MLA Outline Format Example

*MLA outline uses a combination of Roman and Arabic numerals and contemporary
English letters. Below is an example of an MLA outline.
When you do your outline, be sure to include the proper standard paper format heading
(your name, etc.) in the upper left corner
Title of Outline
I. Main heading #1
A. subheading #1
1. details for subheading #1
2. more details for subheading #1
3. more details for subheading #1
4. more details for subheading #1
a. information on specific detail
b. more information on specific detail
B. subheading #2
II. Main heading #2
See the Next Page for a Sample Outline
Things We Do In English Class
I. Vocabulary
A. Packets
1. Prefixes
2. Suffixes
B. Quizzes
1. Eight new words each quiz
2. Quizzes are cumulative
3. After four quizzes, oldest eight words are dumped
II. Writing
A. Analysis writing
1. TDEC process
2. Focus on device
a. language
(1) figurative language
(2) diction
(3) imagery
b. syntax
(1) repetition
(a) anaphora
(b) epistrophe
(c) anadiplosis
(d) epanalepsis
(2) parallelism
(3) rhetorical questions
(4) rhetorical fragments
B. Expository writing
III. Reading
A. annotation
1. selected passages
2. thematic ideas
B. inferencing
IV. Sentence Diagramming
A. subjects
B. predicates
1. action verbs
2. helping verbs
3. linking verbs
C. direct objects
D. indirect objects
E. adjectives
F. adverbs
G. prepositional phrases
H. indirect objects
Works Cited Format
Use MLA Format to compile your Works Cited page
Use the proper heading (your name, etc. in the upper left corner) for standard paper
Title it “Works Cited”
Alphabetize the entries by first word of the entry
Use hanging indent
Use online sources to help you put the info in the right order and get the right
You do not have to include URL’s
Page should be double-spaced with no extra space between entries
Use online resources to help you format your information; these links will be available in
● Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
● EasyBib (Easy bib will prompt you to look for info that its citation generator does not find)
● Databases--they will do the citation formatting for you if you click the right icon
See below for an example of Works Cited
Works Cited
“Calvin Klein Fragrances.” Calvin Klein Fragrances. Web. 04 May 2012.
Coleman, Brenna. "Media Portrayal of Women." Media Literacy @ 15 Jan.
2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
Hopper, Jessica. "The Dove Campaign: Conforming or Transforming?" National Organization
for Women (NOW). 2006. Web. 12 Apr. 2012.
Lieve, Cindi. "On the C.L.: The Picture You Can't Stop Talking About: Meet ‘the Woman on
P. 194’" Glamour. Web. 12 Apr. 2012.