band called 1023MB. They haven't had any gigs yet. Why Java developers wear glasses? Because they can't C# profile? How InThere's order many toado Software understand Engineers does it must take to first change understand ahis light recursion. bulb? Three Why Why database did is itthe that geek admins programmers Why add was walked body the { always padding-top: into JavaScript ayou #NoSQL confuse developer 1000px; bar. Halloween They }sad? to looked with Facebook Christmas? around, then Why didrecursion developer go broke? None. It's hardware Because left because he HeBecause didn't wanted Node 31 tocouldn't OCT keep how a to 25 find low Express DEC profile. a table. himself Because heathey used up all=problem. his cache Cracking Coding Interviews Slobodan Stipic @slobo80 @slobo80 Hi, I’m Slobo @slobo80 Disclaimer Everything I say is MY own opinion. Microsoft does NOT approve this message. @slobo80 Remember Me Do Able Know Practice many problems Write correct code on a whiteboard Computer science fundamentals @slobo80 KNOW: Computer Science Fundamentals Data Structures Heap, Stack, Hash table, Queue, Linked list Binary Arithmetic Shift, XOR, OR Recursion & Dynamic Programming Trees & Graphs Binary, AVL, DFS, BFS @slobo80 KNOW: Computer Science Fundamentals Multithreading Semaphores, Locks, Deadlocks Path Finding Traveling salesman, A*, Shortest path Sorting Algorithms Quick, Merge, Insertion, External... Probability Geometry @slobo80 ABLE TO: Whiteboarding Are you able to write correct code? No pseudo code! Every semicolon counts No IDE, no assistance @slobo80 DO: Practice Many Problems Get a good book – source of coding problems Solve problems on a whiteboard Have a sparring partner Do it every day @slobo80 Problem Classes There are several problem classes Each class has corresponding: Algorithm Data structures @slobo80 You have a sorted array of zeros and ones. Write a method that returns the position of the first one. @slobo80 A building has 3 elevators. How would you design the elevator system? @slobo80