likely as hunters
chasing animals.
c. They respected nature. They used the land but did not harm it.
d. Contributions include: some state and river names, corn and potatoes, some
fruits and vegetables, beef jerky, moccasins, pottery, beadwork
2. Latinos
a. Spanish people followed Columbus’s route to the Americas and started
colonies in North America, South America, in the Caribbean Sea, and in
b. They moved into the area that is now the southeast U.S.
c. Mexico and the countries to the south are called Latin America.
d. Latinos come from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the rest of Latin America.
e. Contributions include: mining, desert farming, cowboys, sombreros, lariat
(lasso), food (tacos, tortillas, chili, burritos, etc.), ponchos, guitars, rodeos,
tango and mambo dances
3. European Americans
a. Europeans began colonies in North America after the Spanish did.
b. England started 13 colonies on the eastern shore that eventually became the
U.S. in 1776 after the American Revolution (Revolutionary War against
England to gain independence and freedom).
c. America welcomed immigrants from Europe. Some came for religious
freedom or economic opportunities.
d. Contributions include: the English language, inventions (telephone, radio,
electric lights), democracy (citizens vote for their leaders), burgers, pasta,
pizza, skis, trains, bikes, ballet, opera, classical music, paintings
4. African Americans
a. Some people were taken by force from Africa and forced to be slaves and
b. Today, we know that slavery is very wrong. However, in the 1600s, it was
c. African slaves worked on farms raising tobacco, rice, and cotton. They
received no pay and were often treated very harshly.
d. Slavery became part of American life in the South until the Civil War stopped
e. Africans were treated unfairly and with prejudice. This led to a fight for
equal rights and civil rights.
f. Contributions include: storytelling, music (gospel, jazz, blues, rock and roll,
rap, hip-hop), corn bread, collard greens, banjos, folktales, dance styles)
5. Asian Americans
a. Chinese immigrants were known for their hard work and originally came to
America during the Gold Rush.
b. Many Asians came to America to help build the railroads to cross the
country. They worked long hours for little pay.
c. Immigrants come from China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Thailand, India, etc.
d. Contributions include: new ways of preparing food (sushi, stir-fry), tofu,
chopsticks, woks, acupuncture, origami, yoga, martial arts, respect for
learning and education
~Reading Further – New York City
~Lenape Indians originally settled Manna-hatta (meaning “the hilly island”) which is now
~Many immigrants came by ship in the 1800s and 1900s and passed the Statue of
Liberty and through Ellis Island.
~They lived in crowded tenements, or apartments.
~NYC is very diverse with many different languages and cultures.