1 ST TEAM PROJECT S S T 3 2 0 3 C U S T O M E R S E RV I C E Team Members • • Lisa Sheldon • Micheal • Ramsey • Trent How can you measure Quality Customer Service? The following is our teams top 6 chosen items that we felt should be found in a customer service rubric. RUBRIC 0 1 2 3 Appearance Pajamas, Grunge, Inappropriate Casual, Not appropriate Proper dress, not hygienic Clean and professional Body Language Slouch close body signal desire to leave Leaning back, fidgeting, getting in customer's space Defensive position Open arms, stand tall, lean forward RUBRIC CONTINUED 0 1 2 3 Listening Blank face, no eye contact Random glance, few comments Some eye contact, but not fully engaging with the customer Eye contact 90% of the time, rephrase, nod Tone Monotone, robotic, disrespectful Communicati ng, but no feeling, don't care Listening, talking, but rushed Lots of voice fluctuation, upbeat attitude RUBRIC CONTINUED 0 1 2 3 Professionalism Unprepared, late, inappropriate On time, distracted, not focusing on customer Mostly Mostly prepared, prepared, disorganized, disorganized, fumbling fumbling Subject Knowledge Making it up as they go Some knowledge, but rely on support for answers Knows most information, but not memorized, relies on notes Can answer any question OUR TRAINING TODAY Will focus on: 0 Professionalism 1 Unprepared, On time, late, distracted, inappropriate not focusing on customer 2 3 Mostly prepared, disorganized, fumbling Prepared, organized, genuine PROFESSIONALISM It doesn’t take the consulting of your crystal ball to know who your number one asset is! THE CUSTOMER Without them you find yourself here! CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Requires 100% of your attention. Step 1 – Never stop communicating with your customer! Phone Online In Public KEEP FILES UPDATED Step 2 – Always update your customer relationship management files. • You will understand your customers needs. • Important dates. • Past history • Future possible needs • Best method of contact PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE Step 3 – You must know your product inside and out. It gives you the ability to: • Answer all your customers questions with confidence. • Turn product features into benefits. • Ability to overcome product misunderstandings. WHEN MEETING Step 4 – Be Punctual & Prepared • Even better, be early to allow yourself more time to prepare. • If being late can’t be avoided, call your customer in advance, it shows respect for their time. • Have all presentation material out and ready. • Prepare and rehearse all material in advance. RESPECT YOUR CUSTOMER Step 5 – Confidentiality • Your customers information is private and highly privileged information entrusted to you. • Entertaining or spreading rumors about your customer will end your relationship. • To gain their trust you yourself must be trustworthy BRING MORE Step 6 – Circumspection • Be cautious and prudent. • Read between the lines. • Diplomatic – Resolve not create or encourage conflict. • Have a contingency plan. ATTENTION! Step 7 – Focus on the customer • • • • Face the customer. Eliminate all distractions. Stay on task. Dress for the occasion to avoid embarrassing your customer. • Ask open ended questions to better understand your customer. ARE YOU LISTENING? Step 8 – Actively Listen • Make eye contact. • Nod to show your listening. • Rephrase questions. • Tone of voice. http://www.kantola.com/Listening-Under-Pressure-PDPD-52-K.aspx CONCLUSION Customer satisfaction requires 100% of your attention • • • • • • • • 1. Never stop communicating with your customers. 2. Keep updated Customer Relationship Management files. 3. Know your product inside and out. 4. Be punctual and prepared. 5. Confidentiality. 6. Circumspection. 7. Focus on your customer. 8. Actively listen.