September 2012 - Dartmouth College

Graduate Student Council
General Meeting Agenda: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at
5:30 PM
PRESIDENT REPORT (Julia Bradley-Cook)
 Welcome
 Vote to approve August meeting minutes
 Luau Success!
o 150 people attended
 Orientation activities
o September 5 – North Park wine and cheese, 7 – 9 PM
o September 6 – Grad orientation BBQ, 5 pm
 All graduate students invited
o September 9 – First year dinner, Rockefeller Center, 6 – 8:30
o September 10 – Community lunch on Tuck Mall, 12 PM
 Convocation at 3:15 pm
o September 10 – Term begins
o September 15 – Fall Semi Formal (BEMA) with Geisel School
o September 22 – Moosilauke hike with DGOC
 New Dean of Graduate Studies: Dr.Jon Kull
o Assumed position
o Very student oriented
o Familiar with undergraduate issues (Dartmouth College alum)
o The GSC plans to invite him for the October General Meeting
o Julia Bradley-Cook (GSC President) and Justin Richardson
(Vice President) are going to meet with him soon
 Block funding request form & block funding report back documents
o We want to provide a mechanism for graduate students to get
together and make a small pool of money available to these
o Last year was the first year the GSC introduced block funding
 Groups were awarded $1000
 One group spent $700 more than the allotted
 Other groups didn’t spend the $1000 allotted
o To circumvent this issue, this year we are setting up a request
form and report-form where groups briefly report spending
 Report to be submitted by individual groups every
o Block funding requests due on September 17
 Review the budget, and allot accordingly
 Block funding money will be available for the
whole year
 After you spend your block funding, you will be
awarded on a per-event basis
 Summer term – block funding not available
 Groups will be awarded on a per event basis
Block funding request deadline for GSC-recognized groups: 9/17/12
Amendment to Constitution Bylaw 4 "Use of Funds"
Ivy Summit planning, November 2nd - 4th
o UPenn is hosting it this year
GSC Web Team transfer of leadership
o Nicholas Tito (Chemistry) is now in charge of the web team.
Thanks for all the help Aarathi Prasad!
o Act as a go-to point for graduate students about the GSC
o Short-term goal
 To make the webpage more appealing
 Graduate students are encouraged to contact them with
feedback at:
 Graduate.student.council.webteam@dartmouth.e
du - web committee
 Monthly maintenance will be performed by the website
 Graduate events will be posted on the calendar
 Email at the abovementioned address if you have ideas
for how you want the webpage/interface to look
 Website changes update
 September 7 presentation as part of orientation
o September 7, Cook Auditorium 2 – 4 pm
 Resume workshop
 Professional development
o Encourage to sign up for 3-min presentations
o Team work skills
o Project management
o Soft skills
ACTIVITIES REPORT (Gilbert Rahme, Lisa Jackson)
 First Year Dinner, September 9, 6 – 8:30 pm: Set-up and Clean-up
o Minimal set-up – entire Rockefeller Center has been rented for
the event
o First year mugs’ distribution
 You can take it there, or collect it at Kerry’s office later
o Trivia
o Stinson’s is catering
 Fall Semi-Formal
o Saturday September 15 at Alumni Hall
 Co-sponsoring with Geisel Student Council
 ID checkers/sober monitors required
 Orientation guide was sent to incoming graduate students
 Student priorities
o Dental, childcare, Advance Transit, Grad Student space
o Encouraging student reps to start talking to students
 Current dental insurance estimate
o ~ $350 for the year per student per year
 Sign-up for Nerd Nite and Travel Grant committees
o Sign-up for travel grant committees
o First Nerd Nite – Thursday, September 20, 1 Wheelock
 Jim Peck (Home Brewers Club) will provide beer in
September and October
 September Nerd Nite publicity/solicitation for speakers
 Budget update
 Block Funding
 Finance Committee
o Sign-up
 Conflict of interest: if you are in a group that received
block funding, do not sign up for the finance committee
o Group specific
 Budget will be finalized after block funding determination
 Finance Report
 Coupon book
 Orientation wine and cheese – September 5
 Movie night with North Park students
o 5 tickets to movies at the HOP
GSAC REPORT (Dan Durcan)
 North Park Wine and Cheese Mixer
 Possible future events
o Turkish cooking night
o Night at a cabin
o If you have a program, Dan could help you with funding
 Vote to approve in favor of “Block Funding Request Form”
o Drafted conditions approved
 In the interim period – August 15 – October 1, you
submit a standard funding request
 Julia Bradley-Cook will make changes to the form and
present at the October GSC general meeting
 Vote to approve in favor of “Block Funding Report Back Form”
 Vote to approve in favor of “Amendment to Constitution Bylaw 4 ‘Use
of Funds’” after rewording