Early Republic Cheat Sheet George Washington Set many

Early Republic Cheat Sheet
George Washington
Set many precedents as 1st President
Unwritten Constitution – Things our government does out of custom and tradition even though there is no mention of
them in the Constitution – examples - Political Parties, President’s Cabinet
1st Political Parties created because of differences in his cabinet
Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Hamilton’s Financial Plan – Excise tax (on Whiskey caused Whiskey Rebellion), National Bank, high tariff
Jefferson opposes National Bank arguing it is unconstitutional
Strict vs loose interpretation of Constitution
Strict (Jefferson) – Govt can ONLY do what the Constitution says it can do
Loose (Hamilton) – Govt can do a lot more because of the elastic (or necessary and proper) clause
Hamilton Wins – National bank will help stabilize the American economy and lead to prosperity
Washington’s Foreign Policy
NEUTRALITY – All the early presidents favored a policy of neutrality in order to preserve newly won independence
Thomas Jefferson
Also remained NEUTRAL in European conflicts/crisis
Biggest achievement was purchase of Louisiana. However, this purchase requires a loose interpretation of the
Louisiana was important because it allowed the U.S. to use the Port of New Orleans and the Mississippi river to transport
U.S. agricultural products
Monroe Doctrine – issued to prevent European nations from future colonization in Latin America.
Court Cases
Judicial Review – Power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional. First used in Marbury v. Madison
Gibbons v Ogden – based on the federal governments right to regulate interstate commerce
Andrew Jackson
Greatly expanded the power of the Presidency (even given nickname King Andrew) – examples: used veto power often,
replaces government workers with his supporters (spoils system), removed Native Americans from South to West of the
Mississippi River (Trail of Tears)