DOC - Mike Boudet

Life Extension
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
SEO, PPC, CSE & Social Media Marketing Manager
Managed paid search, including a $405k monthly spend.
Focused on optimization led to an overall revenue increase of 25% spanning entire tenure over previous period.
Oversaw and assisted with domain migration which exhibited no drop in year-over-year revenue.
Led effort to crackdown on affiliates who were breaking our terms of service, thereby reducing wasteful affiliate
marketing spend.
Implemented product feed marketing techniques with Google Merchant Center and Bing Shopping Campaigns.
Oversaw implementation of third-party tools such as Marin Software and Criteo Retargeting.
Delray Beach, FL
SEO, PPC, CSE & Social Media Marketing Manager
Led aggressive online marketing initiative shifting away from direct mail towards a more web-centric focus.
Led interdepartmental training initiative to coordinate overall direction of marketing effort and its effect on creative,
IT and merchandising.
Coordinated the process of bringing PPC & SEO efforts in-house, including technical aspects such as migrating
product feeds and bypassing redirect URLs.
Managed aggressive SEO campaign which included product reviews, blogger outreach, article directory
submissions, etc.
Evaluated software and services vendors in the areas of retargeting, A/B and multivariate testing, and affiliate
program management.
Global Personals
Miami Beach, FL
Internet Marketing Manager/Head of PPC
Managed PPC department, including a $450k monthly spend and two employees.
Led initiative to expand marketing department to include outside PPC clients.
Increased PPC sales by 90% while reducing the average CPA by 45% across all brands.
Improved CTR across the board, in some cases by up to 30%, using ASCI, special characters and taking
advantage of enhanced title tags.
Responsible for evaluating and selecting new software vendors for PPC management software, keyword
generation software and brand reputation management,
Created a massive blog network of over 2,000 sites with auto-generated constantly refreshed content which
generates nearly 2 million unique visits per week.
Answer Hunt
Miami, FL
Owner / PPC, SEO and Affiliate Marketing
Founded a PPC marketing business using affiliate arbitrage with revenues exceeding $200,000 per year.
PPC copywriting for all ads and landing pages to optimize CTR.
Effective use of Social Media Optimization and Marketing (SMO/SMM).
Evaluate and test landing page content, site layout, server infrastructure.
Market research on keywords for targeted markets and analysis of consumer searching habits.
Web development and site optimization integrating SEO best practices of fast load times, strict XHTML 1.0 and
CSS 2.0 compliance and W3C cross-platform and browser compliance.
Effective use of Google Product Submit to generate additional first page search engine placements.
Effective use of eye-catching images for additional exposure through Google’s Image Search.
Multimedia marketing & podcasting.
Strict compliance to white-hat techniques and ethical standards to produce solid rankings for multiple keywords.
Continuing education in SEO, SEM & Affiliate Marketing techniques by continuously attending conferences,
participating in online forums, and discussions with colleagues in the industry.
Miami, FL
Search Engine Optimization and PPC Marketing
Managed company’s PPC and SEO efforts, including all copywriting.
Quadrupled customer base in 2 months and controlled advertising budget to achieve positive and increasing ROI.
Keyword density, relevance and weight analysis
Search engine optimization through the use of press release generation and placement and industry-related
backlink generation.
Use of Google’s Website Optimizer for landing page analysis to find the highest converting layout and copy.
SEO analysis and redesign of web site infrastructure and content.
AT&T (Formerly BellSouth)
Atlanta, GA
Website Content Manager
Redesigned BellSouth Internet Portal using usability best practices thereby doubling site-wide traffic
instantaneously and increasing revenue by $1 Million per year.
Copywriting & editing of original content for improved Search Engine Optimization and Google Adsense revenue.
Creator of extremely effective Holiday Gift Guide which targeted specific keywords and products and generated
$40,000 in additional affiliate commissions and advertising revenue.
Search and traffic pattern analysis of BellSouth Internet Portal to identify visitor path bottlenecks.
Redesigned BellSouth Webmail for improved usability, thereby doubling advertising revenue for that tool.
Managed a creative team of designers and copywriters and interfaced with multiple groups of developers,
engineers, business development people, and quality control.
Plantation, FL
Internet Marketing Manager
Conducted a site-wide analysis and suggested improvements to enhance online visibility of Motorola Iden’s
product offerings.
Worked closely with application developers to assist on new revisions to existing customer-facing applications and
apply best practices to all new user interfaces.
User interface design and testing for maximum usability on a number of Motorola applications.
Designed print material for trade shows and point-of purchase materials for retail.
Symantec (Formerly Nexland)
Miami, FL
Internet Marketing Manager
Instituted a highly successful online review program which increased the company’s online visibility, backlinks, and
SEO efforts exponentially.
Increased web site traffic by implementing search engine optimization and developing content for online effort.
Complete re-architecture and redesign of ecommerce site to improve site speed, target keyword density and
Online marketing through the use of relevant and effective forum participation on a number of related websites.
Responsible for driving the company's entire marketing effort both online and offline and acting as the
spokesperson at trade shows and events.
Designed all print materials including ads for consumer electronic catalogs.
Created eye-catching product and created trade show brochures with original in-house photography.
Redesigned consumer retail site with clean & functional e-commerce system, thereby increasing online sales.
Latin Trade Magazine
Coral Gables, FL
Search Engine Marketing
Managed original content creation effort to improve deep-linking and optimize search engine visibility
Instituted a very successful cobranded advertising barter program with Hispanic search engine Yupi which doubled
Managed a group of 5 junior developers and headed brain storming sessions to develop new online opportunities.
Miami, FL
Freelance Marketing & Web Design
Certifications &
Design and maintain various corporate websites including,,
1992 (Summer Program)
Florida International University
Georgia State University
Miami-Dade College
Berklee College of Music
Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Miami, FL
Boston, MA
Google Adwords Certified
Bing Adcenter Certified
Marin Software Certified
Have attended two Affiliate Summit Conferences, SMX and SES.
16 years of graphic design experience
Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA)
Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
70-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional
Completed Foundations of Leadership course at The Center for Creative Leadership
SkillDrill – Allaire ColdFusion 4.5 Development
Brainbench – Adobe Photoshop 5.5
Completed Fast Track to Cold Fusion and Advanced Cold Fusion Development courses
Can program in PHP and MySQL. Also able to configure and manage a Linux server, manage
permissions, point domains, install Wordpress and other web-based software.
Have authored various SEM-related articles in
Black-Hat PPC: Stealing Trademark Traffic
Adwords Strategies: How to Pick a Winning Ad
Top 5 “Duh” PPC Techniques
Thank you very much for your consideration.
I know you your time is important to you and I really appreciate the opportunity to qualify for this position.