Unit 1 Vocabulary List Economic Fundamentals These are the main vocabulary terms covered within Unit 1: Economic Fundamentals. Although knowing the definitions to all of these terms will help you on the Unit Test, questions will most likely not cover the definition only. Most questions will deal with applications of the concepts taught. Scarcity Production Possibilities Frontier Mixed/Modern Economy Trade/Choice Point of Underutilization Self-Interest Trade-Off Productivity Competition Opportunity Cost Efficiency Profit Motive Alternatives/Options Standard of Living Private Ownership Factors of Production/Inputs/ Specialization Consumer Sovereignty Division of Labor Government Regulation Economic System Market Failures 3 Basic Economic Questions Public Good/Service Economic Efficiency Safety Net Economic Freedom Income Redistribution Economic Security Private Property Rights Economic Equity Patents Productive Resources Land Labor Physical Capital/Capital Goods Human Capital/Human Resources Entrepreneurship Good Service Allocation of Resources Marginal Benefits Marginal Costs Production Possibilities Curve Economic Growth/Development Traditional Economy Free Market Economy Centrally Planned Economy Command Economy