
BA 128 Agenda 1/25
Questions from lecture
Assignment I2-5,8,9,33,34
Additional problems I2-4,20,21,30,38
GSI: Celia Poon, cpoon@haas
Office Hours: Wed 11-12:30 F308
Grader: Hoon Lee, hoonlee@haas
Purpose of Taxes
• Government to collect revenues
• Influence personal and business decisions
for social and economic reasons
• Fiscal policy to stimulate investment,
reduce unemployment and inflation
• Help small business and specialized
Tax system and structure in the
• Pay as you go system
• Tax law changes - incremental
• Largest source of federal tax revenue
– Individual, Social Security, Corporate income
• Tax Base = Taxable Income
• Tax Rate = % rate applied to tax base
Tax Rate Structure
Average tax rate
Effective tax rate
Marginal tax rate
Types of taxes
State and franchise taxes
Wealth transfer taxes (estate and gift taxes)
Property Taxes
Federal excise taxes/customs duties
Sales Taxes
Employment Taxes (social security taxes,
cap at $68,400)
Individual Tax Formula
Income from whatever source derived
- exclusions
= Gross Income
- deductions for AGI (business related and IRA deduction)
= Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
- greater of standard deduction or itemized
- personal exemption
= Taxable Income
* applicable tax rate (from tax table or tax rate schedule based on
filing status)
= Gross Tax
- credits and prepayments
= Net taxes payable/refund due
Examples of Exclusions
Interest on municipal bonds
Gifts and inheritances
Foreign earned income
Employee fringe benefits
Exclusions besides interest on muni bonds
are not reported in tax form
• PI2-3
Deductions for AGI
IRA contributions
Interest on educational loans
Trade and business deductions
Itemized Deductions
Medical expenses (>7.5% of AGI)
State, local and property taxes
Mortgage interest
Charitable contributions (limited)
Casualty and theft losses (>10% of AGI)
Misc deductions (>2% of AGI) -e.g. tax
preparation fees
Standard deduction
• Depends on filing status - e.g. Single $4250
• Blind - legally blind (not = completely
• Dependents - S.D. limited to greater of
earned income + $250 or $700
• Loss standard deduction if married file
separately and the other spouse itemizes
Personal Exemption
• 1 exemption per person
• A dependent cannot claim its personal
exemption in his/her tax return
• Dependency exemption
Gross income test (< exemption or exception)
Support test
Relationship test
Cannot file a joint return
US citizen/resident or Canadian/Mexican
Phase out provisions
• Threshold for personal exemption, lose 2%
for each $2500
• Threshold for itemized deduction, lose 3%
• Threshold for child care credit, reduce $50
for each $1000 (base on MAGI)
Tax credits
• Refundable
– earned income credit
– income withholding - prepayments
• Nonrefundable
– child income credit
– low income housing credit
– foreign tax credit
Corporate Taxation
• Different types of corporations
• C-corp
• S-corp (flow through entity, < 35
shareholders, file information return)
Corporate Tax formula
Income from whatever source derived
- exclusions
= Gross Income
- deductions
= Taxable Income
* applicable tax rate
= Gross Tax
- credits and prepayments
= Net taxes payable/refund due
Capital gains and losses
• Sale and exchange of capital asset
• What is not a capital asset - inventory, trade
receivables, business property
• What is usually? Stocks and bonds
• Capital gain tax - new rule 1998
• Long term and short term
• Short term taxed at ordinary income amounts
• Long term (taxed at 20% max)
• Capital loss ($3000 deduction and the rest can
Tax planning
• Shift income to family members
• For corporations, establish entities to absorb
• Doubling up - defer payment or pay sooner,
cash basis vs. accrual basis
Who must file a tax return
• PI2-30, for single $6950
• Self employment must file if income >$400
• Dependents with unearned income >$700
must file
• Filing date - before the 15th day of the
fourth month after the close of tax year
• Extension
• Tax forms - 1040, 1040EZ, 1040A