Resume Builder (PPT)

Sport Club
Shauna Chisholm
Career Services
333 Stewart Center
Few items to remember about
O Everyone has a different opinion
O The resume is suppose to represent you
O Do not use a template
O Career Services website, Tips by Topic
O Have someone proofread it before sending it
out to an employer
O One page (depending on the field)
Resume Components
O Heading
O Objective
O Education
O Experience
O Activities
O Relevant Coursework
O Summary of Skills
O References
O What experiences do you have that you can
highlight on your resume?
Few items to remember about
O Research, Research, Research
O Strong Handshake/ Eye Contact
O Smile, show your personality
O Arrive early and know where you are going
O Professional dress
O Thank you note afterwards
Interviewing Process
O 4 steps
O Warm-up
O Information Exchange
O Wrap-up
O Follow-up
Interview Process
O Warm- up
O Pleasantries
O Information Exchange
O Behavioral Based questions
O S.A.R. (Situation, Action, Result)
O Use your experiences
O Tell me about a project you initiated.
O Describe your leadership style.
O Describe a situation where you had a conflict with
another person and how you dealt with it.
O What are your team-player qualities? Give
Interview Process
O Wrap- up
O Questions for them
O Follow-up
O Send a thank you note
O Be persistent