Chapter 19 and 20 – Review

Chapter 19 and 20 – Review
What are the two major classifications of bacteria?
What makes these two kingdoms different from each other?
What is a peptoglycan?
Know the features of archae and eubacteria
Know all three shapes of bacteria
Know the difference between gram positive and gram negative and what that means
regarding the anatomy of the bacteria
Be familiar with how bacteria obtain energy. (hetero/autotrophs – know sub –points
Know the difference between anaerobes, aerobes, and facultative anaerobes
Know the two ways that bacteria reproduce and be able to describe each
o Binary fission
o Conjugation – what is this? Purpose?
o Spore formation
 Endospores Know the definition of a virus
o Capsid
o Be able to describe how viruses infect cells (video)
o Bacteriophage
o Are viruses specific to the cells they infect?
Know the difference between lytic and lysogenic viral infections
o Prophage –
o retrovirus
What is a protist?
How are they classified?
What do we call animal-like protozoans
Be able to list the phylum of the following protist groups
o Sarcodines
o Ciliates
o Zooflagellates
o Sporozoans
o Euglenophytes
o Chrysophytes
o Diatoms
o Dinoflagellates
o Red algae
o Brown algae
o Green algae
What is the major difference between euglenophytes and other protists with flagella?
Be able to describe the two anatomical features of euglenophytes that make them more
highly evolved
Which phylum is called the golden plants
o What are their cell walls made of?
o How do they store energy?
Which protist have cell walls made of silicon?
Which protists have flagella and are called fire plants due to their ability to luminesce
Which multicellular protist is red in color?
o What is the major pigment?
Which multicellular protists is a brown color?
o What is the major pigment?
Which multicellular protist is green in color?
o What is the major pigment?
Be able to describe the movement and reproduction of the Sarcodines, Zooflagellates,
Sporozoans, and ciliates
Be familiar with the following structures and which protist group they belong to:
o Gullet
o Contractile vacuole
o Pseudopods
o Cilia
o Anal pore
o Flagella
o Sporozoites
o Trichocysts
o Micro vs. macronucleus