Chapter 2 Physical Science - St. Pius X Classical Academy

Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Table of Contents
States of Matter
Changes of State
Gas Behavior
States of Matter
The particles that make up a solid are packed very closely together.
States of Matter
Types of Solids
Use the Venn diagram to compare the characteristics of amorphous
and crystalline solids.
States of Matter
Liquid takes the shape of its container, but its volume does not change.
States of Matter
A gas takes the shape and volume of its container.
States of Matter
Temperature of a Gas
Why do hot gas particles move faster than cold gas particles?
Changes of State
Liquid to a Gas
The graph shows the temperature of a small pot of water on a stove set
to high heat.
Changes of State
Which circle of molecules represents water, and which represents ice?
Changes of State
Types of Vaporization
Liquid water changes to
water vapor by either
evaporation or boiling.
are the types of
vaporization occurring in
each flask?
Changes of State
The Changing States of Water
Why does a substance change states?
Gas Behavior
Temperature and Gas Pressure
When a gas is heated in a closed, rigid container, the particles move
faster and collide more often. How would the change in pressure of the
gas be shown on each pressure gauge?
Gas Behavior
Cooling a Balloon
The volume of a gas-filled balloon decreases as temperature decreases
and then increases as temperature increases.
Gas Behavior
Charles’s Law
How would the gas particles and piston look at the different higher
Gas Behavior
Temperature and Gas Volume
The data shown in the table are plotted on the graph.
Gas Behavior
Boyle’s Law
As weights are added to the top of each piston, the piston moves
farther down in the cylinder. Rank the pressure and the volume in each
of the cylinders.
Gas Behavior
Graphing Boyle’s Law
Use the data to make a line graph. What would be a good title for the