Lymphatic and Immune System Foldable

Lymphatic and Immune System
• Tab 1: Lymphatic System
1. Name the two major types of structures composing the
lymphatic system.
2. What structures/organs make up the lymphatic system?
What structure destroys worn-out RBC’s?
3. Define Lymph and describe the source of lymph, and
explain its formation and transport.
4. What direction does lymph flow?
5. Describe all the mechanisms that aid in lymph return to the
cardiovascular system. (HINT: 4 different things help move
the lymph and keep it going in 1 direction).
6. Draw, define and describe the structure and function of a
lymph node.
7. Describe the functions of tonsils, the thymus, Peyer's
patches, and the spleen.
8. Explain how the lymphatic system is functionally related to
the cardiovascular and immune systems
• Tab 2: General Immune System Information
1. Define immunology.
2. Define interferon and where these molecules
come from.
3. What makes up the body’s first line of defense?
4. Does the nonspecific or specific immune system
work faster?
5. Define a pathogen.
6. Describe the complement system?
1. What is complement fixation and what causes this?
• Tab 3: Innate Immunity
1. Another name for innate immunity is
2. What cells/compounds make up the innate immune
3. What is inflammation and what are the 4 most
common indicators of the inflammatory response?
4. Where is the body’s “thermostat” located? What
molecules can cause this thermostat to be reset?
• Tab 4: Adaptive Immunity
1. Define immunocompetent.
1. Where do B-Cells become immunocompetent?
2. Where do T-cells become immunocompetent?
2. Describe macrophages – what do they do, how do they do it?
3. Vaccines provide what type of acquired immunity?
4. A fetus obtaining antibodies from the mother is what type of
acquired immunity?
5. Describe IN DETAIL the structure of an antibody. What makes them
unique? What determines the class or type of antibody?
1. Include a picture of an anitbody.
2. Another name for an antibody is
6. What are the 5 classes of antibodies?
1. What is the function of each antibody and where are each most
likely to be found?
Tab 4: Adaptive Immunity
7. List and describe in detail the ways in which antibodies
provide immunity.
8. Antigenic presentation is essential for the activation and
clonal selection of what cell type?
9. What are allergens?
10. What is immediate hypersensitivity?
1. What cell types are involved?
2. What chemical is released?
1. What Ig Molecule causes the cell to release this
11. What are the types of T-cells? Compare and contrast
them and describe how each functions.
12. Describe how AIDs cripples the immune system and
what cell type AIDs interferes with.