Citing and Quoting Sources in MLA

Citing and Quoting
Sources in MLA
Academic Composition I
Discussion Questions
 With your table team, discuss the questions on your
Three Styles of Citation
 Different styles for different academic disciplines
(1) MLA – Modern Language Association
 Used in the humanities (literature, history, philosophy)
 Most popular in American high school and college.
The penalty for the crime can be as much
as $100,000 in fines (Beck 30).
Three Styles of Citations
(2) APA – American Psychological Association
 Used in social sciences (psychology, sociology,
According to a recent article (Fishman, 1995), six thousand
(3) Chicago Style
 Used by book authors.
Why Cite Sources?
 Any information you put in an essay that did not come
from your brain MUST be cited.
 If you don’t, it is considered…
…and you can get in a lot of trouble.
Modern Language
Association (MLA)
 Uses “Parenthetical Citations”
 (Wordsworth 263)
 What do you put in Parenthetical Citations?
Depends on
1. the source medium (print, web, DVD, etc.)
2. the source’s entry on the Works Cited page
The first piece of information on the Works Cited page
goes in the parenthesis
1. What are the three citation styles? Which one are you
using for your essay?
 APA, Chicago Style, MLA
2. What kind of citations does MLA use?
 Parenthetical Citations
3. What does the information in your citation depend on?
1. The source medium
2. The source entry on the Works Cited page
In-text citations:
Known Author
 What do the two sentences have in common?
 Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by
“spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263).
 Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous
overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).
 You need two things in a print source citation:
1. Author’s name
2. Page number information comes from
Citing Non-Print of
Internet Sources
 For written sources you need page numbers.
 Electronic sources use the first item that appears in the
Work Cited entry for this citation.
Park, Madison. "Top 20 most polluted cities in the
world.” CNN. Cable News Network, 8 May 2014.
Web. 12 May 2014.
1. What two pieces of information go in a parenthetical
1. If you don’t have an author name, what do you use?
3. Make a parenthetical citation for this entry. Page
number is 214
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New
York: Penguin, 1987. Print.
(Gleick 214)
4. Make a parenthetical citation for this entry.
“Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet.” New York
Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. Web. 25
May 2009
Picking Sources
Print vs. Internet
 Print sources –
 Newspapers, journals, books
 extensive publication process
 peer reviewed
 fact checkers
Picking Sources
Print vs. Internet
 Internet Sources
 Anyone with a computer can publish information.
 Don’t have editors, fact checkers, etc.
Picking Sources
 Think about:
Author and affiliation
Bias and special interests
Author qualifications
Publication Information
1. When you pick a source, what are two things you
should consider?
2. Why do you need to be careful with internet sources?
Works Cited vs. Bibliography
 What’s are they?
 Come at the end of the essay, on a separate page.
 Bibliography
 Includes all of your sources
 EVERYTHING you looked at for your research, even if it’s
not cited.
 Works Cited
 Only includes sources cited in your paper.
How to Write a Source
 You can look it up and type it by hand, or….
 Citation Machine