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Jefferson vs Hamilton: Constitutional Views Worksheet

Jefferson v Hamilton
Jefferson’s View
What is Jefferson saying?
What is Hamilton Saying?
Hamilton’s View
“I consider the foundation of the
Constitution as laid on this ground:
That ‘all powers not delegated to the
United States, by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the states or to the
people.’ To take a single step beyond
the boundaries thus specially drawn
around the powers of Congress, is to
take possession of a boundless field
of power, no longer susceptible of
any definition.”
“To deny that the government of the
United States has sovereign power,
as to its declared purposes and
trusts, because its power does not
extend to all cases would be equally to
deny that the State governments have
sovereign power in any case,
because their power does not extend
to every case.”
“It is my principle that the will of the
Majority should always
prevail...Above all things I hope the
education of the common people will
be attended to; [I am] convinced that
on their good sense we may rely with
the most security for the
preservation of a due degree of
“We must take man as we find him,
and if we expect him to serve the
public [we] must interest his passions
in doing so. A reliance on pure
patriotism has been the source of
many of our errors.”
“The incorporation of a bank, and the
powers assumed by this bill, have
not, in my opinion, been delegated to
the United States by the Constitution.
“Accordingly, it is affirmed, that it [the
bank] has relation, more or less
direct, to the power of collecting taxes;
to that of borrowing money; to that of
regulating trade between the
From what you have read, who believed in the “Common Man?” Be sure to cite evidence.
From what you have read, who believe in loose construction of the Constitution? Be sure to cite evidence.
Who did not want a bank? What reason did he give? ​
Be sure to cite evidence.