AP Spanish Language and Culture 2013-14

AP Spanish Language and Culture 2013-14
Instructor: Heidi Mudry
Course Overview
The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in Spanish that
requires students to improve their proficiency across the three modes of communication. The
course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and
audiovisual resources, as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and
magazine and newspaper articles with the goal of providing a rich, diverse learning experience.
Students communicate using rich, advanced vocabulary and linguistic structures as they build
proficiency in all modes of communication toward the pre-advanced level.
The course is divided into thematic units which are further based on recommended contexts and
guided by essential questions. Corresponding cultural elements are integrated into the study of the
units, and activities are directed with those cultural connections in mind. Discussion of the topics
completely in Spanish is a requirement for this course. It is assumed that students have previously
been exposed to advanced, language structures in the courses leading up to the AP Spanish
Language and Culture course; however, review of the mechanics is done within the contextual
framework of each unit as needed.
Real-Life Language and Culture
Beginning in October, students are required to engage in two hours per month of real-life activities
outside the classroom to enrich their Spanish language and culture experiences. They complete
entries that interest them throughout the year for their Language and Culture Portfolio page.
Options include but are not limited to: volunteering in a context in which they would need to use
Spanish, attending an art exhibit featuring Hispanic works, musical show or play in Spanish (el
Teatro Milagro in SE Portland is a fantastic place to check out!); preparing a meal while following
recipes written in Spanish; regular correspondence through email, Skype or Face Time with
heritage speakers in a Spanish-speaking country; viewing of important events involving target
language speakers on TV or YouTube, such as a president’s acceptance speech or a national
celebration of a country’s independence; and visits to university campuses for special events,
hosting a student from a Spanish-speaking country; visiting area businesses and learning about
opportunities with Spanish, and more. Students must provide acceptable evidence of their
engagement on the last class day of each month with a two-paragraph write up narrating their
experience and relating it to one of the six themes or the essential questions, and then provide a
one-minute oral presentation to the class.
A Tool for Students within the Unit
Tabla de noticias:
This will be an ongoing assignment (each class day) to support all units all the time. Students
regularly connect to authentic resources outside of class which accompany the complete list of
themes and recommended contexts, as well as essential questions. This ongoing assignment leads
to class discussions exploring themes, contexts, and vocabulary learned once TABLAS are returned.
Unit One: El valor de la familia y la comunidad
Theme: Families and Communities / Las familias y las Comunidades
Contexts Included:
Customs and Values / Las tradiciones y los valores
Education Communities / Las comunidades educativas
Family Structure / La estructura de la familia
Global Citizenship / La ciudadanía global
Human Geography / La geografía humana
Social Networking / Las redes sociales
Essential Questions:
¿Cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades?
¿Cómo contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los papeles que asumen las comunidades y las familias en las
diferentes sociedades del mundo?
Example Activities:
1. Using the painting, “La tamalada” by Carmen Lomas Garza, students complete a graphic
organizar answering the following questions on their own and then discussing in small
a. ¿Cuáles son algunos productos culturales asociados con este cuadro?
b. ¿Cuáles son algunas prácticas culturales asociadas con este cuadro?
2. Students read “Las medias rojas” by Emilia Pardo Bazán, and answer comprehension
questions. With a partner, think about a short story from their culture that also portrays
child abuse and compare the two stories using a Venn diagram.
1. Students write a letter to a governor explaining why there should be more laws against
violence and abuse.
2. Research a famous Hispanic painter that has depicted a family and present this to the class
in a formal oral presentation of two minutes.
3. Persuasive essay, “¿Es la familia la major manera para ayudar a los individuos a mantener el
bienestar de las comunidades? Use the following sources:
a. Univision: http://sitios.univision.com/generacion-america/nuestrashistorias/video/2013-10-18/generacion-america-maggie-jimenez-la-familia-esprimero?refPath=videos/
b. Graph on p. 30:
c. Explanation of Brave New World: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Un_mundo_feliz
Authentic Resources
1. La Nacion (online newspaper): Las redes sociales cambiaron para siempre a
América Latina
2. Listening: www.masvoces.org
3. Cortometraje: La leyenda del espantapájaros: YouTube
4. Song: El espantapájaros por Ricardo Arjona
Unit Two: Los efectos de la tecnología
Theme: Science and Technology / La ciencia y la tecnología
Contexts Included:
Access to Technology / El acceso a la tecnología
Eff. of Tech. on Self and Society / Los efectos de la tecnología en el individuo y en la sociedad
Health Care and Medicine / El cuidado de la salud y la medicina
Innovations / Las innovaciones tecnológicas
Natural Phenomena / Los fenómenos naturales
Science and Ethics / La ciencia y la ética
Essential Questions:
¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas?
¿Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología?
¿Qué papel cumple la ética en los avances científicos?
Example Activities:
1. Video-clip: “Móviles: una revolución en la salud” and interview students about cell phones
regarding how often they use them, how they use them, etc. Make graph of their findings
and explain in class.
2. Research stem-cell research with the following sources:
www.bionetonline.org/castellano/content/scintro.htm, www.rtve.es/noticias/celulasmadre, and debate on pros and cons using citing the sources.
1. Formal presentation with graphs, tables and statistics, students present on a health,
educational, emergency, or societal issue or tool that has been improved by technology
compared to 25 years ago.
2. Using the information from the presentation, students write an email to the director of a
hospital in a Spanish-speaking country asking if the new technology is used in the hospital.
The email must include additional questions about the technology.
3. Students read “Rosa”by Ángel Balzarino and write a review based on the story.
Authentic Resources:
1. Online newspaper El País: El genio que humanizó la tecnología
2. Texto: Tecnología para mejorar la calidad de la vida de los enfermos crónicos
3. Audio: Radioteca. Comprehension activity about the human genome.
Unit Three: ¿Cómo se define la belleza?
Theme: Beauty and Aesthetics / La belleza y la estética
Contexts Covered:
Architecture / La arquitectura
Defining Beauty / Definiciones de la belleza
Defining Creativity / Definiciones de la creatividad
Fashion and Design / La moda y el diseño
Language and Literature / El lenguaje y la literatura
Essential Questions:
¿Cómo se establecen las percepciones de la belleza y la creatividad?
¿Cómo influyen los ideales de la belleza y la estética en la vida cotidiana?
¿Cómo las artes desafían y reflejan las perspectivas culturales?
Example Activities:
1. Students research 10 paintings by Diego Rivera and Salvador Dalí and fill out a Reacciones
chart which includes Dato Interesante (12), Mi Reacción, La reacción de mi colega, with a
2. Students read “Dos palabras” by Isabel Allende and answer comprehension questions.
Then, they write similarities between this short story and a painting by Diego Rivera.
1. Students paint their own representation depicting fantasy or reality, and present
information about the artist they are modeling and an explanation of their painting in a
formal presentation. Class fills out a critique of presenters.
2. Essay comparing the traditions of one community with the traditions shown in the works of
art studied: Compara los productos, prácticas y perspectivas culturales de una tradición de
tu comunidad con una tradición en una de las obras de arte que hemos estudiado.
Authentic Resources:
1. Texto: Chac Mool por Carlos Fuentes
2. Audio: Un día de estos por García Márquez
3. Arte: La persistencia de la memoria por Dalí/ Sueño de una tarde dominical en la
alameda central por Diego Rivera
4. Arquitectura: La Sagrada Familia, Antonio Gaudí
Unit Four: ¿Quiénes somos y cómo es nuestra vida?
Theme: Contemporary Life / La vida contemporánea
Contexts Covered:
Education and Careers / La educación y las carreras profesionales
Lifestyles / Los estilos de vida
Relationships / Las relaciones personales
Essential Questions:
¿Cómo definen los individuos y las sociedades su propia calidad de vida?
¿Cómo influyen los productos culturales, las prácticas y las perspectivas de la gente en la vida
¿Cuáles son los desafíos de la vida contemporánea?
Example Activities:
1. Compare “Los Sanfermines de Pamplona” www.ver-taal.com with rodeos in the U.S.
2. Interview students in class about what their most precious object is. Graph.
3. After class discussion about important celebrations in the community, students research
and compare 10 celebrations in the U.S., Spain, and Latin America
1. Essay: ¿Es la vida de un joven adolescente en 2013 la más difícil en la historia del hombre?
a. Article: http//ajoprobo.blogspot.com/2007/09/los-retos-de-los-jvenes.htm
b. Graph: http://contacto.med.puc.cl/destacados/suicidios/suicidios.html
c. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGw6gW9URDw
2. Interview a Spanish-speaking student from another advanced Spanish class or from another
school using Skype to find out what that student’s favorite celebration is and why. Write
summary of the interview.
Authentic Resources
1. Audio: Más voces, Reportaje sobre el Día de la Hispanidad
2. Internet: www.ver-taal.com Los Sanfermines de Pamplona
3. Info on best careers in Argentina and Mexico: www.informador.com.mx, www.lagaceta.com
4. Video: Carlos Slim Domit
Unit Five: Nosotros y nuestro mundo
Theme: Global Challenges [CR6a]
Contexts Covered:
Economic Issues / Los temas económicos
Environmental Issues / Los temas del medio ambiente
Philosophical Thought and Religion / El pensamiento filosófico y la religión
Population and Demographics / La población y la demografía
Social Welfare / El bienestar social
Social Conscience / La conciencia social
Essential Questions:
¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medio ambiente que enfrentan las sociedades
del mundo?
¿Cuáles son los orígenes de esos desafíos?
¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos?
Example Activities:
1. Jigsaw activity with the following articles followed by a group vote for the best article and a
group opinion column about the winning article:
a. Un estudio augura catástrofes naturales causadas por el cambio climático
b. Respuesta progresista para la crisis global
c. Las cadenas de la pobreza
2. Video “Desafíos mundiales”www.youtube.com/watch?v=enCpXcty3Ec and write their
opinions answering the question, ¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medio
ambiente que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo?
1. Students research ways that their school could be more Earth-friendly and then write an
email to the school board to try to make changes to their school.
2. After researching sites such as UNESCO and Radio Naciones Unidas, students prepare a 2minute formal presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint or Educreations of one global
challenge from the perspective of at least one Spanish-speaking country. Answer the
following questions:
a. ¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medio ambiente que enfrentan las
sociedades del mundo?
b. ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de esos desafíos?
c. ¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos?
Authentic Resources:
1. Audio: audiria.com, La crisis económica en España
2. Texto: El colombiano que lucha por salvar los corales, www.bbc.co.uk
3. Internet sites UNESCO, Radio Naciones Unidas: explore themes of global
Unit Six: El individuo y su identidad
Theme: Personal and Public Identities / Las identidades personales y públicas[CR6d]
Contexts Covered:
Alienation and Assimilation / La enajenación y la asimilación
Heroes and Historical Figures / Los héroes y los personajes históricos
National and Ethnic Identities / La identidad nacional y la identidad étnica
Personal Beliefs / Las creencias personales
Self-Image / La autoestima
Essential Questions:
¿Cómo se expresan los distintos aspectos de la identidad en diversas situaciones?
¿Cómo se desarrolla la identidad de una persona a lo largo del tiempo?
¿Cómo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de la persona?
Example of Activities:
1. Using the Univision audiovisual resource, “Famosos inmigrantes sufrieron en carne propia,”
http:noticias.univision.com, students write a Venn diagram on the disadvantages and
advantages of immigrants in the USA.
2. Students read the poem, “Balada de dos abuelos,” Nicolás Guillén, and make a T-chart with
lo que entendí, lo que entendió mi compañero, las preguntas que tengo, filling out the first and
last columns first and then the middle and last with partner.
1. Students give a 2-minute presentation comparing the poem “Balada de dos abuelos”with a
ballad/song from another country/community.
2. Persuasive essay on “Son importantes las contribuciones de los latinos/hispanos en los
EE.UU?”using the following sources:
a. News article “100 Latinos Miami” www.elnuevoherald.com
b. www.markettolatinos.com/demographic-economic-charts.html
3. Students interview and record a conversation with a Spanish-seaking “hero” that they
consider a hero for any particular reason and then write why they selected this person as a
Authentic Resources:
1. Bbcmundo.com, EE.UU y la educación: la batalla de una familia de inmigrantes
2. Online newspaper, www.elnuevoherald.com 100 Latinos Miami
3. Película: La misma luna
Grades in AP Spanish are based upon the following:
Formative Assessments: In-class activities, blog entries, quizzes, “El español en mi vida,”
Tablas de noticias
AP Practice Assessments: Interpersonal Speaking, Interpersonal Writing, Interpretive
Reading, Interpretive Listening, Presentational Speaking, Presentational Writing
The grade will be a running total of assessed activities
Examen AP: martes, 6/mayo, 2014 7:30am HRVHS Computer Lab. It is not a requirement of
the course that each student takes the exam, but it is highly recommended. We will discuss
this more as the date approaches.
Text & Published Resources
Frisancho, Jorge, AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation, Vista Higher Learning, 2014.
Dragget, Parthena, Temas AP Spanish Language and Culture, Vista Higher Learning, 2014.
Online Resources (sample, not limited to the following):