PSY 201 Study Guide-Chapter 6- Spring 2015



Chapter 6

What is personality? What characterizes how an individual adapts to the world?

What is character?

What is temperament?

What is the difference between genetic and prenatal influences on temperament?

What are the four perspectives in study of personality?

Who is Sigmund Freud? What was his obsession and his beliefs?

How is the mind divided? What are the three parts?

What is Frued’s Theory? What are the parts of personality within his theory?

What are the ten phases of Defense Mechanism? Give an example of each.

Personality develops in a series of stages which are universal. What are those stages? Explain each and give an example of what happens in each of those stages.

Who is Jung? What were his beliefs?

What is collective unconscious?

What are archetypes?

How did Jung view the mandala? What is the mandala?

Who is Adler? What are his beliefs?

Who is Horney? What are her beliefs?

Who is Erikson? What were his studies based on? Who did he study with?

Who is Bandura? What were his studies based on?

What is Social Cognitive Theory?

What is reciprocal determinism?

Define self-efficacy. Explain how it is different from self-esteem.

Who is Rotter? What is his theory?

Define Locus of control. Internal vs. External.

What is Humanistic Perspective?

Who is Maslow? What is his theory/perspective?

What are Maslow’s Hierarcy of Needs? Define each.

Who is Rogers? What are his thoughts on humanism and personality?

What are the components of self-concept?

What is the difference between positive regard, unconditional positive regard, and conditional positive regard?

Describe characteristics that make up human personality.

Who is Gordon Allport? What was his focus?

Who is Cattell? How did he define traits?

What is the Five-factor model?

Define the Big Five Theory in detail.

What is the Minnesota Twin Study?

How can you measure personality? (one way specifically) What are the pros and cons?

What is the Halo effect?

What are projective tests in measuring personality?

What is the Rorschach Inkblot Example?

How can you measure personality through behavioral assessments?

What is a personality inventory?

What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

What is the MMPI-2?

What are the pros and cons with self-report tests?

What did Spearman say about intelligence?

What did Gardner say about intelligence?

What did Sternberg say about intelligence?

What are some ways to measure intelligence?

What is the difference between reliability and validity?

What is standardization?

What are IQ Test Norms? What is the normal curve?

Define intellectual disability.

What classifies intellectual disability?

What classifies giftedness?

What was Terman’s study?

What is emotional intelligence?

Who first introduced the concept?
