Appendix A Report Title Which Committees is this report intended for? (Please state dates) Cabinet Date: Overview and Scrutiny Date: Full Council Date: Is the report Exempt? Yes No Does the report concern a Key Decision? Yes No If a Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan? Yes No Yes No Why is it exempt? Ward(s) affected Responsible Cabinet Member name Contact Officer Email address Telephone number Are there Non-electronic appendices? List of Background Papers, including committee papers, used in drafting this report. File Location Implications/Risks Have you identified and explained within the report the implications of the options available to Members? (Implications should include financial, legal and links to the Council’s existing policies and strategies) Have you highlighted the risks to the Council? Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to simply state that financial implications or risks have been alluded to in the main body of the report. Have you considered Sustainability issues in relation to this report? Sustainability should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Sustainability has been alluded to in the Yes None Yes None Yes None Appendix A main body of the report Have you considered Equality and Diversity issues in relation to this report? Equality and Diversity should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Equality and Diversity has been alluded to in the main body of the report Have you considered S17 Crime and Disorder issues in relation to this report? Crime and Disorder should have its own separate heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Crime and Disorder has been alluded to in the main body of the report Yes None Yes None This report has been subject to the following processes: Consultations with: Cabinet Member Yes If not please state reason below Local Member Yes If not please state reason below S151 Officer Yes If not please state reason below Monitoring Officer Yes If not please state reason below Democratic Services Team Leader Yes If not please state reason below Communications Manager Yes If not please state reason below Other Head(s) of Service: Others: Please confirm this report has been signed off by: Management Team Yes Relevant Strategic Director Yes Not apt Not apt The Chief Executive Yes Not apt Appendix A Agenda Item No____________ TITLE OF REPORT HERE Summary: This should summarise the main aims of your report. Recommendations: This should clearly state the recommendation you are asking the Committee to agree and which will go, subject to amendment, in the minutes. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Alternative Courses of Action Considered (for Executive Decisions only): Consultation Undertaken: Background Papers used in writing this report: 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 Themed Subheading as necessary. 1.2 Themed Subheading as necessary. 1.3 Themed Subheading as necessary 2. Main body of report 2.1 Themed Subheading as necessary 2.2 Themed Subheading as necessary 2.3 Themed Subheading as necessary 4. Implications and Risks 5. Financial Implications and Risks 6. Sustainability 7. Equality and Diversity 8. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations