Electron Beams: Dose calculation algorithms Kent A. Gifford, Ph.D. Department of Radiation Physics UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center kagifford@mdanderson.org Medical Physics III: Spring 2015 Dose calculation algorithms • Deterministic – Hogstrom pencil beam (Pinnacle3) – Phase space evolution model – FEM solutions to Boltzmann eqn (Attila) Dose calculation algorithms Hogstrom pencil beam • Mass scattering power Dose calculation algorithms Hogstrom pencil beam • Fermi-equation (separated) Dose calculation algorithms Hogstrom pencil beam • Fermi-equation (solution) Dose calculation algorithms Hogstrom pencil beam Discrete Ordinates (FEM)-Attila Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE) • Assumptions1 1. Particles are points 2. Particles travel in straight lines 3. Particles do not interact w each other 4. Collisions occur instantaneously 5. Isotropic materials 6. Mean value of particle density distribution considered •1EE Lewis and WF Miller, Computational Methods of Neutron Transport, ANS, 1993. Fundamentals Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE) • ↑direction •↑Angular •↑position •↑particle vector fluence •↑macroscopic vector energy rate •extrinsic total cross •↑scattering source section↑ source •Streaming •Collision •Sources •Obeys conservation of particles • Streaming + collisions = production Fundamentals Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE)-angular fluence ••normalized ↑angular fluence rate harmonics•↑↑angular fluence rate spherical coefficients Fundamentals Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE)-scattering xsection • •↑differential • orthogonal scattering cross-section Legendre polynomial↑ differential scattering moments ↑ Fundamentals Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE)-scattering source • differential • ↑scattering scattering source xsection • angular ↑ fluence rate↑ Fundamentals Linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (LBTE)-Reaction rate↑ cross-section of type •↑reaction•scalar rate fluence•↑macroscopic whatever Fundamentals Attila-Energy approximation •Multi-group approximation • Energy range divided into g, groups • Ordered by decreasing energy • Cross-sections constant w/in group Fundamentals Attila-Angular approximation •Discrete ordinates method (DOM) • Requires LBTE hold for discrete angles • Angular terms integrated by quadrature set • Mesh swept by each angular ordinate • As # of ordinates , sol’n converges to exact sol’n Fundamentals Attila-Angular approximation •Discrete ordinates method (DOM)-ray effects • Non-physical buildup in fluence/rate along ordinates • May produce oscillations or negativities • Problematic for localized sources in weakly scattering media Fundamentals Attila-Angular approximation Fundamentals Attila-Angular approximation • Ray effect-remedies • Increase # of ordinates •This can be computationally costly • Employ first scatter distributed source (fsds) technique •Less costly since a lower angular order can be used Fundamentals •FSDS technique Attila-fsds • Separate angular fluence/rate into collided and uncollided components • Ray trace from point source to quadrature or edit points • 1ST collision source generated at each tet corner • Solve collided angular fluence/rate and add to uncollided Fundamentals Attila-Spatial approximation • Discontinuous Finite element method (DFEM) • Unstructured tetrahedral mesh • Variably sized elements • Fluence/rate allowed to be discontinuous across tet faces Fundamentals Attila-Source iteration •Source iteration • 4 Nelements Nordinates Ngroups unknowns • Iteration started with guess for fluence • Process may proceed slowly for problems dominated by scattering • Acceleration technique applied- DSA Fundamentals Attila-Charged particles •Continuous scattering operator •LBTE •LBTE •Continuous slowing down operator Fundamentals Attila-Cross sections •Attila can utilize x-sections from various sources •Multi-group processing codes • NJOY-TRANSX (LANL) • AMPX (ORNL) • CEPXS (SNL) Pros & Cons of the deterministic method Pros & Cons Advantages 1. Provides solution for the entire computational domain 2. Mesh based solution lends itself to CT/MRI based geometries 3. Typically more efficient than MC Dose calculation algorithms Monte Carlo •Stochastic method for evaluating integrals numerically •Generate N random values or points in a space, xi •Calculate the score or tally fi for the N random values, points •Calculate the expectation value, and standard deviation, variance •Rely on central limit theorem •As N approaches infinity, the expectation value will approach reality or true value Dose calculation algorithms Monte Carlo • Example: •Particle interacting with 2 possibilities •Absorption •Scatter • Random value is particle history or trajectory •Could also tally energy or charge deposition, current, pulses Dose calculation algorithms Monte Carlo • Algorithm: •Sample random distance to the subsequent interaction site •Transport particle to next interaction factoring in geometry •Choose interaction type based on relative probability •Simulate interaction •Absorption-particle is terminated •Scatter- choose scattering angle using appropriate scattering pdf • Repeat until N histories are simulated Project • Generate MU calculation program • Any language or spreadsheet program • 12 e-, all field sizes, cones – Verify correct implementation – Demonstrate accuracy on 2 cases Project 150 cGy to 95%, 12 MeV Project 200 cGy to 100%, 12 MeV