Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism
 Describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the US.
 Explain how two different economic systems developed in
the North and South.
 Describe the tension between Adams and Jackson.
 Explain Jackson’s spoils system and his appeal to the common
 Identify some of Jackson’s economic policies and their impact
on his successor.
Regional Economies Create
 Eli Whitney: demonstrated the 1st musket of interchangeable
 Mass production: production of goods in large quantities
 Brought about an Industrial Revolution: economic
reorganization as machines replaced hand tools
Great Britain
 Started 18th century
 Power-driven machinery
 Mass-produced textiles
Industrial Revolution in US
 Thomas Jefferson:
Embargo Act of 1807
 War of 1812
 Forced Americans to
develop industries
 Embargo: prohibited
American from shipping
goods to Europe
New England Industrializes
 Using plans from an English mill
 Francis Cabot Lowell built a weaving factory in Waltham, MA
 People came for work
Two-Economic Systems
 Cash crops did not grow in the north but they did in the
 Northern farmers had small farms that didn’t require much
labor to flourish
Cotton is King
 Whitney: cotton gin (1793)
 Short-staple cotton was easier
to grow but harder to clean
than long-staple
 Cotton gin: made it possible
for farmers to grow shortstaple for more money
 Plantation owners bought up
all the land and through slave
labor cultivated it
 1820: the plantation system
was common (LA,MS, AL)
 Slave importation declined during the Am. Rev. by 1820’s
slaves grew
 1790-1810: slaves 700,000 to 1,200,000; Cotton 3,000 bales
to 178,000 bales
American System
 Develop transportation systems
 Est. protective tariff
 Resurrect national bank
Erie Canal
 National road: (1811) from
Cumberland, Maryland to
Vandalia, Illinois
 Erie Canal:
 363 miles
 Eight years to dig
 Linked Hudson River to
Lake Erie
Nationalism Shapes Policy
 John Q. Adams: est. foreign policy guided by nationalism
 National interests should be placed ahead of regional
 Monroe Doctrine: After Spain and Portugal defeated
Napoleon in 1815, they wanted to reclaim former colonies in
Latin America
 Many Americans wanted northern Mexico and Spanish
colony of Cuba
 President Monroe: warned all outside powers not to
interfere in the Western Hemisphere
Missouri Compromise
 New states added to the Union
 Slave or free?
 Louisiana Territory split into two spheres at the 36’30’ north
 South: slavery (Legal)
 North: except Missouri (Slavery banned)
Andrew Jackson
 1824: Jackson won the popular vote but not the electoral
House of Reps had to decide (nobody won majority)
Henry Clay (Speaker of the House) hated Jackson
Jackson lost
Adams won
Jacksonians claimed Dams stole the election when Adams
appointed Clay secretary of state
Election of 1828
 Most states eased the voting requirements
 1824: 350,000 white males voted
 1828: 3X that voted
 Jackson had great appeal to the common man
 Humble origins
 Old Hickory
Spoils System
 “To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy”
 Fired 10% of the federal employees from former presidents
 “Kitchen Cabinet” gave jobs to loyal Jacksonians
 Slipped into the White House through the kitchen
Indian Removal Act 1830
 Jackson: assimilation could not work
 Forced Native Americans to move west
 Trail of Tears
 800 mile trip
 Cherokee force to relocate
 Government stole money and possessions along the way
 25% of their people died
The Great Father