The Story of Psychology

introvert & extrovert
surface traits & source traits
Social Learning Theory
locus of control
Learned Helplessness Theory
personal constructs
New Hypothesis of Depression
Gestalt Trait Theory
positive psychology
halo effect
Body-Personality Theory
reliability & validity
unconscious processes
Big-Five Model
word associations
consistency paradox
sentence completion
interactionist view
The Story
Raymond B. Cattell
Julian Rotter
Christian Thomasius
Martin Seligman
Rene Descartes
B.F. Skinner
John Locke
William H. Sheldon
Gordon Allport
Thomas Bouchard
Hans Eycenck
John C. Loehlin
Tests, Studies, Experiments, Maps
Thomasius Secrets of the Heart[s] of Other Men From Daily Conversation
Woodworth’s Personal Data Sheet (PDS)
Bernreuter’s Personality Inventory (BPI)
Allport’s Personality: A Psychological Interpretation
Hathaway & McKinley’s Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
Gough’s California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
Rorschach Test
Murray & Morgan Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Galton’s Co-Variance Correlation Analysis
Spearman’s Factor Analysis
Eysenck’s Fourfold Personality Table
Julian Rotter’s ESP Experiments
Seligman, Maier, & Overmier’s Dog Experiments
Terman & Mills’s Sex & Personality
William H. Sheldon’s Somatotype Analysis
Thomas & Chess’s Temperament Studies
Thomas Bouchard Twin Studies
John Loehlin Twin Studies
Bouchard & McGue’s Comprehensive Review
Costa & McCrae’s Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Peterson & Valiant’s Longitudinal Study of Explanatory Styles
Eysenck & Grossarth-Maticek’s Preventive Medicine
11. The Personality
By Morton Hunt
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
Bold-Underline indicates a section or subsection of the chapter.
Italics indicate a psychology-specific vocabulary term.
“The Secrets of the Hearts of Other Men”
1. Summarize the section (1-5 sentences):
Big Questions? Answer after reading the chapter.
2. What accounts for the differences in characteristics of individuals and in their
3. How can one best judge other people’s characters and know what to expect of them?
4. Is human nature determined from within or from without?
5. Are our minds and behavior the products of inner forces, or are we shaped and
prodded into thought and action by the stimuli of the environment?
Schools of Thought
6. Astrology
7. Physiognomy compared to Phrenology
Quotes You Need to Know:
8. Aristotle on foreheads.
9. Cicero on the face and soul.
10. Galen’s Human theory of Temperament
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
11. Secrets of the Heart[s] of Other Men From Daily Conversation by Christian
12. Plato’s “contents of the mind” and counter of Protagoras and Democritus.
13. Rene Descartes rationalism, “the mind’s ideas are innate” compared to John Locke’s
empiricism, “the newborn’s mind is a blank slate on which experience writes its
14. Dispositionism / Innatism and Situationists / Environmentalism
The Fundamental Units of Personality
15. Summarize section:
Personality Theorists
16. Freud, Adler, Freud.
17. According to Hunt, what are the weakness of these theories?
Early Questionnaires:
18. Describe the differences between Robert S. Woodworth’s Personal Data Sheet (PDS)
(1917) and Bernreuter’s Personality Inventory (BPI) (1931).
Trait Theory
19. Rev. Hugh Hartshorne & Mark May’s Cheating, Stealing, and Lying experiment
20. Personality: A Psychological Interpretation (1937) by Gordon Allport.
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
21. Ascendance-Submission
22. Gestalt Trait Theory (cardinal, central, secondary).
Measuring Personality
23. Summarize section:
Personal documents and histories
24. Describe and include criticism.
25. Describe and include criticism.
Observer Ratings
26. What are they, and how have they been criticized?
Terms You Need to Know:
27. halo effect
28. reliable
29. valid
30. Stark Hathaway & J. McKinley’s Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI) (1930s).
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
31. Dr. Harrison Gough’s California Psychological Inventory (CPI) (1949).
Projective Tests
32. What are they?
33. unconscious processes
34. Rorschach Test (inkblots) (1912-22).
35. Henry Murray & Christina Morgan’s Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) (1935).
36. Blacky Test, word associations, and sentence completion.
Conduct Sampling / Performance Testing
37. What is it?
Making Order out of Chaos
38. Summarize section.
Personality Identification Methods – 2nd Generation
39. Galton’s Co-Variance Correlation Analysis compared to Charles Spearman’s Factor
40. Hans J. Eysenck’s Fourfold Personality Table (1940s).
Terms You Need to Know…
41. introvert & extrovert
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
42. Raymond B. Cattell’s Sixteen Factor Personality System (Questionnaire) (1940s).
Terms You Need to Know…
43. surface traits & source traits
Learned Personality
44. Summarize section.
Social Learning Theory
45. Describe John Dollard & Neal Miller’s Social Learning Theory (1940s).
Locus of Control (1950s)
46. How is Julian Rotter’s theory different from Dollard & Miller’s theory?
47. Patient’s attitudes and “general expectancies.”
48. Hypothesis & Results of ESP experiments (include internals & externals).
Learned Helplessness
49. George Kelly’s idea of Personal Constructs.
50. Edward E. Jones & Steven Berglas’s label of Self-Handicapping (1978).
51. Martin Seligman, Steven Maier, & H. Bruce Overmier’s Dog experiments
52. John Teasdale’s New Hypothesis of Depression (1978).
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
53. Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology (Explanatory Styles; Learned
Gender Differences
54. Discuss the traditional assumptions about female personality that have been
55. Lewis Terman & C.C. Miles’s Sex and Personality (1936).
Quotes You Need to Know…
56. B.F. Skinner on personality (p.378).
57. Melissa Hines, Stephen Kosslyn, & Robert Rosenberg on gender difference (387-88).
Body, Genes, and Personality
58. Summarize section:
59. Ernst Kretschmer’s Body-Personality Theory.
William H. Sheldon’s Somatotypes.
Terms You Need to Know…
61. mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph
Gardner Lindzey’s criticism.
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
Alexander Thomas & Stella Chess’s Temperament Studies (1940s).
Behavior Genetics
64. Describe and include finding.
65. Thomas Bouchard’s Twin Studies (1979-1990).
66. John C. Loehlin’s Twin Studies.
67. Bouchard & McGue’s Comprehensive Review (2003).
Late Word from the Personality Front
68. Summarize section:
69. Paul T. Costa & Robert R. McCrae’s Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.
70. Seligman, Peterson, & Vailant’s Longitudinal Study of Explanatory Styles.
71. Hans Eysenck & Ronald Grossarth-Maticek’s Preventive Medicine.
72. Big-Five Model of Trait Theory
Terms You Need to Know…
73. consistency paradox & interactionist view
The Story of Psychology by Morton Hunt
11. The Personality Psychologists
Quotes You Need to Know…
74. Hans Eysenck on the relationship between personality and disease.
Ensuring that your essay has an introduction with a thesis, the body
contains specific and detailed evidence, and explanation of how
and why is included, as many vocabulary terms as possible are
used, any necessary primary and secondary sources are
incorporated, every paragraph contains topic and transition
sentences, answer the following question to the fullest:
As discoursed by Morton Hunt, what are the primary themes of
Social Psychology?