PHIL 2303 syllabus, fall 2015

Phil 2303 • Introduction to Symbolic Logic • Fall 2015
Houston Community College Southwest
West Loop Campus
Professor: David Poston, M.A.
Office hours: by appointment / TBA
Class meeting times / location
Class number: 75847
MW: 11:20am -12:30 pm
West Loop Center Rm C223
Course Description: The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the nature and methods of clear
and critical thinking and methods of reasoning such as deduction, induction, scientific reasoning, and fallacies
(Texas ACGM – Approval Number: 38.0101.52 12). The course will constitute an introduction to symbolic
logic, focusing on both propositional and predicate logic, emphasizing the rules of translating language into
symbols, the rules of inference and replacement, and the mechanism of reasoning used by computers (HCCS
Catalog). This course fulfills the State of Texas CORE Mathematics requirement (check transfer institution
requirements) and serves as an HCC Core Course or Elective. In this course, the student will learn the
distinction between validity and soundness, how to translate natural English language arguments into symbolic
form, construct formal proofs of arguments (also known as “natural deduction”), and use truth tables and truth
trees to assess validity. Some effort will be made throughout the course to apply these critical thinking skills
towards the consideration of familiar arguments, both within the philosophical literature as well as within
everyday natural human reasoning.
HCC Learning Objectives:
1.1 Acquire a broad familiarity with logic and its relation to the determination and expression of meaning, its formal development,
and history.
1.2 Learn terms, relational operators, definitions, concepts necessary to a truth-functional system of propositional and predicate logic,
and meaning of validity, logical proof, and fallacy.
1.3 Identify premises and conclusions of arguments; distinguish between deductive and inductive arguments.
2.1 Cultivate comprehension of relational meaning by noting what sentences can be used to create arguments, then translate these into
standard form using symbolic language.
3.1 Learn full, partial, and short “truth table” methods for testing the validity of arguments.
3.2 Articulate the relevance of truth to logic and its relation to logical implication and fallacious reasoning.
4.1 Learn rules of inference, replacement rules, and methods of conditional and indirect proof, and consider how the proof method
establishes the validity of symbolic arguments.
5.1 Learn quantification of complex subjects / predicates and Venn diagrams.
5.2 Distinguish sentences that require existential as opposed to universal quantifiers, and recognize relations between propositions in
predicate logic and the classical square of opposition, then apply to proofs in predicate logic.
HCC Learning Outcomes:
1. Recall and identify the core components of articulated meaning understood from a logical perspective, both classical and
2. Construct arguments using English sentences, then interpret sentences in a manner that preserves their precise truth value when
translated into standard form.
3. Apply “truth table” method to arguments in order to determine whether valid, not-valid, then articulate the understanding that truth
tables provide for distinguishing between kinds of truth-functional statements, and sets of statements, logical equivalence, and logical
4. Apply the rules of inference and replacement rules to construct justified proofs of symbolic arguments, then implement methods of
conditional and indirect proof, including the proof of theorems.
5. Construct proofs in predicate logic that incorporate the quantification of complex subjects and predicates.
Materials Required for Class.
1. Supplies: LOTS of pencils (you will succeed in logic iff you bring pencils to class), a BIG eraser (no logician
is perfect), a highlighter, and plenty of notebook paper.
2. Textbook: Introduction to Logic: Propositional Logic (3rd Ed.), by Howard Pospesel. (It’s highly
recommended that you read in advance the sections we’ll be covering in class. See course calendar for details).
3. Supplementary logic workbook/packet: Must be purchased from the HCC bookstore immediately.
Tests: There will be 5 tests, including the final exam, which counts as one test.
Quizzes: There will be 9 online quizzes. I will drop the 2 lowest quiz grades and use the remainder to calculate
your quiz average. These quizzes will open no later than 10:00 am on the date listed on the calendar and end at
midnight (actually 11:59pm) the night before the next test.
Participation: This component includes in-class participation on logic exercises and regular attendance. Pay
attention, ask lots of questions, and participate!
Class Grade: 5 test grades + participation + quiz average = 7 grades for the class. I will drop the lowest of
these six grades (other than the final exam, which CANNOT be dropped), and average the remaining six to
determine your final grade.
Grading scale:
Attendance/participation: You are expected to show up to class every day, take good notes, and complete all
homework as assigned. Please be aware that per HCC policy, the student may be dropped from the class due to
excessive absences.
Course website and logic movies: The website contains a wealth of information and is
designed as a companion to the course. There are a number of videos and exercises that will aid you in mastery
of symbolic logic. While I would love to take credit for this invaluable resource, all the work has been done by
a colleague and good friend of mine, Curtis Haaga. You should consider the videos as a crucial component of
the course and should watch them regularly as you are completing your homework. Since our time in class is
cut short this semester, I’m requesting that you watch all the videos as we progress through the relevant topics.
The videos will fill in for any information not presented in class. Nota bene: The page numbers in the packet
we are using do not exactly match those on the website; however, if you search by topic, you should be
able to find the relevant video. In the case that I’m absent, you are responsible for watching the videos on the
relevant material, as we must master all the material before the final exam. If I do happen to be absent, I will
post an announcement on Eagle 2.0, along with instructions as to which videos to watch.
Homework: In order to be successful in this course, it is mandatory that you complete all assigned
homework. As in any math course, proficiency in logic is a skill that requires continual practice on a daily
basis. Failing to stay on top of your homework is a recipe for failure! While the amount of time required for
homework varies from individual to individual, a general rule of thumb is that you should plan to spend, at
minimum, the same length of time working on homework outside of class that you spend in class. (For this
regular semester iteration, this equates to around 3 hours per week). As an incentive, there will be a bonus
opportunity on the final exam for homework completion. (See next section below).
Bonuses: Most bonuses are added to specific tests. If a test is dropped as your lowest score, any associated
bonus goes with it. Bonus opportunities are as follows:
1. Challenge logic problems (usually proofs). These will be passed out in class and are typically due on the date
of the relevant exam. The number of points awarded will vary depending on difficulty level.
2. Hidden bonuses. That’s right! There are secret bonuses embedded within the exercises found on the website. In order to “discover” these bonuses, you must complete the exercises successfully
with a mastery score of at least 95%. Some, but not all, of the exercises will come with a “reward code.” For
each reward code (and its associated picture) that you discover, you will earn +2 pts on the relevant exam.
Note: All screenshots must be printed out and brought to class on exam day and stapled to your exam in
order to redeem your points. Screenshots should display your browser window, etc., to uniquely identify
your work. Emailed screenshots will not be accepted.
3. Homework. As mentioned before, it’s imperative that you complete all the HW in the packet. As an
incentive, at the end of the course, I’ll ask you to highlight, staple, and turn in a set of random homework
problems. Note: All homework must be completed in pencil. I will not select homework from the textbook,
only from the packet. Completion of 90% of these selected problems will result in +5 pts being added to your
final exam. (I will not award any points for incomplete homework). If your homework is in pen and/or
incomplete, no bonus points will be awarded: (P v ~C) → ~B.
Cheating: I care about cheating, and I will deal seriously with any incidents that arise. Please refer to the
relevant portion of the HCC handbook on academic honesty for details. Cheating during a test (including use of
cell phones, etc.) will constitute a zero for the exam. A subsequent incident will result in an F in the course.
Technology and classroom etiquette: No laptops, cell phones, or other electronic devices should be in use
during class time. If you need to text or call, please step outside to do so and/or make use of break time. Lack
of involvement in class will reflect negatively in your participation grade.
Communication/office hours/assistance: Feel free to email me on all kinds of class-related issues. I welcome
questions of any sort. It’s best to admit that you’re struggling before it’s too late! While I have no official
office hours, I am happy to try to arrange something if at all possible (likely immediately after class). Also,
don’t forget to make use of the website! There are lots of helpful videos and exercises which
are organized by unit (1-5). Also, you should keep up with Eagle 2.0 online to stay abreast of any news or
revisions to the course. I will post news, reminders, etc., on the Eagle 2.0 site.
Withdrawal from class: The deadline to withdraw without receiving a grade is October 30, 2015. If you do
not drop by that date, you will receive a grade for the course.
Policy on missing quizzes/tests: Please don’t. I will NOT give make-up tests. The first test you miss will be
dropped as your lowest score, but if you miss a second, you will receive a 0. Please accept my apologies in
advance—there are good reasons to miss tests, but I will be firm about this policy. Note: in most circumstances,
it is perfectly acceptable to take a test in advance if you make arrangements with me in a timely manner. The
same applies to the online quizzes: Once the deadline to take the quizzes expires, they will not be reopened.
Eagle 2.0: HCC’s course management system is now called Eagle 2.0 online. In order to access the course
online (including quizzes, news updates, and links to logic movies), you should visit If you
have trouble logging into your account, notify technical support immediately. I cannot be held responsible for
technical issues on your end with regard to the online quizzes. It is in your best interest to resolve any technical
problems well in advance of the expiration date/time for the quizzes BEFORE they expire.
Course evaluations: Course evaluations will be done via the EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student
Survey System). During a designated time near the end of the term, you will be asked to answer a short online
survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made
available to your professors and department chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Go
to for more information. You may access the course evaluation tool via Eagle 2.0 online.
Phil 2303 • Intro to Symbolic Logic • Fall 2015
Houston Community College Southwest
Professor: David Poston
Office hours: by appt.
Class meeting times / location
Class number: 75847
MW: 11:20am-12:30pm West Loop Center
Note: The instructor reserves the right to change the schedule below without any prior notice.
M 8/24
W 8/26
M 8/31
W 9/2
M 9/7
W 9/9
M 9/14
W 9/16
M 9/21
W 9/23
M 9/28
W 9/30
M 10/5
To read
Ch. 1
Ch. 2.1, 2.2
Ch. 2.3
Ch. 3.1
Ch. 3.2, 3.3
Ch. 1-3
Packet 1.1, 1.2
Packet 1.3-1.4
Packet 1.5
Packet 1.7-1.8
Eat jello
Packet 1.9
Packet 1.11
Ch. 4.1
Ch. 4.2
Packet 2.1-2.2
Packet 2.3
Not symbolization
Not proofs
Advanced Strategies
Test 2 Review
Ch. 5.1
Ch. 5.2, 5.3
Packet 2.11
Ch. 4-5
Packet 2.5-2.7
Packet 2.8
Packet 2.8 (advanced strategies)
Packet 2.12
Ch. 6.1
Ch. 6.2
Ch. 7.1
Ch. 7.2, 7.3
Ch. 7.2, 7.3
Ch. 9
Packet 3.1
Packet 3.2
Packet 3.3-3.5
Packet 3.6
Packet 3.6
Packet 3.8, 3.10
Ch. 6-9,
Packet 3.113.13
Packet 3.14
Ch. 10.1,
Packet 4.6
Ch. 12-13,
Packet 4.6
Packet 4.1, 4.3
Test 2
W 10/7
M 10/12
W 10/14
M 10/19
Course Introduction
Validity & Soundness
If…then symbolization
If…then proofs
And symbolization
No class (Labor Day)
And proofs
Test 1 Review
Test 1
If Again symbolization
If Again proofs
W 10/28
Iff symbolization
Iff proofs
Or symbolization
Or proofs
Or proofs (cont.)
Derived rules
Withdrawal deadline 10/30
Test 3 review
M 11/2
Test 3
W 10/21
M 10/26
W 11/4
M 11/9
Truth tables
W 12/2
M 12/7
Truth tables (cont.)
Properties of statements,
logical relations
Truth trees
Unusual argument forms
Test 4 review
Test 4
Predicate Logic symbolization
Predicate Logic symbolization
Validity and Soundness Again
Predicate Logic Trees
Test 5 Review
Test 5 (final exam)
M 12/14
Grades due at 12:00 pm
W 11/11
M 11/16
W 11/18
M 11/23
W 11/25
M 11/30
Packet 4.7
Ch. 10-13
Packet 4.4
Packet 4.8
Packet 5.1, 5.2
Packet 5.3-5.5
Ch. 10, 12
Packet 5.9
Packet 5.10
Packet 5.11 (selected problems)