Social and Heroic Code

Social and Heroic Code
pg 233 line 320 Sarpedon to Glaucus:
We have the best of everything…
13.259704 he chose to avoid the heavy Greek fine for avoiding service…his soul
crawled out and the world went dark
14.267.90 Odysseus: stop that talk..your’e a sceptered king
14.269.126 but to spur the others on and send them in, those who have been on the
sidelines nursing their resentment and failing to fight
15.298.585 you should feel shame before each other in battle
15.301.698 Remember your children, your wives, your possessions
Narrative Intrusions
Bk 12.235.397 you couldn’t find a man alive now
13.257.628 To be killed by you, Menalaus
16.30521 And with a deep groan you said to him
16.308117 Tell me now Muse, who dwells on Olympus
16.319495 Whom Patroclus was about to kill
12.230. 203 an omen, an eagle overhead
13.24174 seer, who reads the birds
13.264 864 bird flew past on the right
13.247 276 I know you are good. why talk about it.
War Descriptors
13.252 455 He fell backward. the spear’s point….
13.254530 clawing the dust
13.255.466 death hammered at his sould like a tinsmith
13.257643 both eyeballs popped out in blood
13.259704 he chose to avoid the heavy Greek fine for avoiding service…his soul
crawled out and the world went dark
13.259. 689 nothing would ever replace his dead son
14.280.530 all the bowels spilled out and his soul rushed through the gaping wound
16.315.367 Spearpoint passing beneath the brainpan
16.320.538 The lungs came out with the spearpoint
16.329.860 Hector rams spearhead through pit of belly
Visual Descriptors
Got to God
14.271.197 Give me now the Sex and Desire [to foll Zeus] Hera arming sexual on earlier
page..Sleep helps too
15.285.143 Human offspring are hard to save
In Medias Res
15.283.74 But until that time comes
15.283.75 15.300.644 Athen was hastening his doom under Achilles hands (Hector)
15.296.Didn’t you hear him screaming to his men to burn our ships? He’s not inviting
them to a dance.
16.327.780 That was a nice dive
16.330.880 And you were stupid enough to listen