War of 1812 and Ch 7

Chapter 7
Growth and Division
“Era of Good Feelings”
 Presidency of James Monroe
 One party controlled national politics
Economic Nationalism
 Second National Bank
 Protective Tariffs
 Improvements to transportation systems
Judicial Nationalism
 Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee
Established Supreme Court as final court
of appeal
 McCulloch v. Maryland
Bank is legal under “necessary and proper”
State can’t interfere with federal actions
 Gibbons v. Ogden
Federal control over interstate commerce
Nationalist Diplomacy
 Andrew Jackson and the Seminoles
 Adams-Onis Treaty
Acquisition of Florida
 Monroe Doctrine
No European intervention in the Americas
Quadruple Alliance (Britain, Austria,,
Prussia, Russia)
Section 2 – Early Industry
 National Road
Only great federally funded transportation
project of the time
Most paid for by state and local
government and private businesses
 Steamboats and Canals
Erie Canal
 Barges
could carry more than wagons
 Steamboat
Robert Fulton
 Barges
could usually only go downstream but
riverboats could go both ways
 “Iron Horse”
Peter Cooper
 “Tom
Thumb” –
Not popular with everyone at first
 Noisy,
pollution, dangerous
 Faster
 Could
go anywhere track could be laid
 Helped settle the west
Increased demand for iron and coal
 Industrial Revolution
Helped by the American free enterprise
 Incorporation
laws, limited liability
Started in Northeast
Samuel Slater, Francis Lowell
Eli Whitney
 Interchangeable
Samuel Morse
 Morse
code, Telegraph
Rise of Large Cities
 Industrialization drew people to the cities
 More people became educated
 Worker Organizations
Labor Unions
 Family Farms
Agriculture was country’s leading economic
North had prosperous farms, but industry
expanded, too
South stayed tied to agriculture and
Southern Economy
 After Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin,
textile mills that were booming in Britain
wanted more and more cotton
 The high demand for cotton created a
huge demand for slave labor
 From 1820 to 1860 slavery in the south
 Task System – small farms or
plantations, workers were given specific
jobs to finish each day. When done they
were allowed to do other things
 Gang System – workers were put into
work gangs that labored from sun-up to
Anti-Slavery Movement
 Frederick Douglas was a
former slave who became a
leader of the antislavery
 Slave Codes – state laws that
forbade slaves from owning
land, leaving without
permission, or learning to
read or write
Sec 4 Growing Sectionalism
 In 1819 Missouri applied for statehood
as a slave state
 At the time the U.S. had 11 free and 11
slave states
 This would upset the balance and
spread slavery westward
 The Missouri Compromise called for
admitting Maine as a free state and
Missouri as a slave state, and prohibiting
slavery in the Louisiana Purchase
 Later in 1819 Alabama became the 22nd
state on Dec. 14, 1819
Election of 1824
 Four Candidates – favored sons
Henry Clay of Kentucky
Andrew Jackson of Tennessee
John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts
William Crawford of Georgia
 Henry Clay’s plan was called the
American System – favored the national
bank, the protective tariff, and
nationwide internal improvements, like
roads and canals
 Jackson won the popular vote but no
candidate won the majority in the Electoral
 So the House selected from the top 3
 Clay was eliminated so he threw his
support to John Quincy Adams
 Adams won
 Jackson accused Adams and Clay of a
“corrupt bargain”
 Jackson’s supporters took the name
Election of 1828
 John Quincy Adams VS Andrew Jackson
 Bitter campaign, the first where both
candidates participated in mudslinging
 Jackson won the election with support
from the West and South