Word Project 3 - Computer and Information Science

Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
Word Project 3
Creating a Resume Using a
Wizard and a Cover Letter
with a Table
• Create a resume using Word’s Resume
• Fill in a document template
• Use print preview to view and print a
• Set and use tab stops
• Collect and paste using the Clipboard task
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
• Format paragraphs and characters
• Remove formatting from text
• Identify the components of a business
• Insert the current date
• Create and insert an AutoText entry
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
• Insert a Word table, enter data into the
table, and format the table
• Address and print an envelope
• Word with smart tags
• Modify file properties
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Starting and Customizing Word
• Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar,
point to All Programs on the Start menu, point to
Microsoft Office on the All Programs submenu,
and then click Microsoft Office Word 2003 on the
Microsoft Office submenu
• If the Word window is not maximized, doubleclick its title bar to maximize it
• If the Language bar appears, right-click it and
then click Close the Language bar on the
shortcut menu
• If the Getting Started task pane is displayed in
the Word window, click its Close button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Starting and Customizing Word
• If the Standard and Formatting toolbar
buttons are displayed on one row, click the
Toolbar Options button and then click
Show Buttons on Two Rows in the Toolbar
Options list
• If necessary, click View on the menu bar
and then click Normal
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Displaying Formatting Marks
• If the Show/Hide ¶ button on the Standard
toolbar is not selected already, click it
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using Word’s Resume Wizard to
Create a Resume
• Click File on the menu bar
• Click New on the File menu
• Click the On my computer link in the
Template area in the New Document task
• When Word displays the Templates dialog
box, click the Other Documents tab
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using Word’s Resume Wizard to
Create a Resume
• Click the Resume Wizard icon
• Click the OK button
• Click the Next button in the Resume
Wizard dialog box
• When the wizard displays the Style panel,
if necessary, click Professional
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using Word’s Resume Wizard to
Create a Resume
• Click the Next button
• When the wizard displays the Type panel,
if necessary, click Entry-level resume
• Click the Next button
• Fill out the series of Resume Wizard
windows as shown on the following slides,
clicking the Next button after completing
each screen
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using Word’s Resume Wizard to
Create a Resume
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Hiding White Space
• Point to the top of the
page in the document
window until the Hide
White Space button
• Click the Hide White
Space button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Printing the Resume Created by
the Resume Wizard
• Ready the printer and then click the Print
button on the Standard toolbar
• When the printer stops, retrieve the hard
copy resume from the printer
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Selecting and Replacing
Placeholder Text
• Click the placeholder
text, Type Objective
• Type To obtain a
full-time sales
position with a
major computer
or electronics
company in the
New England
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Selecting and Replacing More
Placeholder Text
• Select and replace the placeholder text
next to Education, as illustrated here:
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering a Line Break
• If necessary, scroll down to display the
areas of concentration section of the
• In the areas of concentration section, click
the placeholder text, Click here and enter
• Type Computer Hardware and then
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering a Line Break
• Type Computer Software and
Programming and then press SHIFT +
• Type Professional Communications
and then press SHIFT + ENTER
• Type Business as the last entry. Do not
press SHIFT + ENTER at the end of this
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering a Line Break
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering More Text
with Line Breaks
• If necessary, scroll down to display the awards
received section of the resume. In the awards
received section, click the placeholder text, Click
here and enter information. Type Dean’s
List, every semester and then press
• Type Gamma Phi Sigma Honors Society,
2002-2005 and then press SHIFT + ENTER
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
AutoFormatting As You Type
• Type Hartford College
Outstanding Senior, 1st
• Press the SPACEBAR
• Type Place, 2005 at the end of the
• Enter the remaining sections of the
resume as instructed on pages WD 157158
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
AutoFormatting As You Type
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Viewing and Printing the Resume in
Print Preview
• Point to the Print Preview button on the
Standard toolbar
• Click the Print Preview button
• Click the Print button on the Print Preview
• Click the Close Preview button on the Print
Preview toolbar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Saving the Resume
• Insert your USB flash drive into one of the
computer’s USB ports
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• Type Okamoto Resume in the File name text
box. Do not press the ENTER key
• Click the Save in box arrow and then click USB
flash drive
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Opening a New Document Window
• Click the New Blank Document button on
the Standard toolbar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Changing the Font Size
• Click the Font Size box arrow on the
Formatting toolbar
• Click 20 in the Font Size list
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Coloring Text
• Click the Font Color button arrow on the
Formatting toolbar
• Click Brown, which is the second color on
the first row of the color palette
• Type Benjamin Kane Okamoto and
then press the ENTER key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Changing the Font Size
• With the insertion point on line 2, click the
Font Size box arrow on the Formatting
• Click 9 in the Font Size list
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting a Graphic
• With the insertion point below the name on line
2, click Insert on the menu bar, point to Picture,
and then click Clip Art on the Picture submenu
• When Word displays the Clip Art task pane, if
necessary, drag through any text in the Search
for text box to select the text. Type computer
and then click the Go button
• Scroll through the list of results until you locate
the graphic of a computer. Click the graphic of
the computer to insert it into the document
• Click the Close button on the Clip Art task pane
title bar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Resizing a Graphic
• Position the mouse pointer in the graphic
and then double-click
• When Word displays the Format Picture
dialog box, click the Size tab
• In the Scale area, double-click the Height
box to select it
• Type 40 and then press the TAB key
• Click the OK button in the Format Picture
dialog box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Resizing a Graphic
• Press the END key to move the insertion
point to the paragraph mark to the right of
the graphic
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Setting Tab Stops Using the Tabs
Dialog Box
• With the insertion point positioned
between the paragraph mark and the
graphic, click Format on the menu bar
• Click Tabs on the Format menu
• When Word displays the Tabs dialog box,
type 6 in the Tab stop position text box
• Click Right in the Alignment area
• Click the Set button in the Tabs dialog box
and then click the OK button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Setting Tab Stops Using the Tabs
Dialog Box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Switching from One Open
Document to Another
• Click the Okamoto
Resume – Microsoft
Word program button
on the Windows
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Copying Items
to the Office Clipboard
• Press CTRL + HOME to display the top of the
resume in the document window
• Click Edit on the menu bar
• Click Office Clipboard on the Edit menu
• If the Office Clipboard gallery in the Clipboard
task pane is not empty, click the Clear All button
in the Clipboard task pane
• Scroll to the right to display all of the telephone,
fax, and e-mail information in the resume
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Copying Items
to the Office Clipboard
• In the resume, drag through the street address,
78 Larkspur Road
• Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar
• Drag through the city, state, and postal code
information and then click the Copy button on
the Standard toolbar
• Drag through the telephone information and then
click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Copying Items
to the Office Clipboard
• Drag through the fax
information and then
click the Copy button
on the Standard
• Drag through the email information and
then click the Copy
button on the
Standard toolbar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Displaying the Clipboard
Task Pane
• Click the Document3
– Microsoft Word
button on the
Windows taskbar to
display the letterhead
• Double-click the
Office Clipboard icon
in the notification area
on the Windows
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Zooming Text Width
• Click the Zoom box
arrow on the
Standard toolbar
• Click Text Width in the
Zoom list
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Pasting from the Office Clipboard
• With the insertion point between the
paragraph mark and the computer graphic,
press the TAB key
• Click the bottom (first) entry in the Office
Clipboard gallery
• Click the Paste Options button
• Click Keep Text Only on the Paste Options
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Pasting from the Office Clipboard
• Press the COMMA
key. Press the
• Click the second entry
(city, state, postal
code) in the Office
Clipboard gallery
• Click the Paste
Options button and
then click Keep Text
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Collecting and Pasting
• Press the ENTER key. Press the TAB key. Click the
third entry (telephone) in the Office Clipboard gallery.
Click the paste Options button and then click Keep Text
• Press the COMMA key. Press the SPACEBAR. Click
the fourth entry (fax) in the Office Clipboard gallery. Click
the paste Options button and then click Keep Text Only
• Press the COMMA key. Press the SPACEBAR. Click
the fifth entry (e-mail) in the Office Clipboard gallery.
Click the paste Options button and then click Keep Text
• Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the
Clipboard task pane title bar to close the task pane
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Zooming to 100%
• Click the Zoom box arrow on the Standard
• Click 100% in the Zoom list
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Adding a Bottom Border
to a Paragraph
• With the insertion
point in the paragraph
to border, click the
Border button arrow
on the Formatting
• Click Bottom Border
on the border palette
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Clearing Formatting
• With the insertion point at the end of line 3,
press the ENTER key.
• Click the Styles and Formatting button on
the Formatting toolbar
• Click Clear Formatting in the Pick
formatting to apply area in the Styles and
Formatting task pane
• Click the Close button in the upper-right
corner of the task pane title bar
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Clearing Formatting
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Converting a Hyperlink
to Regular Text
• Right-click the
hyperlink, in this case,
the e-mail address
• Click Remove
Hyperlink on the
shortcut menu
• Position the insertion
point on the
paragraph mark
below the border
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Saving the Letterhead
• Insert a USB flash drive into one of computer’s
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• Type Okamoto Letterhead in the File name
text box.
• If necessary, click the Save in box arrow and
then select USB flash drive
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Saving the Cover Letter
with a New File Name
• If necessary, connect a USB flash drive into one
of the computer’s USB ports
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Save
• Type Okamoto Cover Letter in the File
name text box.
• If necessary, click the Save in box arrow and
then click USB flash drive
• Click the Save button in the Save As dialog box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Setting Custom Tab Stops Using
the Ruler
• With the insertion point
on the paragraph mark
below the border, press
the ENTER key
• If necessary, click the
button at the left edge of
the horizontal ruler until it
displays the Left Tab icon
• Position the mouse
pointer on the 3.5” mark
on the ruler
• Click the 3.5” mark on the
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting the Current Date
in a Document
Press the TAB key
Click Insert on the menu bar
Click Date and Time on the Insert menu
When Word displays the Date and Time dialog
box, click the desired format, (in this case,
December 19, 2005)
• If the Update automatically check box is
selected, click the check box to remove the
check mark and then click the OK button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting the Current Date
in a Document
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering the Inside Address
and Salutation
• With the insertion point at the end of the date,
press the ENTER key three times
• Type Ms. Helen Weiss and then press the
• Type Personnel Director and then press
the ENTER key
• Type National Computer Sales and then
press the ENTER key
• Type 15 Main Street and then press the
ENTER key.
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering the Inside Address
and Salutation
• Type Hartford, CT
06109 and then
press the ENTER key
• Type Dear Ms.
Weiss and then
press the COLON key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Creating an AutoText Entry
• Drag through the text to be stored, in this case,
National Computer Sales. Do not select the
paragraph mark at the end of the text
• Click Insert on the menu bar and then point to
• Click New on the AutoText submenu
• When Word displays the Create AutoText dialog
box, type ncs as the AutoText entry name
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Creating an AutoText Entry
• Click the OK button
• If Word displays another dialog box, click
the Yes button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting a Nonbreaking Space
• Scroll the salutation to the top of the document window.
Click after the colon in the salutation and then press the
ENTER key twice
• Type I am responding to the full-time
computer sales position advertised in
yesterday’s and then press the SPACEBAR
• Press CTRL + I to turn on Italics. Type New and then
• Type England and then press CTRL + SHIFT +
• Type Tribune and then press CTRL + I to turn off
italics. Press the PERIOD key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting a Nonbreaking Space
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting an AutoText Entry
• Press the SPACEBAR.
Type As indicated on
the enclosed
resume, I have the
credentials you are
seeking and believe
I can be a valuable
asset to ncs
• Press the F3 key
• Press the PERIOD key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering a Paragraph
• Press the ENTER key twice
• Type I recently received my
bachelor’s degree in information and
computer technology from Hartford
College. The following table
outlines my areas of concentration
and then press the COLON key
• Press the ENTER key twice
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting an Empty Table
• Click the Insert Table button on the
Standard toolbar
• Position the mouse pointer on the cell in
the first row and second column of the grid
• Click the cell in the first row and second
column of the grid
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Inserting an Empty Table
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering Data in a Word Table
• If necessary, scroll the table up in the document
• With the insertion point in the left cell of the
table, type Computer Hardware and then
press the TAB key
• Type 30 hours and then press the TAB key
• Continue completing the table as shown on the
next slide, using the TAB key to move to the next
table cell
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Entering Data in a Word Table
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Fitting Columns to Table Contents
• Right-click the table
and then point to
AutoFit on the
shortcut menu
• Click AutoFit to
Contents on the
AutoFit submenu
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Selecting a Table
• Position the mouse
pointer in the table so
the table move handle
• Click the table move
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Centering a Selected Table
• Click the Center button on the Formatting
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Adding More Text
• If necessary, scroll up. Click the
paragraph mark below the table
• Press the ENTER key
• Type In addition to my
coursework, I have the
following sales and computer
experience and then press the COLON
key. Press the ENTER key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Bulleting a List as You Type
• Press the ASTERISK key (*)
• Press the SPACEBAR
• Type Worked as an intern at Computer
Discount Sales, selling hardware and
software components to home and
small business customers
• Press the ENTER key
• Type At Hartford College, tutored
students having difficulty with
computer classes and then press the
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Bulleting a List as You Type
• Type Prepared all
fliers and
newsletters for
the New England
Ski Club and then
press the ENTER key
• Press the ENTER key
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Enter the Remainder
of the Cover Letter
• Type the paragraph shown on the following
slide, making certain you use the AutoText entry,
ncs, to insert the employer name
• Press the ENTER key twice. Press the TAB key.
Type Sincerely and then press the COMMA
• Press the ENTER key four times. Press the TAB
key. Type Benjamin Kane Okamoto and then
press the ENTER key twice
• Type Enclosure: Resume as the final text
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Enter the Remainder
of the Cover Letter
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Saving and Printing
the Document
• Click the Save button on the Standard
• Click the Print button on the Standard
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Addressing and Printing
an Envelope
• Scroll through the cover letter to display the
inside address in the document window
• Drag through the inside address to select it
• Click Tools on the menu bar and then point to
Letters and Mailings
• Click Envelopes and Labels on the Letters and
Mailings submenu
• When Word displays the Envelopes and Labels
dialog box, if necessary, click the Envelopes tab.
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Addressing and Printing
an Envelope
• Click the Return address text box
• Type Benjamin Kane Okamoto and
then press the ENTER key
• Type 78 Larkspur Road and then press
the ENTER key
• Type Plantsville, CT 06479
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Addressing and Printing
an Envelope
• Insert an envelope into your printer, as
shown in the Feed area of the dialog box
• Click the Print button in the Envelopes and
Labels dialog box
• If a dialog box is displayed, click the No
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Addressing and Printing
an Envelope
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using the Smart Tag
Actions Button
• Click anywhere to remove the highlight from the
inside address
• Position the mouse pointer on the smart tag
indicator below the date line, December 19,
2005, in the cover letter
• Click the Smart Tag Actions button
• Click Show my Calendar on the Smart Tag
Actions menu
• Click the Close button on the Outlook title bar to
close Outlook
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Using the Smart Tag
Actions Button
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Modifying the Document Summary
• Click File on the menu bar
• Click Properties on the File menu
• When Word displays the Okamoto Cover
Letter Properties dialog box, if necessary,
click the Summary tab
• Type National Computer Sales in
the Title text box
• Type Cover Letter in the Subject text
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Modifying the Document Summary
• Type cover letter, National Computer
Sales in the Keywords text box
• Type Cover letter to Ms. Helen Weiss
at National Computer Sales in the
Comments text box
• Click the OK button the close the dialog box
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar
• Click File on the menu bar and then click Close
to close the cover letter document window
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Modifying the Document Summary
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Displaying File Properties in the
Open Dialog Box
• Click the Open button on the Standard toolbar
• When Word displays the Open dialog box, if
necessary, click the Look in box arrow, click USB
flash drive, and then click Okamoto Cover Letter
• Click the Views button arrow in the Open dialog
• Click Properties on the Views menu
• Click the Cancel button in the dialog box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Displaying File Properties in the
Open Dialog Box
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Quitting Word
• Click File on the menu bar and then click
Exit. (If Word displays a dialog box about
saving changes, click the No button.)
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
• Create a resume using Word’s Resume
• Fill in a document template
• Use print preview to view and print a
• Set and use tab stops
• Collect and paste using the Clipboard task
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
• Format paragraphs and characters
• Remove formatting from text
• Identify the components of a business
• Insert the current date
• Create and insert an AutoText entry
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
• Insert a Word table, enter data into the
table, and format the table
• Address and print an envelope
• Word with smart tags
• Modify file properties
Word Project 3: Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Office 2003
Introductory Concepts
and Techniques
Word Project 3