MID – TERM Study Guide Questions Chapters 1, 3

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MID – TERM Study Guide Questions
Chapters 1, 3 - 6, 14
Chapter 1 Orientation of the Body
1) Define anatomy and physiology
2) How are anatomy and physiology related?
3) List the levels of structural organization in the body. (6) Define each level.
4) Name the 11 organ systems in the body and their major functions.
5) List 5 characteristics of living things. (necessary life functions).
6) What are the 5 survival needs of nearly all body system? (properties needed to maintain life)
7) Define homeostasis. What is homeostatic imbalance? List 3 examples.
8) Distinguish between positive and negative feedback mechanisms. List 2 examples of each.
9) What is anatomical position?
10) Distinguish between body “section” and body “plane”?
11) Identify and define the 3 main body planes.
12) What are the two main categories of body cavities?
13) Identify the 9 regions of the abdomen.
14) Distinguish between directional and regional terms.
15) Complete the following table: “Body Cavities”
Chapter 3 Cells and Tissues
1. What are the main three regions of a cell?
2. What are the parts to a nucleus?
3. What are the different parts of a plasma membrane?
4. What is the function or purpose of each of those parts?
5. What are the three types of membrane junction?
6. What is the role of those junctions?
7. Can you identify the parts of a plasma membrane on a diagram?
8. Can you identify types of membrane junctions on a diagram?
9. What are the two basic methods of transport?
10. What is the difference between intracellular fluid and interstitial fluid?
11. What does selective permeability mean?
12. How does diffusion work?
13. How does facilitated diffusion work?
14. What is required for active transport to happen?
15. Define tissue.
16. Identify the 4 primary types of tissues that makeup the body.
17. List 4 general functions of tissues. (study chart/notes to identify main characteristics of each type)
18. What does the two-part name of epithelial tissues represent?
19. What is a “gland”?
20. Distinguish between “endocrine” and “exocrine” glands.
21. Identify the most numerous and widespread tissue in the body.
22. Name the only fluid tissue in the body.
23. What are the three types of muscle tissues in the body? Which type(s) are involuntary? Which type(s)
are voluntary?
24. Another term for “visceral muscle” is _________________________.
25. Write 5 examples of connective tissues. (be able to recognize examples of various types of tissues)
26. What is the function of muscle tissue?
Chapter 4 Body Membranes & The Skin
1. What are the 2 main categories of body membranes?
2. List 3 types of epithelial membranes and identify where each would be found in the body (examples).
3. What are synovial membranes?
4. List 4 functions of skin.
5. What does the integumentary system consists of?
6. Identify the 3 main layers of skin (from outermost to innermost layer).
7. List the 5 zones or strata that make up the epidermis (outermost to innermost).
8. What 3 pigments determine skin color?
9. Identify 3 – 4 appendages (outgrowth) of skin.
10. What is the scientific name for “oil” glands?
11. What is the scientific name for “sweat” glands?
12. Another name for hypodermis is _________________________.
13. What is the scientific name for “fat”? _____________________
14. Identify the 2 types of sweat glands. Which one is the most numerous? Where is each type found in the body?
15. Label the diagram of skin. (#2 skin diagram)
16. What are “burns”? How are they classified?
17. List the symptoms for each category of burns.
18. What is the “rule of nines”? (be able to estimate the extent of burns by using
19. the rule of nines)
20. What 2 layers makeup the dermis?
21. List 5 examples of homeostatic imbalances of skin. Write the cause of each example. (study chart “disorders of
skin” )
22. List 3 – 4 functions of membranes, in general, in the body.
Chapter 5 Skeletal System
1. Define skeletal system. What does this system consist of?
2. List 5 functions of the skeletal system.
3. How many bones make up the adult skeleton?
4. Draw, label and identify the parts of a long bone.
5. Bones are classified into 4 groups based on what? Name the 4 groups
6. Define the following terms: osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclast, and chondrocytes
7. What is ossification?
8. Define fracture
9. How are fractures treated?
10. Identify 6 types of fractures. (define each type)
11. Distinguish between open-reduction and closed-reduction.
12. What are the 2 divisions of the skeleton?
13. Identity the main components of each division of the skeleton.
14. Name the 8 large bones that make up the cranium.
15. Name the 14 bones of the face.
16. What are the 4 regions of the spine? (be able to label a diagram)
17. How many pairs of ribs are there in the skeleton?
18. Distinguish between scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis.
19. What 3 bones makeup the sternum? (Be able to draw and label)
20. Define the following: True ribs, false ribs, and floating ribs
21. List 3-4 differences between male and female pelvis bone.
22. What are joints?
23. What is another term for the word “joint”?
24. Identify 3 types of structural joints.
25. Identify 3 types of functional joints.
26. List 6 kinds of synovial joints. Give examples of each.
27. What effect does aging have on the skeleton? (list at least 3)
28. What are the parts and functions of the long bone?
Chapter 6 Muscular System
1) What does the muscular system consist of?
2) List 4 functions of muscles.
3) What is the main/essential function of muscles?
4) Muscles cells are also called______________
5) Identify/name the 3 types of muscles found in the human body.
6) What are the major characteristics of each of the 3 types of muscles?
7) Identify the muscle types that are involuntary?
8) Identify the muscle types that are voluntary?
9) All muscles are striated. (True or False)
10) What are the different parts of a skeletal muscle?
11) How is a fascicle different from a muscle fiber?
12) What is the difference between Endomysium, perimysium, and an epimysium?
13) Identify the 2 main proteins that makeup muscle fibers.
14) Where is each type of protein, in the previous question, located within the muscle fiber?
15) Explain the “Sliding Filament Theory” in terms of how muscles contract.
16) What role does myosin play in muscle contraction?
17) What role does actin play in muscle contraction?
18) What is the place where thin filaments are anchored to called?
19) What is an A-band/ I-band/H-zone?
20) What is a motor unit?
21) During a muscle contraction how does the nerve “talk” to the cell?
22) What is the space between the nerve and muscle fiber called?
23) During a muscle contraction how does sodium get into the cell?
24) During a muscle contraction what does calcium bind to?
25) What happens once the calcium has bonded?
26) How do you tell the difference between the muscle origin and insertion points?
27) What are the 6 major types of muscle movement? Give a real world example of each.
28) What are the 6 special types of muscle movement? Give a real world example of each.
29) What is are primary movers/antagonists? Give an example of each.
30) What do synergist and fixators do?
Chapter 14 Digestive System
See “Shark Attack” review game on my web site.