Nombre: Fecha: Español 3 de honores REPASO PARA EL EXAMEN FINAL DEL SEMESTRE __________________________________ __________________________________ The Spanish 3 Honors semester final will consist of the following: Oral final (done in class this week) - 20% of final exam grade Written composition final (on day 3 this week) - 20% of final exam grade Multiple choice final - 60% of the final exam grade: This will cover all vocabulary and grammar from the Repaso and chapters 1-4 of ASI SE DICE (These concepts will be discussed below) There will be a listening comprehension section with questions There will be a cultural reading with related questions Be prepared for the questions about the following: 1.) Vocabulary from chapters 1-4 You will be responsible for all the vocabulary listed at the end of each chapter. 2.) Mandatos KNOW HOW TO FORM AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE COMMANDS FOR UD., UDS., AND TU WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS. 3.) Subjunctivo YOU SHOULD KNOW WHEN TO USE THE PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE CORRECTLY IN THE FOLLOWING INSTANCES: a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) g.) Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive Subjunctive with with with with with with with wants (querer que) - ch 1 impersonal expressions - ch 2 Ojalá, tal vez, and quizás - ch 2 desire (desear que, esperar que) ch 3 expressions of emotion - ch 3 expressions of doubt - ch 4 adverbial clauses - ch 4 (ASPACE) YOU SHOULD ALSO KNOW HOW TO FORM PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE VERBS: regular, irregular, stem-changing, and those ending in -car, -gar, -zar to name a few 4.) Comparisons of equality (ch 2) KNOW HOW TO COMPARE NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, AND VERBS THAT ARE EQUAL 5.) Possessive pronouns (ch 3) 6.) Perfect tenses KNOW HOW TO USE THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (FROM THE REPASO) AS WELL AS THE PLUPERFECT AND CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSES (ch 4) Present perfect formation: present form of haber + past participle Past perfect (pluperfect) formation: imperfect form of haber + past participle Conditional perfect formation: conditional form of haber + past participle Things you should already know and be able to use correctly: YOU WON'T GET EXPLICITLY TESTED ON THESE, BUT YOU ARE ASSUMED TO HAVE LEARNED THEM ALREADY: Present indicative tense of all verbs Preterite tense of all verbs Imperfect indicative of all verbs You should be able to choose between the preterite and imperfect correctly Reflexive verbs Verbs like gustar Direct, indirect, and reflexive object pronouns (including double object pronouns) Future and conditional tenses