Watford Grammar School for Boys Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Scheme of Work Title: Beliefs and teachings about meaning and purpose Year group: 8 Term: Spring Weeks: 12 Resources: Themes to inspire 2 Learning Lesson content objectives Religion vs. Are religion and science in conflict? science – what is the debate? Possible activities Where did life Understand the terms biogenesis come from? and abiogenesis 1 Class questionnaire – do you think religion and science are in conflict? Read quotes of page 32/33 – do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion? Debate Define the terms biogenesis and abiogenesis. Which view do Homework ICT SMRC Literacy Resources Survey 5/6 people – do they think that religion and science are in conflict? Why? Debate Different views Questionnaire Pg 32/33 Your opinion Key words: science, religion, independent, conflict, dialogue Answer this Homework question: research How do Muslims Beginning of life Definitions Pg 35/6 Key terms: biogenesis, abiogenesis, Genesis How do Christians and Jews believe that life was created? Evolution Assessment – start in lessons – finish for homework. Are humans What unique features do humans special? have? What does the Abrahamic 2 you agree with most and why? Which view do you dislike and why? Silent debate Read the original version of Genesis Debate: is Genesis right Drama Similarities and differences between Muslim and Judeo/Christian views of how life was created Students should research evolution, the big bang and what different religions think about evolution. They should then produce a newspaper report on their findings. This should be started in class and finished at home for homework. Brainstorm – what unique features do believe that life was created? life, beginning Cartoon strip Cn has a Beginning of Genesis video clip of life that shows Genesis Drama Bible Key words: Pg 36/7 Genesis, Bible, Judeo Christian, God, 6 days, rest Assessment Key terms: Pg 38/9 evolution, natural selection, Darwin, science, Big Bang Answer knowledge check Assessment Start of life Humans as Key terms: Pg 42 - 5 spiritual morality, and moral spirituality, faiths/Hinduism/Buddhism/Sikhism teach about humans? What is the What do you think is the purpose of purpose of life? life? Religious What do the six major world faiths views of the teach about the purpose of life purpose of life` What is death 3 What do we mean by life after death? Look at the Hindu and Buddhist views of life after death humans have? What does ‘morality’ and ‘spirituality’ mean? How are we different to chimps? Teach in groups the different religious views of how humans are different Brainstorm all the purposes of life. Human opinion line – what is the purpose of life Debate Using the textbooks and computers, in groups research one religious view of the purpose of life, research and present your findings to the class Read the quotes on pg 50 – what are they saying about death? Using the KS3 Buddhism and questions pg 45 human, unique What is the purpose of life? Life purpose Key term: life, Pg 46 purpose, humans Summarize Computer the view of research life you researched. Life purpose Presentations Pg 46 - 9 Key terms: religion, human, life, purpose Answer this Homework question: What do Jews and Christians believe Death Explanation of quotes Key terms: life, death, Hindu, samsara, Pg 50/1 Flatliners KS3 Buddhism and Hinduism Assessment Assessment Hinduism books happens find out about when we die? the Hindu and Buddhist views of death What do you think happens when we die? Divide the class into 6. Each group This lesson is the Assessment should choose one of the 6 major research and world faiths. They should then each preparation lesson research one of the following topics from their specialist faith: a) Where did life come from? b) What do religious people think about evolution? c) What is death? d) Are humans different from animals? e) Is there a purpose to life f) What do religious people believe about life after death? The findings should be presented in a 5-7 minute presentation with each group member getting a grade. Presentations from groups. Assessment Students should be marked individually on their work What is the What does the soul mean to you? soul? What do Jews and Hindus believe 4 do Discuss in groups What what the soul Christians karma, moksha, Buddhist, nirvana, atman textbooks Homework Opinions Key words: Pg 56/7 life, religion, humans, evolution Assessment What have Key words: Pg 56/7 you life, religion, achieved? humans, evolution Spiritual Definitions Pg 52/3 that the soul is? What is How do Buddhists, Hindus and reincarnation? Sikhs interpret the idea of reincarnation? Do you agree with reincarnation? 5 means to you? think that the Define key soul is? terms: nephesh, atman, soul Research what Hindus and Jews believe that the soul is Read quotes on pg 54 – what do they mean? Similarities and differences between Hindu/Sikh/Bud dhist views of reincarnation? Opinion line – do you agree with reincarnation? Key terms: atman, soul, nephesh, death, Judaism, Hinduism Spiritual Key terms: Pg 54/5 Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, reincarnation, rebirth Understanding quotes