Super Crossword Creator! Name:________________________ Crossword Puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Across: 3 - The most important weapon in the Revolutionary War 4 - Conquered the Aztecs 5 - Daughter of Henry the Eighth 7 - British commander who surrendered at Yorktown 8 - The winter from hell 11 - After the Bible, the most circulated publication 12 - American ships that did the most damage in the Revolutionary War 13 - what the Spanish left behind that proved to be pivotal for plains Indians 14 - Subject of colonial art 15 - These "Sons" burnt property in protest 17 - First Europeans to live in the New World 18 - Surrendered at Saratoga Down: 1 - French immigrants who settled in Charleston 2 - Largest colony 6 - US needs help from... 9 - Commander of America's army 10 - Primary purpose for the the New England Confederation 11 - Plan for the boycott of English goods 16 - Man who established Massachusetts Bay 17 - Prussian "baron" who taught Americans how to fight 20 - number one indirect reason for finding America 21 - everything goes to the first born son 22 - Writer of Common Sense 25 - Turning point of the war 27 - greatest factor in destroying the Indians 29 - A Catholic practice that Luther fiercely 19 - Colonies exist to benefit the mother country 23 - Led the Roundheads against Charles I 24 - colonies after the Declaration of Independence 26 - founder of Rhode Island 28 - French made alliances with these Indians 31 - One of the first North American Indians groups to plant 33 - "Visibly godly"persons who testified to their conversions 35 - ? Massacre 36 - Institution that provided stability during the Middle Ages 38 - most famous Roman citizen 39 - Stamp Act 40 - Place of defeat for the Hessians 41 - Indian who helped the Pilgrims 42 - Man who established Pennsylvania 43 - Traitor of the American Revolution 44 - Sugar Act 45 - American Revolution battle where the Brits lost the most casualties 46 - largest contingent of immigrants opposed 30 - Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer 32 - English brothers who fought the Americans 34 - Champagne Charlie 37 - Grown in the Carolinas 40 - Loyalists