Roaring Twenties Compare/Contrast Essay with Source Citation Total Point Value = 60 Points (see rubric for grading criteria) Instructions: Please pick ONE and only one of the topics listed below. In 5-paragraph essay format, compare and contrast the topic in the two eras (the 1920s and Modern Times). Please make sure you have comparison(s) and contrast(s) in your essay (meaning you can have two comparisons and one contrast or vice versa, at the very least). Please make sure you follow the typical MLA format and that you do NOT use 1st/2nd person and contractions. The Roaring Twenties Prohibition Jazz Harlem Renaissance Women of the 20s Stock Market Bubble and Speculation The Scopes Monkey Trial Fundamentalism vs. Modernism Source Citation: Modern Times Drug War Popular Music African-American Culture Women of Modern America Housing Market Bubble and Speculation Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Debate Fundamentalism vs. Modernism (Liberalism?) In addition, on this essay you must footnote and cite TWO outside sources. These sources can be from the Internet, books, magazines, etc. Only ONE of your two sources can be an encyclopedia article (including Wikipedia). To assist you in citation, please feel free to use which is linked from my website (under helpful links). You simply type in the information and it will format the citation for you. Just copy and paste from into your Works Cited Page. Remember to alphabetize your two sources in the Works Cited Page. You should footnote and cite in MLA format. Footnotes should be parenthetical. Here is an example of your textbook cited (as it would appear on the Works Cited Page at the end) in MLA format followed by sample sentences from the textbook properly footnoted: MLA Citation (appears on Works Cited Page at the end and alphabetized): Lapsansky-Werner, Emma J., ed. "A New Mass Culture." United States History: Reconstruction to the Present. Ohio ed. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall, 2008. 343-51. Direct Quotation (quotation marks required): “The radio, or wireless, had been developed in the 1890s by Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi” (Lapsansky-Werner 345). Paraphrase (no quotation marks): Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in the 1890s (Lapsansky-Werner 345). A sample (and elaborate) example of a full page can be found at: